Official Minutes of the October 16, 2000, Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, state of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for their regular meeting at the Ray Stensvad Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa, on October 16, 2000. President Roski called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law.
Members present: Directors Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Roski, Weigle.
Members absent: Director Wahlstrand.
Other officials present: John Perdue, Superintendent; Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; John Campbell, Director of Operations; Judy Miller, Director of Human Resources; Dana Vavroch, BEA Representative, Leigh Taylor, Student Representative; Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary.
Director Roski expressed appreciation to staff for sharing their School Improvement Team goals for the 2000/01 school year, noting the commonality of improving student achievement. These reports were shared with directors at a 5 p.m. meeting on October 16, 2000.
2. Agenda Approval.
Motion by Director Anderson, seconded by Director Arney, to approve the agenda as presented.
Ayes: 6 Directors Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Roski, Weigle.
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 Director Wahlstrand. Motion carried 6-0-1.
3. Comments and Suggestions from Audience.
3.01 President's Statement. On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite any member of the audience to step to the microphone with comments about items of interest or concern that do not appear on the agenda this evening. Please begin by stating your name and address. It would be most appreciated if you would limit your comments to three minutes so that we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to speak. We ask that you remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. If you have thoughts to share about items that are included as topics for tonight's meeting, we would invite those comments when we reach that point in the meeting. Thank you for your support of our school district.
There were no comments from the audience.
4. Commendation.
4.01 The following Middle School teachers have been honored by being recognized in the sixth edition of Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2000: Lori Hatch, Marianne Marcek and Theodore Thompson. This is an honor reserved for teachers selected by one or more of their former students who have been distinguished by being listed in either Who's Who Among American High School Students, or the National Dean's List.
4.02 Congratulations to receiver Matt Drinkall and quarterback Nick Cavill, who set a Bettendorf High School football school record of three touch down passes during the Bettendorf vs. Davenport West football game at Brady Street Stadium on September 28.
5. Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Ayes: 6 Directors Arney, Castro, Luton, Roski, Weigle, Anderson.
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 Director Wahlstrand. Motion carried 6-0-1.
Approval of October 2, 2000 Special Board Meeting Minutes.
Approval of October 2, 2000 Regular Board Meeting Minutes.
Approval of October 16, 2000 Bills Recommended for Payment.
Approval of Administrative Recommendations--Personnel.
Certified Contract Modification
Beth Douglas Hafner/HH/Add .5 Conflict Manager/$383/Replacing Carri Kilstrom/Effective 10/1/00
Corrie Johnson/BMS/Delete .5 Work Differential/$360/Effective 10/3/00
Carri Kilstrom/HH/Delete .5 Conflict Manager/$383/ /Effective 9/30/00
Eric Krell/BHS/Add Marching Band/$855/Effective 8/22/00
John Miller/NA/Delete Lunchroom Supervision/$1,012/Effective 8/24/00
Schedule D Resignation
Shelly Hutton/BHS/Head Sophomore Softball Coach/Effective 9/5/00
Classified Approval to Employ
Susan David/MT/Food Service-Satellite Server/$6.34 per hour/2 hours per day/Replacing Chris Smith/Effective 10/2/00
Nicolas Gill/BHS/Food Service-Regular Part-Time/ $6.56/$7.34 after 90 days/5.75 hours per day/Replacing Ralph Van Lieu/Effective 9/18/00
Classified Letter of Assignment Modification
Lori Shepard/HH/Individual Aide/From 5.5 to 5.75 hours per day/Hours increased due to IEP/Effective 10/2/00
Kenneth Baumbach/Maintenance and Transportation Center/ Maintenance Lead Man/From $14.18 to $14.28 per hour/ 8 hours per day/ Additional stipend of $.10 per hour for Asbestos Certificate/Effective 7/1/00
Larry Hem/Maintenance and Transportation Center/ Specialist-Electrician/From $15.96 to $16.06 per hour/ 8 hours per day/Additional stipend of $.10 per hour for Asbestos Certificate/Effective 7/1/00
Classified Resignation
Claudia Bliss/MT/Teacher Associate-Reading/Effective 10/18/00
Approval of Requests for Early Graduation.
