With the record amount of snow accumulation this winter, many children (and adults) have been sledding in various parks. Palmer Hills Golf Course is one of the most popular places to be a kid again and have fun with the snow.
The sale of one of Iowa’s largest nursing home chains has reportedly been completed, with 29 care facilities now in the hands of a private equity firm.
The state of Iowa has suspended $47,500 in fines against a southwest Iowa nursing home cited for inadequate staffing and the physical and verbal abuse of residents.
Lee Enterprises, Inc. – owner of the QC Times and Daily Dispatch/Argus – says it hit a "revenue inflection point" with more digital than print revenue in its third quarter.
But despite the transition milestone in digital revenue, the company lost $3.7 million (73 cents per share) during... more
A large eastern Iowa facility that makes ketchup and other condiments failed for more than two years to monitor contaminants in the more than 1 million gallons of untreated wastewater... more
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