Bettendorf Park Board agendas 3.8.02 and 3.11.02

Life Fitness Center fee increase and plan to pay 10% of all fitness center and golf course revenues to city general fund on agenda.

Special - Monday, March 11, 2002

HDG Community Center, Canteen Room, 4:00 PM

Regular - Wednesday, March 13, 2002

HDG Community Center, Canteen Room, 7:00 PM


Special, February 11, 2002

Regular, February 13, 2002

Staff Operational Updates

Stu Smith

Brad Peterson

Rita VanWetzinga

Director's Operational Updates

Budget and Financial Reports for February 2002

Unfinished and New Business

a. A public hearing will be held to receive community input on the proposed
plans, specifications, and form of contract for improvements to Pigeon Creek Park. Bill Ashton will review the plans and specifications.

b. Dan Candler will review his proposed Eagle Scout project for Crow Creek Park.

Updates Regarding Unfinished Business


a. Review recommendation for fee increases at the Life Fitness Center and the package plan for the different facilities, 12-month payment plan and service fee. Approve by resolution on Wednesday.

b. Review golf course proposals from architects for improvements to #11.

c. Review samples of requests for qualifications for an architect for the club house design.


a. Review bids for Splash Landing and award contract by resolution on Wednesday.

New Business


a. Review update from Skate Park Committee: next phase, lighting, summer special event, signage and dedication.

b. Review potential grants -- SCRA, RDA, REAP


Consent Agenda

Legal Updates and Executive Session


Commissioners' Updates



March 13, 2002

All items listed below are considered by the Board of Park Commissioners and shall be enacted by one motion. If discussion is desired, that item shall be removed and discussed separately.

A. Bettendorf Parks and Recreation Foundation meeting minutes for January 24, 2002. (Receive and File)

B. Special Event Application from Lujack's Northpark Auto Plaza for their annual company picnic at the Band Shell Shelter on June 23, 2002 from 11:30 - 3:30 p.m. (Approve, Receive and File)

C. Resolution #14-02 approving payment #2 in the amount of 36,100.00 and payment #3 in the amount of $23,047.00 to Swanson Construction for work completed on the Golf Course Maintenance Facility. (Receive, Approve and File)

D. Resolution #15-02 approving 10% of all revenues generated at the Life Fitness Center and 10% of all green fees and cart rentals at Palmer Hills Golf Course to be transferred to the general fund of the City of Bettendorf.

E. Letter from Theresa Palczynski dated February 20, 2002, requesting use of the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center for an overnight Girl Scout troop event on Friday, March 8, 2002. (Receive, Approve and File)

F. Bettendorf Trees Are Us Committee meeting minutes for February 13, 2002. (Receive and File)

G. Letter from Marla Brundies, Vietnam Veterans of America, requesting waiver of room rental fees for use of the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center March 23, 2002 for their spaghetti fundraiser. (Approve, Receive and File)

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