Approval of Tuition Application.
Elizabeth Wiese, grade 11
5.07 Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment.
Into Bettendorf, 2000/01
Michael Elkass, grade 6, from Davenport, continuation, change of residence
Leslie Sullivan, grade 10, from Pleasant Valley, continuation, change of residence
Victoria Torres, grade 8, from Davenport, continuation, change of residence
Out of Bettendorf, 2000/01
Amanda Beyer, grade 1, to Pleasant Valley, good cause related to change of resident state
Ashten Songer, grade 7, to Pleasant Valley, continuation, change of residence
Brook Strohm, grade 5, to Pleasant Valley, continuation, change of residence
Into Bettendorf, 2001/02
Jesus Parra, grade 9 (as of 2001/02), from Pleasant Valley
Julia Parra , grade 10 (as of 2001/02), from Pleasant Valley
Out of Bettendorf, 2001/02
Chelsea Carroll, grade 4 (as of 2001/02), to Pleasant Valley
Parker Carroll, kindergarten (as of 2001/02), to Pleasant Valley
Spencer Carroll, grade 1 (as of 2001/02), to Pleasant Valley
Daniel Congreve, grade 8 (as of 2001/02), to Pleasant Valley
Tyler Hoenig, kindergarten (as of 2001/02), to Pleasant Valley
Andrew Miller, grade 5 (as of 2001/02), to Pleasant Valley
Laura Miller, grade 9 (as of 2001/02), to Pleasant Valley
6. Action Items.
6.01 Second Reading of Selected Board Policies.
Directors conducted a second and final reading of the following Board Policies:
Substance-Free Workplace, 403.7
Substance-Free Workplace: Notice to Employees, 403.7E1
Substance-Free Workplace: Acknowledgement, 403.7E2
Substance-Free Workplace: Regulation, 403.7R1
School Attendance Areas Regulation, 501.6R and 501.6E
Open Enrollment As a Receiving District Regulation, 501.12R
Extracurricular Behavior Expectations Regulation, 503.9R
Copyright Law in the Public Schools, 603.9 and 603.9R
Student School Transportation Eligibility, 711.1
Security Cameras, 804.6
Public Examination of School District Records, 901
Judy Miller, Director of Human Resources, and Superintendent Perdue responded to questions regarding the above-stated policies.
Motion by Director Luton, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the second reading of selected Board policies as outlined in item 6.01.
Ayes: 6 Directors Castro, Luton, Roski, Weigle, Anderson, Arney.
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 Director Wahlstrand. Motion carried 6-0-1.
Settlement Stabilization for Grant Wood Elementary School.
John Campbell, Director of Operations, presented a recommendation to proceed with phase I
and II of the Grant Wood Elementary foundation repair project. Phase I encompasses exterior drainage work, including swale repair and regarding, tree removal, playground equipment removal, and removal of existing underground piping, with estimated cost not to exceed $25,000. Phase II includes interior and exterior soil borings, with estimated cost not to exceed $9,500. Phase III encompasses repairs to the west addition foundation; however, these repairs cannot be determined until soil boring results are obtained. Therefore, Phase III approval will be scheduled for review and approval at the November 20, 2000, Board of Education meeting. The Grant Wood foundation repair project will be funded by the one-cent local option sales and service tax revenue.
Motion by Director Arney, seconded by Director Weigle, to approve Phase I - Exterior Drainage Work at a cost not to exceed $25,000 and Phase II - Interior and Exterior Soil Borings at a cost not to exceed $9,500.
Ayes: 6 Directors Luton, Roski, Weigle, Anderson, Arney, Castro.
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 Director Wahlstrand. Motion carried 6-0-1.
