Recent Articles

River Gulf grain terminal takes shape

Workmen erect the steel framework of the new River Gulf Grain Terminal, south of Depot Street and west of 31st Street, Bettendorf.

Hot Springs

Native Americans must have been amazed when they first came across the 143-degree hot springs in what is now south central Arkansas. Should be no surprise that they imputed therapeutic properties thereto. Choctaw introduced French trappers to the area in the 1700's and word spread. After the Louisiana Purchase, Jefferson sent the (subsequently unheralded and overshadowed) Dunbar and Hunter expedition to investigate.

Iowa AG: city vacancies can be filled in general, not just city, elections

The Iowa Attorney General has stepped into the debate over when city council and park board vacancies can be filled, advising auditors statewide they do not have to wait until the next "city" election to place vacancies on the ballot.

Isle of Capri admissions at 10-year low

Admissions and revenues in fiscal 2010 fell to 10-year lows at the Isle of Capri Casino in Bettendorf, according to Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission reports.

Yearly admissions to the riverboat permanently anchored on the Bettendorf riverfront totaled 1.15 million gamblers in fiscal 2010, down 43 percent (nearly 900,000) from fiscal 2000.

Without a trace

With wife out of town, dog doesn’t get the amount of exercise to which he’s become accustomed. He’s 13, slower than he used to be, but still just as curious, so I can’t take him on five-mile perambulation that does wife and still get to work on time.

So last Saturday he had plenty of energy and we set out. Once he realized that we weren’t just going around the block, he became so enthusiastic that he grabbed the leash in his mouth and began to pull.

EPA takes aim at interstate air pollution, coal-fired power plants

Halfway through the 1,391-page U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed "transport rule," regulators finally zero in on the reason for the legislation: Upwind state sources contributing to air quality degradation in a downwind state should bear substantial responsibility to control their emissions.

After years of legal delays, the EPA Tuesday (July 6) filed the proposed rule to limit interstate transport of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions in 32 "Eastern" states, including Iowa and Illinois.

On Y Va – Let’s Go

See the U.S. versus Slovenia soccer game June 18? That’s the one during which ref Koman Coulibaly called back a U.S. game-winning goal. Big deal certainly in a contest of such importance, but it happens and the United States team ended up playing through anyway.


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