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Joe Adam named to vacant PV Board seat


APRIL 9, 2007

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Dayman. Members present: Adams, Dayman, Schurr, and Witters. Absent: Huegel and Paulsen. Also present: Jim Spelhaug, Cyndy Behrer, Mike Clingingsmith, Joe Adam, Don Dehner and Chris Harvey.

Bettendorf eyes 'core time' expansion to 1st, 2nd grades

BETTENDORF COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BETTENDORF, IOWA Unofficial Minutes of April 9, 2007 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education (pending Board approval)

Large development proposed for Middle & Crow Creek

The arrival of spring and a new construction season has sprouted a number of large proposed developments in Bettendorf's burgeoning northeast corridor.

The largest development – Brookview Heights – would be along Middle Road and south of Crow Creek Road, and consist of commercial, multi-family and single-family residential construction. It would coincide with the reconfiguration of Middle Road from Crow Creek to Crow Creek Road which includes a new Crow Creek Bridge.

AMF Real Estate, which includes builder Steve Fry, is the developer of the project.

The city plan and zone commission recommended against allowing higher commercial use for the corner parcel. The city council has scheduled a public hearing April 20 on land use changes that would permit the higher commercial use.

Another development, Village Pointe at 53rd Street and Devils Glen Road, would consist of 61 single-family lots, seven office lots and two commercial lots. The developer, Dial Land Development, initially proposed commercial buildings with two upper floors of residential units, but nearby residents opposed that site plan. The revised plan includes an agreement to limit the height of structures on specific parcels, additional landscaping/screening, along with storm water detention and traffic study requirements.

The city also has approved a rezoning of land at 3539 Devils Glen Road for a proposed Ace Hardware Store.

And, a rezoning to permit the construction of an automotive repair facility, just north of Lindquist Ford, along Middle also was given the greenlight despite an objection from Lindquist Ford. The auto repair shop would accommodate the relocation of Duck Creek Tire & Repair, currently located at Middle and East Kimberly Road.

The old and the new

The new HyVee Food Store at Devils Glen and Middle Roads take shape in the background, while the old HyVee, at left, continues to operate. When the new building opens, the old store will be demolished to make room for needed parking.

PV board approves 1 percent property tax increase

PV Board Minutes 3.19.07

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Dayman. Members present: Dayman, Messman, Paulsen, Schurr, and Witters. Absent: Adams and Huegel. Also present: Jim Spelhaug, Cyndy Behrer, Mike Clingingsmith, Brian Strusz, Randy Teymer, Chris Harvey, and others.

EXEMPT SESSION APPROVED: Motion by Messman, second by Schurr that the board hold an exempt session for the purpose of negotiations as provided in section 20.17(3) of the Code of Iowa. Roll call vote. Ayes – Messman, Paulsen, Witters, Dayman, Schurr. Nays – none. Motion carried.

AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by Witters, second by Paulsen that the Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Prep kindergarten, early childhood screening discussed


Unofficial Minutes of the March 19, 2007 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education (pending Board approval)

The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, State of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for their regular Board meeting at the Administrative Center, 729 21st Street, Bettendorf, Iowa, on March 19, 2007. President Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Colleen Skolrood, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law.

Members present: Directors Anderson, Crockett, Ehrmann, Justis, Mayer, Tinsman, Weigle. Members absent: None. Other officials present: Marty Lucas, Superintendent; Dr. Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; Maxine McEnany, Director of Business and Financial Services; Cindy Ferguson, BEA Representative; Cara Voelliger, Student Representative; Colleen Skolrood, Board Secretary.

Motion by Director Crockett, seconded by Director Ehrmann, to approve the agenda as presented with the exception of discussion item 6.03, the Core Time Program, which will be brought back for discussion at the April board meeting. Motion carried 7-0.

Twin Bridge perspective

Twin Bridge (Interstate 74) supports arch across the Mississippi River from Bettendorf's Leach Park.


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