April 16 Minutes for the Pleasant Valley School Board

Dr. Spelhaug reported that approximately 120
students have enrolled in the Horizons (Grades K-6) Summer School Enrichment Opportunities with the strongest numbers occurring at the K-3 grade levels.

Approximately 100 students have enrolled in the K-6 2001 Summer School Program.

April 16, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by

President Ahlstrand. Members present: Ahlstrand, Barsness, Coon, Dayman,

O'Hara, Romans and Thornton. Absent - None. Also present: Dale Barber, Jim

Spelhaug, Mike Clingingsmith, Larry J. Brown, Jan Sychra, Marsha Kline, Mark

Kline, Brian Strusz, Amy Weber, Ray LaFrentz, Mary Louise Speer, Joan and

Jeff Struve, Bob Carson, Chris Harvey, and others.

AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by Barsness, second by O'Hara that the Agenda be

approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: Directors Barsness and Dayman thanked members of the

Pleasant Valley Committee for Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Violence Free

Youth, the PTA, Juvenile Court Liaison Carrie Landau, Scott County Sheriff's

Liaison Bryce Schmidt, Director of the Quad City Drug task Force Dan Roach,

and Dr. Spelhaug who presented the April 9 meeting "Don't Let Your Kids Know

More Than You" at the High School.

President Ahlstrand thanked the High School PTA and Wall of Honor Committee

members Julie Rulifson, Bridget Consamus, Pam Cinadr, Teresa McCalley, Arnie

Shileny, and Tom Parker for their efforts in naming Distinguished Alumni Dr.

JoAnne Hewett to the Wall of Honor.

Dr. Barber informed the Board that Dr. Hewett is a 1978 graduate of PVCHS.

She is now an associate professor in Theoretical Physics at Stanford Linear

Accelerator Center, which is a national laboratory funded by the U.S.

Department of Energy and associated with Stanford University. She is the

first woman faculty member at SLAC and only the fourth woman scientist at

the lab. Dr. Hewett will participate in Danielle Spaete's Physics classes

at PVCHS on Wednesday, April 18. She will then be honored at a reception

with faculty, staff, and community members. Wednesday evening she will be

the keynote speaker at the Academic Awards Ceremony in the PVCHS gym.

Dr. Barber added that the High School PTA is continuing to work on another

portion of the Wall of Honor which will recognize PVCHS graduates who died
while serving in the military.

Dr. Spelhaug reported that the School-to-Work Coordinator shared by Pleasant

Valley and Bettendorf School districts will continue for another year due to

the efforts of the business community. Previously, Pleasant Valley's

portion of this position was paid from state grants and allowable growth

funds which are no longer available. District funding for the position next

year was not possible since the Instructional Support Levy did not pass.

Members of the Business and Education Partnership, which is an alliance

between Pleasant Valley and Bettendorf school districts and LeClaire and

Bettendorf Chambers of Commerce, raised over $30,000 to support the program

for 2001-02. Dr. Spelhaug thanked Steve Sorensen, Tom Schuetz, George

Daugherty, and Scott Tunnicliff for their initiative and diligence in

finding support for the School-to-Work program. The Board also thanked Dr.

Spelhaug for his efforts.

CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by O'Hara, second by Thornton that the Consent

Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. The Consent

Agenda consisted of the following: the minutes of the April 2, 2001,

Regular Board meeting and Executive Session; the resignations of Stacey

Burgert as a counselor at Cody, Jean Gantzer as an educational aide at

Riverdale Heights, William Petsche as an information technology teacher,

assistant girls' basketball coach, and sophomore baseball coach, and Donita

Remy as a high school English/Journalism teacher; Christina Boyer's transfer

from half-time remedial reading to full-time third grade teacher at Pleasant

View for the 2001-2002 school year; Zach Day's transfer from ELP teacher at

Black Hawk Junior High and 6th grade at all elementaries to full-time 6th

grade teacher at Pleasant View for the 2001-2002 school year; and Ann

Gaspelin's transfer from half-time kindergarten to full-time kindergarten

teacher; the probationary employment of Deborah West as head secretary at

Cody Elementary School for the 2001-02 school year, and Marvin Fowler as a

part-time, school year only, custodian at PVCHS; four open enrollment

applications; three applications-in for the 2001-2002 school year from

Bettendorf and one application-out for the 2001-02 school year to


EXPENSES APPROVED: Motion by Barsness, second by Dayman that the General

Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $136,476.95 in payment of

invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Thornton, second by Dayman that the Nutrition Fund warrants be

issued in the total amount of $29,643.48 in payment of invoices presented.

