Bettendorf School Board minutes for April 23.

Minutes for all three meetings, regular meeting, exempt session and public hearing.




Official Minutes of the April 23, 2001, Regular Meeting

1. Call to Order.

The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, state of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for the regular meeting at the Ray Stensvad Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa, on April 23, 2001. President Roski called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. and students from Neil Armstrong lead members in the Pledge of Allegiance. Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law.

Members present: Directors Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Roski, Wahlstrand, Weigle.

Members absent: None.

Other officials present: John Perdue, Superintendent; Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; Paul Bobek, Executive Director of Business Affairs; Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications; John Campbell, Director of Operations; Dana Vavroch, BEA Representative; Leigh Taylor, Student Representative; Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary.

2. Agenda Approval.

Motion by Director Wahlstrand, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the agenda as presented.

Ayes: 7 Directors Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Roski, Wahlstrand, Weigle.

Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

3. Comments and Suggestions from Audience.

3.01 President's Statement. On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite any member of the audience to step to the microphone with comments about items of interest or concern that do not appear on the agenda this evening. Please begin by stating your name and address. It would be most appreciated if you would limit your comments to three minutes so that we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to speak. We ask that you remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. If you have thoughts to share about items that are included as topics for tonight's meeting, we would invite those comments when we reach that point in the meeting. Thank you for your support of our school district.

There were no comments from the audience.

Patrick Van Nevel, Board Treasurer, arrived at 7:27 p.m.

4. Commendations.

4.01 Student Spotlight on Neil Armstrong Elementary School. Students from Armstrong Elementary School shared projects and provided an overview on recent intersession classes.

4.02 Seniors Katie McGaffigan and Brian Cutright, have been selected by the sports writers of Quad City Times as finalists for the Quad City Times Athlete of the Year. †This award will be presented at the Adler Theater on April 25, 2001.

4.03 Congratulations to Paul Bobek, Executive Director of Business Affairs, on his election to the presidency of the Iowa Association of School Business Officials (IASBO). IASBO provides programs and services that promote high standards for school business management practices and professional growth. Mr. Bobek has also been involved with the IASBO Business Academy, developing curriculum and teaching classes.

4.04 Bettendorf High School's Functional Skills program was one of five programs selected for statewide recognition in 2000/01 Iowa FINE Programs Recognition Project. This program is directed by Bev Hartwig and a team of other special education resource staff. A statewide recognition event will be held at the Governor's mansion on Saturday, May 12.

4.05 Nancy Emmerson, BHS language arts instructor, was elected to the 2001/02 Board of Directors for the Iowa High School Press Association.

4.06 Bettendorf Middle School principal, Rick Herrig, presented the keynote address at the Iowa Association of Middle Level Educators Central Region Middle Level Conference. The keynote address was, "The Middle School Concept: It's a Pool Party and You're All Invited". Mr. Herrig also presented a breakout session, "Assessment, Homework and Grading: Are We Doing the Right Thing?"

4.07 Bettendorf Middle School served as a host site for the IAMLE Sectional conference held on Wednesday, April 11. Approximately 120 teachers from the Quad Cities area attended the event. Jack Berckemeyer, Affiliate Director of the National Middle School Association, was the keynote speaker and presented a breakout session on Language Arts strategies. Middle School staff who presented at the conference included: Sue Begyn - National Board Certification, Lori Hatch and Mick McVey - Alternate Assessment and Computer Assisted Investigations in Social Studies, Michelle Bruty and Jayne Biscontine-O'Brian - After-School Club, Chad Uhde - Student Developed Web Pages, Julie Duffin, Michelle Bruty, Craig Lennon, and Chad Uhde - Implementing Love and Logic in Your Middle School, Rick Herrig - Assessment, Homework, and Grading: Are We Doing the Right Thing?, and parents Terese Touvelle, Paula Potthoff, and Paula Cone - A Parent Link Volunteer Program.

5. Consent Agenda

Director Roski noted an error in the April 2, 2001, Regular Board Meeting Minutes, on page 4, under item 7.02, paragraph 2, noting the motion was not seconded by Director Petersen. Lynne Lindstrom stated she would review meeting notes and make the appropriate correction.

Director Roski inquired as to whether it is necessary to send the minutes to the local newspaper for publication prior to the Board's approval. Superintendent Perdue will investigate this option and report back to the Board; however, due to statutory time limits, this may not be feasible.