At-Risk Allowable Growth Budget for 2001/02.
Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent, presented the at-risk allowable growth budget for 2001/02, with a total program budget of $440,481.
Motion by Director Anderson, seconded by Director Castro, to approve the At-Risk Allowable Growth Budget for 2001/02 as presented.
Ayes: 6 Directors Roski, Weigle, Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton.
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 Director Wahlstrand. Motion carried 6-0-1.
Approval of Proclamation - Month of the Young Adolescent.
Director Weigle shared the proclamation naming October as "Month of the Young Adolescent," which highlighted the importance of this special age group of students.
Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the proclamation naming October as "Month of the Young Adolescent."
Ayes: 6 Directors Weigle, Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Roski.
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 Director Wahlstrand. Motion carried 6-0-1.
7. Discussion Items.
Shared Communications.
Directors Castro, Roski, and Weigle attended the October 3 IASB Teacher Compensation Seminar in Iowa City and shared information which compared the merit pay concept to an overall increase to teacher pay. The importance of contacting our legislative representatives on this topic was stressed.
Director Castro noted his appreciation to Board members for their expression of sympathy in the recent loss of his brother.
Director Weigle discussed a recent Schools Council meeting, where the main topic of interest was interest-based bargaining, including an evaluation of the process and its effectiveness. Upcoming discussions will include the future direction of interest-based bargaining.
Student representative Leigh Taylor reported on BHS's student hunger drive and related activities.
7.02 Paul Norton Year-Round Education Study.
Dr. Dean Halverson, Paul Norton principal, provided an overview of the planning and discussion regarding the school's interest in becoming a year-round education school. This concept is in the early planning stage, and an exploratory study to determine whether to complete phase one of a two-stage application process is underway. Approximately one-third of the school's 350 families recently attended informational meetings on this concept. During conferences in early November, parents will be asked to complete a survey, indicating: 1) if they have enough information on the adjusted calendar, 2) want the school to continue exploring the idea, and 3) would feel better about the concept if BMS or other district schools offered a similar calendar. This survey is not considered a vote but will assist the parent-teacher steering committee in determining whether to spend more time exploring the adjusted school calendar. To be formally approved, the school would eventually need the support of 80 percent of student families.
7.03 Future Board Discussion Topics.
President Roski invited input from board members for ideas for future Board discussion; a worksheet was distributed to assist with this process. Directors were asked to return their ideas to Superintendent Perdue or President Roski prior to the November 6 meeting.
7.04 Superintendent's Report.
Superintendent's Goals. Superintendent Perdue shared his first quarter progress report and revised planning goals, including both short- and long-term goals. He invited directors to provide input and refinement. Specifically, directors discussed the utilization of a 360-degree evaluation tool with administrative team members. Director Weigle stated her interest in having Superintendent Perdue utilize the feedback from the administrative team for his personal development and did not visualize this component as part of the Board's evaluation. Directors inquired as to the number of staff involved and the random sampling process. Superintendent Perdue will investigate and learn more about what other districts are utilizing for this process and report back to directors. The next Superintendent's progress report will be held January 15, 2001.
Facilities Advisory Council Update. A brief draft of projects being considered and discussed by the Facilities Advisory Council (FAC) was shared with directors. As FAC finalize their recommendations for projects during summer of 2001, Superintendent Perdue will present these to directors for discussion and approval.
8. Future Events and Informational Items.
Thursday, October 19, Parent Executive Council, 12:00 noon, RSAC and Facilities Advisory Council, 5:00 p.m., RSAC
Monday, November 6, Board of Education, 7:00 p.m., RSAC
Director Roski announced the Models Schools Conference in Orlando, Florida, scheduled June 24-27, 2000, for Board members who may have an interest in attending. As a reminder, the next Board packet will include the proposed 2001/02 school calendar and Board goals for review.
9. Adjournment.
Motion by Director Luton to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 p.m.