All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dayman, second by Coon that Elementary/Junior High School Activity

Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $1,813.45 in payment of

invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by O'Hara, second by Barsness that High School Activity Fund warrants

be issued in the total amount of $20,458.35 in payment of invoices

presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dayman, second by Thornton that Schoolhouse Fund warrants be

issued in the total amount of $24,891.43 in payment of invoices presented.

All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Barsness, second by O'Hara that Internal Service Fund warrants be

issued in the total amount of $2,500.00 in payment of invoices presented.

All ayes. Motion carried.

2001 SUMMER SCHOOL UPDATE: Dr. Spelhaug reported that approximately 120

students have enrolled in the Horizons (Grades K-6) Summer School Enrichment

Opportunities with the strongest numbers occurring at the K-3 grade levels.

Approximately 100 students have enrolled in the K-6 2001 Summer School

Program. There are currently 15 students eligible for the 8th grade

transition summer school program offered at Pleasant Valley High School.

Associate High School Principal for Athletics/Activities Brian Strusz and

High School Wellness teacher Amy Weber introduced a proposed 9-12 Wellness

Course to be offered in Summer School for students who have failed one or

more semesters of Wellness. This course, titled "Team Building Through

Physical Challenges", would be three weeks in length, 2 &Mac184; hours per day, 5

days per week. It would emphasize wellness as well as positive

self-concept, teamwork, cooperation, problem solving, communication skills

and a successful experience for all. Students are only able to fulfill one

failed Wellness credit with this course.

Motion by Barsness, second by Romans that the Board approve the addition of

a wellness make-up course to the summer school curriculum. Roll call vote.

Ayes - Barsness, Coon, Dayman, O'Hara, Romans, Thornton, Ahlstrand. Nays -

none. Motion carried.

BLACK HAWK JUNIOR HIGH NAME CHANGE: President Ahlstrand opened the Public

Hearing regarding the Black Hawk Junior High School name change at 7:45 p.m.

Bob Carson, President of the PV Athletic Boosters, spoke in support of the

proposal. Jeff Struve explained that his family had presented the school a

painting of Chief Black Hawk when his brother died in 1972. He asked that

the painting be returned to the family should it not be of use if the name

change was approved. Mark Kline, President of Black Hawk's student council,

spoke in favor of the proposal saying that the students would feel more

united to the high school by the name change. Marsha Kline, Black Hawk PTA

President, reported that the proposal had the junior high PTA's endorsement.

Mrs. Joan Struve shared her recollection of how the school was named and

Principal Larry Brown shared additional background relative to the proposal.

The Public Hearing was closed at 7:55 p.m. Director Romans encouraged the

district to preserve its history through documentation and by displaying the

portrait of Chief Black Hawk and the plaque of commemoration given by the

Struve family in memory of Mark A. Struve. Director Barsness spoke in

favor of the name change adding that it was fortunate the district had

avoided comments about discrimination towards Native Americans.

Motion by Thornton, second by Dayman that the Board approve changing the

name of Black Hawk Junior High School to Pleasant Valley Junior High School

and that the name of the junior high school's athletic teams be changed from

the Braves to the Spartans effective July 1, 2001. Roll call vote. Ayes -

Thornton, Ahlstrand, Barsness, Coon, Dayman, O'Hara, Romans. Nays - none.

Motion carried.

JUNIOR HIGH STUDENT PLANNERS: Black Hawk Junior High School Principal Larry

Brown and Counselor Jan Sychra presented information regarding a proposal

that would require all junior high students to use a lesson planner produced

by Franklin/Covey Planner, Inc., beginning next school year. The cost of

the planner is approximately $5.00 and would be added to the junior high fee

structure. The planner would include the junior high student/parent

handbook, daily and weekly planning capabilities, and a variety of other

information. North Scott Junior High School and Bettendorf Middle School

have been using the planner and have found it to be an effective tool.