Motion by Director Anderson, seconded by Director Luton, to approve the consent agenda with the above noted revision.

Ayes: 7 Directors Arney, Castro, Luton, Roski, Wahlstrand, Weigle, Anderson.

Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

Approval of April 2, 2001, Special Meeting Minutes.

Approval of April 2, 2001, Public Hearing Minutes.

Approval of April 2, 2001, Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Approval of April 23, 2001, Bills Recommended for Payment.

Approval of Administrative Recommendations--Personnel.

Certified Transfer

Ann Marshall/TJ/Transfer from .5 FTE Kindergarten and .5 FTE 1st Grade Core to 1.0 FTE Kindergarten/New position/Effective 8/20/01

Certified Resignation

Beverly Anderson/TJ/.5 FTE Media Specialist/Effective 6/8/01

Tiphanie Cannon/PN/3rd Grade/Effective 6/8/01

Pam Dennison/HH/5th Grade/Effective 6/8/01

Carri Kilstrom/HH/3rd Grade/Effective 6/8/01

Susan Kalkan/BHS/ Spanish/Effective 6/8/01

Amy Pavlacic/BHS/Language Arts/Effective 6/8/01

Schedule D Resignation

Robert Gallagher/BHS/Head Sophomore Wrestling/Effective 4/4/01

Mick McVey/BMS/Assistant 8th Football/Effective 6/8/01

Chad Olberding/BHS/Head 9th Wrestling/Effective 4/2/01

Jennifer Seifert/BHS/Assistant 10th Basketball (Girls)/Effective 4/5/01

Schedule D Request to Hire

David Pipe/BMS/Assistant 8th Football/Per 2001/02 Salary Schedule/Replacing Mick McVey/Effective 8/22/01

Joe Vaccaro/BHS/Head 10th Baseball/$2,474/Replacing Scott Christensen/Effective 5/01/01

Recommendation for Employment-Classified

Florence Tournear/GW/Food Service-Elementary Satellite Worker/$6.34 per hour/ 2 hours per day/Replacing Rochelle (Chris) Smith/Effective 4/12/01

Classified Letter of Assignment Modification

Mary Ann Bruno/BMS/Food Service-Regular Part-time/$7.34 per hour/From 3 hours per day to 3.25 hours per day/Add Breakfast preparation/Effective 4/9/01

Rochelle (Chris) Smith/GW/Food Service-Satellite Worker-Breakfast and Lunch/$6.34 per hour/From 3 hours per day to 1 hour per day/Serving Breakfast only/Effective 4/9/01

Donna Schoening/BMS/From IA to IA/TA/$8.60 for 4.5 hours per day; $10.00 for 1 hour per day/4.5 hours as IA; 1 hour as TA/Monitors study hall one hour per day/Retroactive to 8/22/00

Approval of Tuition Application, 2001/02.

Mohammed Rajput, grade 9 (as of 01/02), from Aledo, IL

Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment.

Into Bettendorf, 2000/01

Paige Danielson, grade 7, from Muscatine, good cause related to change of residence

Todd Dooling, grade 6, from North Scott, continuation due to change of residence

Tyson Dooling, grade 5, from North Scott, continuation due to change of residence

Vanessa Dooling, grade 4, from North Scott, continuation due to change of residence

Shani-Anne Rinnert, grade 9, from North Scott, continuation due to change of residence

Out of Bettendorf, 2000/01

Karl Lehman, kindergarten, to Pleasant Valley, continuation due to change of residence

Ryne McDaniel, grade 3, to Pleasant Valley, continuation due to change of residence

Chauncey Price, grade 2, to Davenport, continuation due to change of residence

Into Bettendorf, 2001/02

Hye-Jo Ahn, kindergarten (as of 2001/02), from Davenport

Colton Fersch, kindergarten (as of 2001/02), from Davenport

Zoie Fuller, kindergarten (as of 2001/02), from Davenport

Killian Martenson, kindergarten (as of 2001/02), from Pleasant Valley

Courtney Melton, kindergarten (as of 2001/02), from Davenport

Out of Bettendorf, 2001/02

Collin Herington, kindergarten (as of 2001/02), to Davenport

Nathan Rudsell, kindergarten (as of 2001/02), to Pleasant Valley

6. Discussion Items and Reports.

6.01 Shared Communications.

Director Luton shared his recent travel experience to England, noting the rigid testing techniques utilized and stating his support of our educational system.

