Recent Articles

PV School Board meeting 3.18.02

Christine Roman named the recipient of the 2002 Distinguished Alumni Award for the Pleasant Valley Community School District.

This award is part of the PVCHS "Wall of Honor" which recognizes current and past students for their academic achievements and contributions to society. Christine is a 1989 graduate of PVCHS and is currently the New York Stock Exchange correspondent for CNNfn and CNN Business News. She will visit Pleasant Valley High School on Wednesday, April 17, to share her experiences with the students.

Is spring on its way?

Temperatures in the high 50's brought many people out for a walk, bike or jog along the Duck Creek Recreation Trail in Devils Glen Park. The recent warm weather melted the foot of snow from early March and awakened the daffodil and tulip bulbs from their winter sleep.

PV School Board meeting 3.04.02

District-wide study teams to be formed to develop implementation plan recommendations for modified school year, scheduled school day, and high school graduation requirements.

Bettendorf Park Board agendas 3.8.02 and 3.11.02

Life Fitness Center fee increase and plan to pay 10% of all fitness center and golf course revenues to city general fund on agenda.

New Bridgeview Elementary principal hired

The Pleasant Valley Board of Education has approved the hiring of Michele Barnes as the next principal for Bridgeview Elementary. The appointment will be effective July 1.

Ms. Barnes is completing her 31st year in education. She taught fourth grade for 15 years and has been an elementary principal for the past 16 years. She currently is principal of Okoboji Elementary in Milford, Iowa, a position she has held since 1995.

Please join us in welcoming Ms. Barnes to Bridgeview!

Dale Barber Jim Spelhaug

Winter returns to Mississippi River valley

More than nine inches of snow blanketed the area over the weekend, leaving stark white landscapes like this at Eagle Landing Park along the Mississippi River.

PV Board Minutes 2.19.02

Board discusses budget issue and approves changes to elementary science program


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