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Grain terminal move to Bettendorf riverfront advances

Relocation of River Gulf Grain from Davenport to Bettendorf's riverfront has moved a step closer with approval of the project's site development plan Feb. 17 by the city's planning and zoning commission.

County, city budgets will up residential property tax bills more than 20%

The new Scott County Emergency Communications Center, a smaller residential tax assessment rollback by the state and more bonds (debt) to fix city streets will mean a property tax increase for Bettendorf residential property owners of more than 20 percent in the coming year.

Iowa DNR seeks solutions to Duck Creek sewage pollution

Water monitors at three Duck Creek locations over a 5-year period show the stream is in nearly continuous violation of "E coli" bacteria standards, according to a draft Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) report released this month.

Air standard for fine particulate pollution exceeded at 34 locations in 2009

Fine particulate matter pollution in Iowa exceeded national air quality standards at 34 locations during 2009, including six instances in Muscatine, five in Davenport and five in Clinton.

The National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM 2.5 (particulate matter 2.5 micograms or less) is a 24-hour average of no more than 35.4 micrograms per cubic meter. The NAAQS represents the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's best estimate of the threshold for adverse health effects.

The 34 exceedances statewide for PM 2.5 compares to 25 instances in 2008 and 44 in 2007.

Add your voice to Bi-State transportation plan

The Bi-State Planning Commission is updating its long-range transportation plan for the Quad Cities region and you can add your comments to the process by filling out a survey form and emailing it to the agency.

Two public hearings already have been held, but comments will be accepted until May 30. Click here to download a transportation survey form.

In preparation for updating the long range Bi-State transit plan, the agency conducted a survey of residents last summer. Click to download the survey.

Air quality alert issued for eastern Iowa, QC area

Because of high fine particulate pollution levels today (Feb. 5) in excess of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) health thresholds, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is recommending Iowans with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly, and children limit prolonged outdoor exertion.

The EPA’s 24-hour health threshold for fine particles is 35 micrograms per cubic meter. As of noon Friday, fine particle levels averaged in the low 40s across Iowa, with readings of 44 in Davenport, 43 in Muscatine, 43 in Iowa City, 41 in Cedar Rapids and 43 in Des Moines.

4th Ward campaign topped $6,900; Stecker misses filing deadline

February 1, 2010 by ggackle

Bettendorf alderman Greg Adamson spent just over $6,900 on his 4th Ward election campaign last fall to unseat incumbent Patricia Malinee, according to his state campaign report filed January 17.

The amount spent on the 4th Ward contest is believed to be a record for an aldermanic contest in the city.


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