President Roski informed directors of a public meeting to be held at St. John Vianney Church on April 24 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss class size reduction. The "concerned parent group" at Hoover Elementary is spearheading this effort. Director Roski encouraged Board members to attend.

Director Castro commented on the response of BHS students and staff in recent emergency needs related to the rising waters of the Mississippi River. In particular, he expressed his appreciation to BHS wrestling coach, Dan Drexler, who recently volunteered his efforts and the efforts of his team for sandbagging in west Davenport. Superintendent Perdue also expressed his thanks to the student body and staff for their response to this emergency situation.

Directors Weigle and Roski attended the BHS Hall of Honor ceremony on April 19 at Jumer's. The four new inductees shared their educational experiences and commented on the impact educators had on their professional development.

6.02 AEA Update.

Tom Mielnik provided an update on recent information being discussed by the Area Education Agency Board of Directors. These topics included: reorganization study; AEA Chief Administrator's consensus statement; State budget cuts; and the AEA governing boards conference.

BHS Enhancement to Block Schedule Update.

Laura Kauffman, BHS School Improvement Team, and David Thompson, Associate Principal, reviewed proposed enhancements to the block schedule for the 2001-02 school year. The enhancements included: offering selected courses every other year; reducing the gap between sequenced course offerings; balancing classloads; creating a career center; and potentially offering summer school classes. Ms. Kauffman reviewed responses to an all-staff survey on the block schedule. Under examination for future changes are: a freshman academy (three 60 minute periods from two blocks Algebra 1 and Science class); senior issues; GPA's; class size; flex scheduling for staff and students; weighted grading; advisement/mentoring period. Statistical data on advanced placement courses were reviewed. Student representative, Leigh Taylor, commented on the participatory changes since block scheduling and the utilization and incorporation of technology into the classroom. Ms. Janet Brown-Lowe of the Academic Affairs Committee shared recent data analysis of the top 10 percent for the Class of '95; this committee will continue to research other classes and review trends related to block scheduling.

Professional Growth System Review.

Director Weigle provided an overview of the professional growth system and introduced committee members involved with development and implementation of this system. Staff members are in the process of completing their third full year of implementation under the revised plan. The three phases of evaluation include: probationary, professional growth, and teacher assistance plan. Committee members reviewed the process of self-assessment, focus for growth, creation of a professional development plan, the conference and ongoing review with evaluator, and the reflective summary and conference. Directors discussed benchmarks and teaching standards. Feedback from staff has been very positive, and the committee is researching the potential for expansion of this review process.

BHS Chiller.

John Campbell, Director of Operations, reviewed the need to replace the BHS HVAC chiller unit as part of the renovations occurring this summer. He recommended replacement of the chiller unit at an approximate cost of $150,000, with an additional $14,000 for engineering fees. He also provided an analysis from the professional engineers for this project. Funding for this project would be provided by the one-cent local option sales and service tax fund. Directors expressed their support of the recommendation to replace the BHS chiller unit.

Board of Education Secretary Evaluation Forms/Process.

Directors reviewed the evaluation process and forms for the Board of Education Secretary position. Directors suggested Lynne Lindstrom complete a self-evaluation by May 7 and develop a professional goal for the upcoming year. Following this review, directors will complete the evaluation form and submit their input to Director Wahlstrand by May 23 for compilation. The evaluation session was scheduled for Monday, June 4.

7. Action Items.

Second Reading of 500 Series: Student Board Policies, and other selected Board policies.

Directors conducted a second reading of suggested revisions to Board Policy 500 Series and other selected policies as follows:

Code No. 203, Board of Directors' Conflict of Interest

Code 303.1, Superintendent of Schools

Superintendent Perdue recommended exclusion of the policies in the 504.4 and 504.5 series, addressing student health issues. These policies are being further reviewed and will be presented at the May 7 meeting for approval.

Motion by Director Wahlstrand, seconded by Director Castro, to approve the second reading of Board Policy 500 Series and selected policies noted above, with the exception of policies in the 504.4 and 504.5 series.

