A bee enjoys nectar from a purple hyssop plant.

Strong first quarter for construction in city

The value of new residential and commercial construction in Bettendorf totaled $10.46 million during the first three month of 2001, up nearly 70 percent from last year's $6.16 million.

While the value of new residential construction was up only 13 percent ($6.88 million versus $6.06 million for the first quarter of 2000), commercial construction was up significantly thanks to the new St. Katharine's St. Mark's College Preparatory School expansion and the new Life & Family Coalition facility.

Actual single-family residential units under construction in the first three months fell compared to last year with 29 single-family residential permits issued compared to 36 in 2000.

Bettendorf School Board meetings 4-2-01

Vast majority of parents choose all-day kindergarten; HVAC improvements slated for high school

Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda for 4-11-01


April 11, 2001

PV School Board meetings March 10, 19 and April 2

Petition seeks new Instruction Support Levy try; new teacher contract approved

Moving dirt for Walgreens

Ground work has begun on the southeast corner of 53rd and Utica Ridge for a new 14,400 square foot Walgreens and eventually, another 12,800 square foot retail building. Just think, only three years ago the whole area was farmland.

March 19 Bettendorf School Board meeting

Many come to speak in favor of lowering class sizes at Hoover Elementary school.

Lime Pile Removal

The lime pile removal project has been started again, with another company stepping in to remove the pile. From the progress they are making, it looks like they may get it done.

Even the geese like the Tanglefoot extention!

The work being done on the Tanglefoot extention appears to have stopped for the time being. A pair of geese are enjoying a small pond created by recent rains near Devils Glen road.

Arby's taking shape

The new Arby's on Middle Road in Bettendorf is nearing completion. Soon, fans of Arby's roast beef sandwiches won't have to drive to 53rd Street in Davenport to get their Big Montana.

Park Board Meeting Minutes February 14, 2001

Skate Park public hearing generates dozens of comments; McManus Park would get major upgrade as part of Junior League of the Quad Cities project.


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