Several dozen Canadian geese feed on the hillside overlooking the Mississippi River in Davenport.

Hollowview Park flowers

Wildflowers abound around the bike path near Hollowview Park. The red, white and blue flowers bring thoughts of July 4 and lazy summer afternoons. To see the flowers, take the path between Devil's Glen Park and Hollowview Park. Hats off to the Park and Rec department for planting the flowers. For more photos, click read more.

May 21 Minutes of the Bettendorf School Board

The Community Use of Facilities Ad Hoc Committee presented their follow-up report, including suggested changes to the various Board policies associated with use of facilities by community groups. Jerry Fagle, Grant Wood Principal, and Mark Brooks, Athletic Director, highlighted suggested changes, including a new regulation on rules for usage of district facilities by clubs and AAU groups. Potential changes in user fees for outside school groups were discussed. Directors recommended staff discuss potential changes and associated costs with the affected group(s). The revised policies will be place on the June 4 Board agenda as an action item.

PV 5.21.01 and 5.23.01 Board Minutes

Bill Moylan commented that he was pleased to see that the tennis courts
were going to be resurfaced. He asked if the courts were going to be
lit. Dr. Barber responded that we plan to provide lights pending
funding support from grants and the Bettendorf Park Board. Mr. Moylan
recommended wiring all 8 courts for lights and planting trees around the
periphery of the courts to serve as a natural wind break.
Bids on this
project will be due May 29. The project's completion date is August 15.

Palmer Hills landscaping.

The new 9th hole on Palmer Hills Golf Course should protect drivers on Middle Road from errant drives. The new berm and over a dozen new evergreens should also help to block the view of the road to golfers.

New sculpture near Family Museum

A new sculpture was recently spotted near the Family Museum. The Sculpture adorns the end of the parking lot, and appears to represent the Earth, Sun and Moon, being held by green hands. What this means, I'm not sure, but it is interesting to look at. If anyone knows more about this sculpture, please comment and let us know!

Teacher openings at PV Schools

The Pleasant Valley Community School District has the following openings for the 2001 - 2002 school year:

Sandbag Stench

As the river recedes, the sandbag wall that helped prevent flooding has now become the problem. These sandbags, now with a "dead fish" smell, await disposal at the floodwall by Leach Park, Bettendorf. The Mississippi River is expected to fall below the 15-foot flood stage this week.

Bettendorf Park Board Meeting Minutes April 11, 2001

Commissioner Kamp informed the Board that a skate park meeting was held on Monday to finalize the design with the thought that we might be cutting the park in half to get something by this Fall. The next meeting will be held on April 23 to discuss fund raising, approaching businesses and having a car wash.

Bettendorf Park Board Meeting Minutes April 9, 2001

Ron Foster was present to review the Fast Pitch Softball Tournament scheduled at Crow Creek Park May 24-27, 2001. There will be six tournaments going on and 50 teams participating. This tournament is being held to get the Quad Cities involved in fast pitch softball again. They will have three food vendors in the park: Golick's, Ganzos, and Happy Joe's.

PV School Board Agenda 5/21/2001

Agenda for the May 21 meeting of the PV School Board. Two items of note are:

A. Public Hearing - Resurfacing Tennis Courts and Running Track

B. Acceptance of Final Plans & Request for Bids for Tennis Court & Running Track Resurfacing - Brian Strusz and Ray LaFrentz


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