Ayes: 7 Directors Castro, Luton, Roski, Wahlstrand, Weigle, Anderson, Arney.

Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

Approval of Board of Education Meeting Dates for 2001/02.

Motion by Director Castro, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the Board of Education meeting dates for 2001/02, including the change of meeting date from Monday, September 17, meeting to Tuesday, September 18.

Ayes: 7 Directors Luton, Roski, Wahlstrand, Weigle, Anderson, Arney, Castro.

Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

Neil Armstrong Parking Lot Bid Approval.

John Campbell, Director of Operations, reviewed the results of the five bids received for the Neil Armstrong parking lot improvements, including alternate bids. He outlined the proposed changes and share a paving and grading plan prepared by McClure Engineering Associates.

Motion by Director Wahlstrand, seconded by Director Weigle, to award the contract to Anderson Commercial Concrete, Inc. in the amount of $138,544.83 for the Neil Armstrong Elementary School parking lot improvements, also including alternate #1 at a cost of $13,233.79 for resurfacing and expanding the north parking lot and alternate #2 at a cost of $16,762.61 for reconstructing the south service drive, for a total contract amount not to exceed $168,541.23.

Ayes: 7 Directors Roski, Wahlstrand, Weigle, Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton.

Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

8. Superintendent's Report.

LOSS Budget Update. Paul Bobek, Executive Director of Business Affairs, provided a budget summary from the one-cent local option sales and service (LOSS) tax fund for completed projects and anticipated projects. He reviewed potential funding sources for approximately $5.2 million in renovations to facilities being proposed for 2002 and 2003. Director Anderson left the meeting at 10:08 p.m.

Spending and Staffing Plans. Directors reviewed the latest update on the district's spending and staffing plan for 2001/02.

8.03 Next Agenda Planning. Superintendent Perdue reviewed agenda items for the May 7, 2001, meeting.

9. Future Events and Informational Items.

Monday, May 7, Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 p.m., RSAC

10. Adjournment.

Motion by Director Wahlstrand to adjourn the meeting at 10:31 p.m.




Official Minutes of the April 23, 2001, Public Hearing

1. Call to Order

The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, state of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for a public hearing at the Ray Stensvad Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa, on April 23, 2001. President Roski called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m. Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, verified that the public hearing notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law.

Members present: Directors Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Roski, Wahlstrand, Weigle.

Members absent: None.

Other officials present: John Perdue, Superintendent; Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; Paul Bobek, Executive Director of Business Affairs; Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications; John Campbell, Director of Operations; Dana Vavroch, Teacher Representative; Leigh Taylor, Student Representative; Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary.

Public Hearing

The public hearing on bidding of the Bettendorf High School social studies/modern language renovation project and the Grant Wood foundation stabilization project. Bid opening for the BHS project is scheduled for May 1 and the Grant Wood project scheduled for May 2 at the Ray Stensvad Administration Center, with Board approval scheduled for May 7. These projects will be funded by the one-cent local option sales and service tax. President Roski invited interested parties to comment or file objections to the proposed project. There were no comments from the audience. The public hearing closed at 7:18 p.m.




Official Minutes of the April 23, 2001, Exempt Session

1. Call to Order

The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, state of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for the special meeting at the Ray Stensvad Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa, on April 23, 2001. In President Roskiís absence, Vice President Wahlstrand called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law.

Members present: Directors Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Wahlstrand, Weigle.

Members absent: Director Roski.

Other officials present: John Perdue, Superintendent; Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; Paul Bobek, Executive Director of Business Affairs; Judy Miller, Director of Human Resources; Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary.

2. Agenda Approval

Motion by Director Anderson, seconded by Director Castro, to approve the agenda as presented.

Ayes: 6 Directors Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Wahlstrand, Weigle.

Nays: 0

Absent: 1 Director Roski. Motion carried 6-0-1.

3. Exempt Session.

Motion by Director Anderson, seconded by Director Luton, to enter into exempt session for the purpose of discussing strategies for negotiations.

Ayes: 6 Directors Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Wahlstrand, Weigle.

Nays: 0

Absent: 1 Director Roski. Motion carried 6-0-1.

Directors entered exempt session at 6:03 p.m. Director Roski arrived at 6:13 p.m.

Directors returned to open session at 7:10 p.m.

4. Adjournment

Motion by Director Anderson to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m.

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