Recent Articles

Bettendorf Park Board Meeting Minutes for March 12, 2001

Park board to apply for grants to help fund Skate Park at Crow Creek Park and shelter, picnic tables at Hollowview Park

Bettendorf Park Board Meeting Minutes for March 8, 2001

Crow Creek Park selected as site for new skate park

Bettendorf Park Board Meeting Minutes for March 14, 2001

Minutes of Bettendorf Park Board meeting of March 14, 2001

New Crow Creek recreational trail construction estimated at $1.5 million; six properties acquired for riverfront trail; $50,000 pledged toward PV High School tennis court renovation, lighting project

St. Katharine's St. Mark's expansion

St. Katharine's St. Mark's College Preparatory School in Bettendorf is building a $4.5 million addition which includes a media technology center, a multi-purpose cafeteria-auditorium and classrooms. Construction began last fall and is scheduled to be completed later this year.

Mississippi River on the rise

The Mississippi River at Pidgeon Creek Park, Bettendorf, steadily rises after reaching flood stage earlier this week. The river is expected to crest next Tuesday at near record levels.

Pleasant Valley School job openings for 2001-2002

The Pleasant Valley Community School District has the following openings for the 2001 - 2002 school year:

* Journalism teacher - High School

* Spanish teacher (7-12)

* Half-time counseling - elementary

* Talented and gifted teacher (Grades 6-8)

* Information technology teacher, Grades 7-12
(Includes accounting, marketing and computer

* Secondary special education - MD

* Secondary special education - resource (prefer multi-categorical)

* Math/science (Grades 7-12)

* Extracurricular positions available

Excellent salary and benefit package in a growing 4A district.

Application deadline is April 27, 2001. If interested, please call (319) 332-5550 for a district application. Send letter of application, resume and have credentials transcripts forwarded to:

Dr. James R. Spelhaug, Assistant Superintendent, Pleasant and Valley Community

School District, P.O. Box 332, Pleasant Valley, IA, 52767. Pleasant Valley School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Lime Pile removal T-shirt contest

Make your guess as to what day the lime pile will be finally gone, and win a T-shirt if your guess is the closest. To enter, click the "win a T-shirt" graphic at right. The progress on removing the lime pile is shown below.


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