Motion by Dayman, second by Romans that the Board approve adopting a lesson

planner for use by junior high students beginning the 2001-02 school year.

Roll call vote. Ayes - Dayman, O'Hara, Romans, Thornton, Ahlstrand,

Barsness, Coon. Nays - none. Motion carried.

HIGH SCHOOL BRICK REPLACEMENT PROJECT: President Ahlstrand opened a Public

Hearing regarding the High School Brick Replacement Project at 8:26 p.m.

There was no comment from the public and the public hearing was closed at

8:27 p.m.

Copies of the bid document and timeline for the High School brick

replacement project were presented by Dr. Barber and Director of Operations

Ray LaFrentz. If approved, the work is scheduled to begin in May with a

completion date of August 15, 2001. Lindsay Anderson of Lindsay Anderson

Consulting is the Architect/Structural Engineer who prepared the bid

documents. The Board expressed its appreciation to Mr. LaFrentz and Dr.

Barber for coordinating the project and for involving Lindsay Anderson in

the project.

Motion by Romans, second by Thornton that the Board accept the final plans

and request bids for the High School Brick Replacement project. Roll call

vote. Ayes - Romans, Thornton, Ahlstrand, Barsness, Coon, Dayman, O'Hara.

Nays - none. Motion carried.


summary for replacement of the 1993 special education Suburban which has

143,247 miles on it. Bid specifications were sent to eleven local vendors

and seven bids meeting specifications were returned by the deadline. Mr.

LaFrentz recommended that the district keep the existing special education

Suburban as a spare vehicle for transporting students to activities locally

and that the former driver education 1992 Chevy Corsica which has 77,000

miles on the odometer be traded in. The purchase cost of the vehicle will

be charged back to the special education program. Mr. LaFrentz recommended

that the district accept the bid of $26,795, including trade-in, from

Reynolds Ford for a 2001 Ford Excursion.

Motion by Dayman, second by Thornton that the Board approve the low bid

meeting specifications, of $26,795, including trade-in allowance, for a 2001

Ford Excursion from Reynolds Motor Company for use in transporting special

education students. Roll call vote. Ayes - Dayman, O'Hara, Romans,

Thornton, Ahlstrand, Barsness, Coon. Nays - none. Motion carried.

2000-2001 AMENDMENT OF CURRENT BUDGET: Chief Financial Officer Mike

Clingingsmith reviewed the proposed amendment to the current budget for

2000-01. It is necessary to amend the budget annually to adjust for

miscellaneous revenue increases that are not possible to predict when the

budget is adopted the previous year. He noted there will be no increase in

taxes to be paid for 2000-01 as a result of this amendment. The amended

budget is $32,966,945.

President Ahlstrand opened the Public Hearing for the Amendment of the

2000-01 Budget at 8:58 p.m. There being no one present who wished to

address this subject, the hearing was closed at 8:59 p.m.

Motion by Barsness, second by O'Hara that the Board amend the 2000-01

budget adopted on April 3, 2000, by changing estimates of expenditures as

presented in the Notice of Public Hearing for Amendment of Current Budget

for 2000-01. Roll call vote. Ayes - Barsness, Coon, Dayman, O'Hara,

Romans, Thornton, Ahlstrand. Nays - none. Motion carried.

MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS: Mr. Clingingsmith presented the monthly

financial report for March. Through March, general fund receipts totaled

$12,338,242 (63.4%) and expenses totaled $13,669,609 (70.0%) The March

target for receipts and expenditures was 75.0%. He also presented reports

on the Management, PPEL, Capital Projects, Debt Service, Hot Lunch,

Revolving, and Activity funds.

Motion by Dayman second by Thornton that the Board accept the monthly

financial reports for March as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - Dayman,

O'Hara, Romans, Thornton, Ahlstrand, Barsness, Coon. Nays - none. Motion


The Board adjourned at 9:06 p.m.

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