Based on responses from a parental survey, parents indicated 184 to 31 in favor the all-day kindergarten concept. But board members, after a special meeting to discussion the advantages and costs of going from the current half-day to full-day kindergarten, indicate they do not support implementation of full-day kindergarten district-wide.
WASHINGTON — Barring a few exceptions, Senate Republicans on Tuesday largely deflected or altogether avoided questions about President Donald Trump’s broad clemency for over 1,500... more
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency affirmed its November decision to add seven additional segments to Iowa’s list of impaired waters, following a public comment period.
Lee Enterprises, Inc. maintains its transition from a print to digital revenue platform is succeeding, but the Davenport-based media company's overall revenues and earnings continue to slide.
The company reported it lost $1.69 per share ($10 million) for the fourth quarter ended Sept. 29... more
Major institutional investors have artificially lowered coal production and raised energy costs for consumers in an effort to lower global carbon emissions, a federal lawsuit claims... more