Pleasant Valley School Board minutes of November 4 meeting

Graduation requirements to change, community service learning requirement added. An exerp:
"Eleventh grade students will be assigned 40 hours of community service to be completed by the end of the 12th grade and will select projects/goals and receive approval for completion. At the conclusion of the project/goal, the 12th grade students will provide a written reflection explaining the activity and its impact on themselves and others."

PV Board Minutes 11.4.02

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Deborah Dayman. Members present: Barsness, Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann, Romans, Thornton. Absent: O'Hara. Also present: Dale Barber, Jim Spelhaug, Mike Clingingsmith, Chris Harvey, Jean Rittmer, Debbie Menke, Mary Ritter, Kate Stangler, Dave Hult, Jean Mattson, Drew Anderson, Ron Pryor, Randy Teymer, Mike Zimmer, Claire Anthony, Jackie Stepaniak, Zach Day, Sandy Klosterman, and others.

EXEMPT SESSION APPROVED: Motion by Thornton, second by Barsness that the Board hold an exempt session for the purpose of negotiations as provided in section 20.17(3) of the Code of Iowa. Roll Call Vote. Ayes - Thornton, Barsness, Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann, Romans. Nays - none. Motion carried.

AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by Barsness, second by Hoffmann that the Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: President Dayman welcomed high school American Government students.

Director Thornton congratulated the Cheerleading Competition Squad for receiving third place at the state competition. They will go on to further competition in Joliet, Illinois, on Sunday, November 10.

Dr. Barber expressed condolences on behalf of the Board and District to the family of Jennifer Atzen, Bridgeview Nurse, on the recent death of her infant daughter.

District resident Bob Ofner, in discussion with Dr. Barber, expressed an opinion on a statement that appeared in "Last Week's Board Meeting, October 21, 2002." Mr. Ofner believes that the listing of the amount of money the riverboats contributed to the Pleasant Valley School District and how this money supported school programs is improper because it urges voters to vote in favor of retaining the boats. The school administration should not promote one view or the other on this or any other election issue.

Dr. Barber responded that the administration had merely provided factual information regarding the level of funding received from this source and how the district had utilized the funds. The information did not encourage people to vote either for or against this issue. Dr. Barber added that while it is sad that school districts have to look at outside sources for funding, the fact remains that the riverboats have provided a significant amount of funding which has been used in this district for music, libraries, technology, playground development, and textbooks. The funds have been put to good use at a time when state funding has been dramatically reduced.

In reviewing construction projects, Dr. Barber reported that the tennis court lights had been tested and found to provide ample light for the courts. These are the first lighted courts in Bettendorf and Riverdale. The card reader for public use is not yet in place, but will be before next spring. Partial funding for this project was provided by the Bettendorf Park Board and the Scott County Regional Authority.

Staff and students are now operating out of the new instrumental room at the Junior High. There are just a few punch list items remaining to be completed.

Interior concrete work should begin at Pleasant View either Tuesday or Wednesday of this week and the roof deck has been installed. The addition should be enclosed before Thanksgiving to allow interior work to be completed over the winter.

CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Romans, second by Thornton that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda consists of the following: approval of the minutes of the October 21, 2002, Regular Board meeting; the resignations of Paula Buzzell as an educational aide at Riverdale Heights, Debra Huegel as a food service worker at Riverdale Heights, and Kelly Warhurst as a school bus driver; the regular employment of Jennifer Claussen as a special education aide at PVCHS, Deborah Dreese as a school bus driver, Kelly Fiscus as a special education aide at Riverdale Heights, Sarah Hauri as an educational aide at Riverdale Heights, Jessica Johnson as a school bus driver, Toni Meyrer as a special education aide at Pleasant Valley Junior High, Bre Noack as an educational aide at Pleasant Valley Junior High, Keith VanBlaricome as a school bus driver, and Tonita Washburn as a food service worker at Pleasant View; and, one open enrollment application-in from Bettendorf Schools for the 2002-03 school year.

EXPENSES APPROVED: Motion by Romans, second by Coon that General Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $92,702.61 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Barsness, second by Coon that Nutrition Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $3,153.64 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Coon, second by Hoffmann that Elementary/Junior High Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $3,154.83 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Thornton, second by Barsness that High School Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $38,107.02 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Coon, second by Romans that Schoolhouse Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $17,316.00 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Director O'Hara arrived at 7:30 p.m.

HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS STUDY TEAM RECOMMENDATIONS: Debbie Menke and other members of the High School Graduation Requirements Study Team were in attendance to present the Board the following recommendations:

* That 23 units be required for graduation at PVCHS. 2003-2004 freshmen would be required to complete 23 units for graduation in 2007; 2003-2004 sophomores would be required to complete 22 units for graduation in 2006; 2003-2004 juniors would be required to complete 21 units for graduation in 2005; and 2003-2004 seniors would be required to complete the current 20 units for graduation in 2004. The estimated cost would be up to $18,000, depending on registration numbers for individual courses. Currently, 20 units are required to graduate from PVCHS.

* That service learning be added to the high school curriculum as a graduation requirement. Ninth grade students would receive basic skills and understanding of community service through a unit in health and 8th period resource and will complete 30 hours of community service by the end of their 10th grade year. One-half unit of credit will be received after completion of this requirement at the end of the 10th grade year. A satisfactory or unsatisfactory grade will be given. Eleventh grade students will be assigned 40 hours of community service to be completed by the end of the 12th grade and will select projects/goals and receive approval for completion. At the conclusion of the project/goal, the 12th grade students will provide a written reflection explaining the activity and its impact on themselves and others. Letter grades will not be given. A rubric will be used to determine completion of the requirement. The estimated cost would be approximately $25,000.

* That all students in grades nine through eleven participate in the wellness curriculum. Twelfth grade students may be exempt from the curriculum due to their involvement in athletics or conflicts with academic course work. The wellness curriculum will be revised to include a weight training component and additional life-long activities. Some of the additional life long activities will include water aerobics, yoga, climbing, and self-defense. A weight training elective course will be offered that will fulfill the wellness requirement. This elective will be available to 10-12th grade students. This plan would be implemented for all students beginning the 2003-04 school year. The estimated cost would be approximately $38,000.

Any additional costs incurred as a result of the recommendations would be funded by the Instructional Support Levy. This would be accomplished without increasing the overall property tax levy rate from its current level of $13.46 per $1,000 taxable valuation.

Motion by Thornton, second by Barsness that the Board accept the recommendations to increase the units required for graduation, add a service learning requirement, and eliminate opting out of physical education/wellness, except for seniors, as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - Thornton, Barsness, Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann, O'Hara, Romans. Nays - none. Motion carried.

EXEMPT SESSION: The board met in exempt session from 8:20 - 9:05 p.m. for the purpose of negotiations.

The meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.

Next Board Meeting Monday, November 18, 2002 7:00 PM Belmont Administration Center

You're Invited to the PV HIGHLIGHT ZONE Sponsored by PV ATHLETIC BOOSTERS Friday, November 22, 2002, at Tanglewood Hills Pavilion, 8:30-11:00 (following Winter Tip-Off). Food & Beverages Provided. Cost??? - Just a Donation at the Door. Bring your friends & your checkbook for Great Silent Auction Items. Come celebrate our PV Athletes! Sponsors: Valley Bank, Shell Express, Tanglewood Hills Pavilion.

PV BOOSTER CLUB SPARTAN CLOTHING The PV Booster Club's Spartan Clothing will be on sale Nov. 7 & 8 at the junior high conferences.

Holiday order forms were recently sent home with each elementary student. We also included them in the high school principal's newsletter. Extra order forms will be available in the office at each school, along with the administration office. Please note, the deadline for holiday orders will be Nov. 10th. Pick-up for holiday orders will be on Saturday, December 14th from 9:00 - 3:00 p.m. at the high school guidance office. That day we will also have our merchandise available for any last minute holiday gifts!

43rd Annual Christmas Dance Sponsored by The Friends of Pleasant Valley December 14, 2002 Starlite Ballroom, Fairgrounds, Davenport, IA Dinner 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Dancing 8:30-12:00 Midnight Music by "Monkey Around" Dinner/Dance Tickets $27/couple, $13.50/single Dance Only Tickets $15/couple, $7.50/single Shuttle service available from Carriage Place Addition, Deerbrook, and Crow Creek Park - $5.00/person. $1 of each ticket will be donated to the Pleasant Valley Schools Educational Foundation Scholarship Fund. Call Suzy VenHorst, 332-5986, for further information & reservations. Adolescence! Years of Wonder and Risk An informative evening with Chris McCormick-Pries (Vera French Community Mental Health Center) for parents with children in grades 5 through 12. Pleasant Valley High School Theater Thursday, November 14, 2002 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Topics: * Different stages of adolescence * Who's in Control? - Helping parents say "No" * How to respond when kids make bad choices * How to help your child be a self-advocate instead of giving in to peer pressure Sponsored by The Pleasant Valley Committee for Alcohol, Drug, Tobacco and Violence Free Youth For more information contact Dr. Jim Spelhaug, 332-5550 or

CHILLI TASTE-OFF The Pleasant Valley Choral Boosters are hosting a chilli taste-off on Tuesday, January 7. It will be during the double-header basketball game with Assumption. If you have an old family recipe or a spicy hot chilli, please consider entering. The cost to enter is $5.00. There will be prizes awarded for various categories. We are raising money for the choir trip to New York City in May where they will be performing at Carnegie Hall. Please join in the fun and give us a call @289-4654 to receive an entry form or just mark your calendars to attend and support both the basketball teams and the choir.

OPEN ENROLLMENT NOTICE Parents/Guardians considering the use of the open enrollment option to enroll their child or children in another public school district in the state of Iowa should be aware of the following dates:

JANUARY 1, 2003 - Last date for regular open enrollment requests for the 2003-04 school year.

SEPTEMBER 19, 2003 - Last date for open enrollment requests for entering kindergarten students for the 2003-04 school year.

Parents/guardians of open enrolled students whose income falls below 160% of the federal poverty guidelines are eligible for transportation assistance. This may be in the form of actual transportation or a cash stipend.

Parents should be aware that open enrollment may result in the loss of athletic eligibility.

For further details, contact 332-5550.

Pleasant Valley Schools Foundation Alumni Data Base If you are an alumnus of Pleasant Valley Community Schools, we'd like to hear from you. We are developing an alumni data base and will make this available for class reunions. Please let us know your address and phone number and year of graduation so you can be kept informed of your class events. Call (319)332-5550 or e-mail

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