Minutes of the September 17 meeting of the Bettendorf Board of Education

Unofficial Minutes of the September 17, 2002, Regular Meeting - Retiring Board
Of the Bettendorf Board of Education
(Pending Board Approval)
Unofficial Minutes of the September 17, 2002,
Regular Meeting ñ Incoming Board
(Pending Board Approval)

President Roski called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law. Members present: Directors Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Roski, Weigle. Members absent: Director Mayer. Other officials present: John Perdue, Superintendent; Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; Maxine McEnany, Director of Financial and Business Services; Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications; Dana Vavroch, BEA Representative; John Hall, Student Representative; Jeff Ehrmann, Board Treasurer; Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary.

Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0-1.

Keely Dykstra, 5th grade teacher at Grant Wood, expressed her appreciation to the Board and community for the recent renovations to Grant Wood Elementary, stating the students have a better place to learn and the teachers a better place to teach.

Jerry Fagle, Principal at Grant Wood, thanked the Board, Superintendent Perdue, John Campbell, and the efforts of many individuals in the major accomplishments achieved through the renovations of Grant Wood Elementary. Staff, students, and parents have expressed their appreciation and enthusiasm for the improvements.

Director Castro suggested the following changes to minutes:
September 3, 2002, Regular Meeting Minutes:
Page 5, Item #6.01, under Director Castro comments, add and he also recognized the dedication and efforts of Jeannie Cook and Rob Fick related to the BHS Fitness Center project.î
Page 5, Item #6.02, include the components of the Keokuk, Iowa, retirement plan, ìwhich was a three-prong plan with a cash payout, cash for unused sick days, and partial payment of health insurance until age 65 or until the individual would be eligible for Medicare.î
Page 5, Item #6.02, clarify support of the early retirement plan, ìDirectors varied on their support of the early retirement plan, with Directors Luton and Castro in favor of a more enriched health insurance incentive; Directors Roski, Weigle, and Anderson supporting the proposed two-day conversion for health insurance with insurance payout option and the $1,500 stipend for an early announcement; and Director Arney not supporting any incentive, in order to keep the experienced teachers in the classroom.î
September 12, 2002, Special Meeting Minutes:
Page 1, Item #3, add ìAssociate Principal Greg Meyer also indicated a group of individuals are working to privately raise funds to defray costs of the proposed southwest section of the project.î

Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the consent agenda as amended. Motion carried 6-0-1. The consent agenda included: Approval of September 3, 2002, Regular Meeting Minutes. Approval of September 12, 2002, Special Meeting Minutes. Approval of September 17, 2002, Bills Recommended for Payment. Approval of Administrative RecommendationsóPersonnel:
Certified Lane Changes
Susan Adams/BMS BA+30,13 to MA,14 $4,862
Longevity Increment Change $ 729
Karen Blomme/BHS MA,16 to MA+15,16 $1,215
Peter Bruecken/BHS MA,16 to MA+15,16 $1,215
April Bryant/BHS BA+30,5 to MA,5 $2,188
Michelle Bruty/BMS MA+15,16 to MA+30,17 $2,431
Joe Buck/BHS BA+30,13 to MA,14 $4,862
Scott Christensen/BHS BA+15,4 to MA,4 $3,404
Linda Deuth/NA BA,6 to BA+15,6 $1,215
Candy Egger/HH BA+30,13 to MA,14 $4,862
Longevity Increment Change $1,702
Chris Gutierrez/BMS MA+15,16 to MA+30,17 $2,431
Lori Hatch/BMS MA+30,17 to MA+45,17 $1,216
Todd Hornaday/BHS BA,6 to BA+15,6 $1,215
Brent Hutton/BHS BA,12 to BA+15,12 $1,458
Cheryl Irwin/BMS BA+15,12 to BA+30,13 $1,702
Loretta Johnson/PN BA+15,12 to MA,13 $5,348
Chris Like/BHS BA,4 to BA+15,4 $1,215
Bette Jo Mecham/BMS BA,12 to BA+15,12 $1,458
Jane Reitz/HH BA+15,12 to BA+30,13 $1,702
Ruth Senneff/BMS MA+15,14 to MA+30,14 $1,216
Gwen Sones/BMS MA+30,17 to MA+45,17 $1,216
Kevin Stender/BMS MA+15,16 to MA+30,17 $2,431
Kathy Straley/NA BA+15,12 to BA+30,13 $1,702
Kristin Stolte/NA BA+30,11 to MA,11 $2,188
Ellen Sutt/PN MA+30,14 to MA+45,14 $1,215
Ted Thompson/BMS BA+30,13 to MA,14 $4,862
Longevity Increment Change $1,702
Leanne Wagner/BHS MA,12 to MA+15,12 $1,215
Heather Wiley/BHS MA,9 to MA+15,9 $1,216
Certified Contract Modification: Pam Jennings/BMS/7th Grade/Advancing from BA, 3 ($27,713) at original hire date to BA+15, 3 ($28,929) due to transcript verification/ Effective September, 2002. Schedule D Approval to Hire: Mary Uhde/BMS/.5 Workpool/$389/Replacing James Jones/ Effective September, 2002; Kristina Wagner/BMS/.5 Workpool/$389/Replacing Kerri Sayers /Effective September 2002; Debbie Patterson/District/Curriculum Leader-P.E./$1,288/ Replacing Diane Lichtenberg/Effective September 2002; Joe Girsch/TJ/.75 5th Grade Intra-extramurals/$2,771/ Replacing Bobby Sturms/ Effective September 3, 2002; David Martin/TJ/.25 5th Grade Intra-extramurals/$924/ Replacing Bobby Sturms/Effective September 3, 2002; Barbara Brown/ District/Curriculum Leader-Vocational Ed/ $1,288 /Replacing Amy VanSickle/Effective September 2002; Andy Denton/BHS/Lunchroom Supervision/ $2,212/ Replacing Kala Franck/Effective immediately; Scott Christensen/BHS/.50 Lunchroom Supervision (1st semester) /$1,106/Replacing Tara Hupfeld/Effective August 21, 2002; Dave Curlott/BHS/.50 Lunchroom Supervision (2nd semester) /$1,106/Replacing Tara Hupfeld/Effective January 13, 2003; Patti Orr/BMS/.25 Workpool/$194/Replacing Kristina Wagner /Effective September 2002. Schedule D Resignation: Kristina Wagner/BMS/.25 Workpool/Effective Sept mber 2002. Grant-Funded Positions-Resignation: Mary Jean Osberger/BMS/Outreach Worker/Effective 8/30/02; Marjorie Martel/GW/Birth-to-Five Parent Liaison/Effective 8/19/02. Classified ñ Resignation: Mary Jo Emerson/BMS/Para Educator A/Effective 9/24/02; Terri Lorentzen/BHS/Para Educator B/Effective 9/6/02; Cindy Lydon/BHS/Food Service-Cook/Effective 9/2/02; Lori West/MT/Lourdes/Food Service-Satellite/Effective 9/3/02. Classified ñ Recommendation for Employment: Deanna Dearborn/ Maintenance & Transportation Center/Bus Driver/$10.94/$11.67 after 90 days/As needed/Effective 9/3/02; Carissa Ehrecke/BHS/ Para Educator B/$9.55 per hour/7 hours per day/Replacing Trent Hartwig (transfer) Effective 9/5/02; Carol Keller/NA/Para Educator B/$9.55 per hour/3.5 hours per day/Effective 8/5/02; Mary Madsen/ BMS/Para Educator A/$10.95 per hour/5.5 hours per day/Replacing Jana Coots (transfer)/Effective 9/9/02; Pamela Niebuhr/BMS/Para Educator A/$10.95 per hour/4.5 hours per day/Replacing Andrew Kuennen/Effective 9/9/02. Classified-Letter of Assignment Modification: Patti Orr/BMS/Para Educator B/$9.55 per hour/From 7.5 to 7 hours per day/Different studentís IEP/Effective 9/9/02; Summer Smith/BHS/Para Educator A/$10.95 per hour/From 7.5 to 6.5 hours per day/Continued budget cuts/Effective 8/22/02; Terry Strawhacker/From HH/PN to MT/From Second Shift Custodian to Day Custodian/From $13.63 to $13.38 per hour/8 hours per day/Replacing Kent Kloppenburg (transfer)/Effective 8/12/02; Pam Tillotson/BMS/From Para Educator B to Para Educator A/$10.95 per hour/7 hours per day/New special ed position due to enrollment/Effective 9/5/02. Approval of Lane & Waterman Legal Services Cooperative Agreement for 2002/03. Approval of Open Enrollment Requests Into Bettendorf, 2002/03: TíKeisha Baines, grade 12, from Davenport, good cause; Charles Dalupan, grade 1, from Pleasant Valley, continuation due to change of residence; Eric Green, grade 8, from Davenport, continuation due to change of residence; Tomanuelle Johnson, grade 11, from Davenport, continuation due to change of residence; Evan Lor, grade 5, from Davenport, continuation due to change of residence; Ivan Lor, grade 3, from Davenport, continuation due to change of residence; Symaan Lor, grade 2, from Davenport, continuation due to change of residence; Sasha McNeal, grade 10, from Davenport, continuation due to change of residence; Patrick Mesick, grade 6, from Pleasant Valley, continuation due to change of residence; Spencer Mesick, grade 9, from Pleasant Valley, continuation due to change of residence; Marcus Walthers, grade7, from Davenport, good cause to due to change of residence. Into Bettendorf 2003/04: Erika Gifford, grade 6 (as of 2003/04), from Davenport; Kyle Green, grade 9 (as of 2003/04), from Davenport; David Jayne, grade 9 (as of 2003/04), from Davenport; Danielle Pennington, kindergarten (as of 2003/04), from Davenport.

Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Arney, to accept the results from the Scott County Auditorís office as the official results of the September 10, 2002, School Board election certifying Jeannine Crockett and Barry Anderson as newly elected directors. Motion carried 6-0-1.

Superintendent Perdue and the Board of Education presented Director Dean Arney with a plaque and expressed their appreciation to him for his dedication, service, and contributions during his six years of service from 1996 to 2002.

Motion by Director Castro to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.
Board of Education
September 17, 2002

Unofficial Minutes of the September 17, 2002,
Regular Meeting ñ Incoming Board
(Pending Board Approval)

Board Secretary Lynne Lindstrom called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. and verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law. Members present: Directors Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Luton, Roski, Weigle. Members absent: Director Mayer. Other officials present: John Perdue, Superintendent; Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; Maxine McEnany, Director of Financial and Business Services; John Campbell, Director of Operations; Judy Miller, Director of Human Resources; Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications; Dana Vavroch, BEA Representative; John Hall, Student Representative; Jeff Ehrmann, Board Treasurer; Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary.

Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, administered the oath of office to the newly elected members of the Board, Jeannine Crockett and Barry Anderson.

Ballots for the nomination of President to the Board of Education were distributed, and Directors Weigle and Roski were nominated. Director Weigle requested her name be withdrawn from the nominations, electing Director Roski as the President of the Board of Education for the 2002/03 term.

President Roski assumed the role of Chair and called upon Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, to distribute ballots for the nomination of Vice President to the Board of Education. Directors Anderson and Weigle were nominated. Director Weigle withdrew from the nominations, electing Director Anderson as the Vice President of the Board of Education for the 2002/03 term.

Motion by Director Anderson, seconded by Director Castro, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0-1.

Motion by Director Castro, seconded by Director Luton, to accept the bid submitted by Jim Giese Commercial Roofing Inc. in an amount not to exceed $43,260.00 for the replacement of the roof on C building at Bettendorf High School. Motion carried 6-0-1.

Directors reviewed the following proposed goals for 2002/03:
The Board will continue to focus decisions on increasing student achievement results and ensure that policies and resources support the implementation of the Districtís Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP).
Study, revise, and formulate new Board policies related to Educational Philosophy; Board of Directors; Administration; and others as needed.
Enhance avenues for communication and community input with the Board of Education.
Plan for short- and long-term school improvement and funding efforts that are fiscally responsible to the community.
Motion by Director Anderson, seconded by Director Castro, to approve the 2002/03 Board of Education Goals for the 2002/03 school year. Motion carried 6-0-1.

Director Mayer arrived at 8:05 p.m.

A listing of Board members and potential committee assignments was distributed for review. Based on input from Directors, the following assignments were given for committees:
Audit Committee ñ Directors Anderson, Crockett, Weigle
Scott County Conference Board ñ Director Roski
Community School Improvement Advisory Council ñ Directors Roski, Weigle
IASB Delegate Assembly ñ Director Weigle
Insurance Committee ñ Director Luton
Schools Council/Interest-Based Bargaining ñ Directors Luton, Roski, Weigle
Legislative ñ Directors Luton, Mayer
Parent Executive Council ñ Directors Castro, Crockett
Policy Review Committee ñ Directors Castro, Crockett, Mayer
PPEL Campaign Committee ñ Director Anderson
Strategic Plan ñ Director Anderson
Park Board ñ Director Mayer
Community Forums ñ Director Castro
Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Crockett, to approve the 2002/03 Board committee assignments. Motion carried 7-0.

Superintendent Perdue reviewed the following components of a proposed early retirement plan for the 2002/03 school year:
BOE Policy #402.9, Supplemental Retirement Incentive, utilizing one day of accumulated sick leave for family or single health insurance
$1,500 stipend for an early announcement of participation by November 15, 2002
2003/04 Early Retirement Resolution, utilizing one additional day of accumulated sick leave to be redeemed for paid single health insurance or the cash equivalent of the current cost, at retirement, of a day of single health insurance for every day of accumulated unused sick leave.
Additional provisions and exclusions permitting reemployment with the district for performing temporary employment services such as substitute work, mentoring, or tutoring

Superintendent Perdue pointed out a recent finding related to the taxability of cash benefit and health insurance. He noted that if a retiring employee elects to receive the value of the health insurance coverage in cash in lieu of the insurance or if the employee elects to continue his/her health insurance coverage instead of payment in cash, then the amount the employee receives or the value of the insurance will be includible in his/her gross income for federal and state income tax.

Ms. Dana Vavroch, BEA Representative, stated that although she was unable to get specific feedback on this issue she did not think the taxability issue would be a determining factor for those eligible retirees. She also indicated retirees who do not participate in the insurance were positive about the aspects of a cash equivalent option.

Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the 2003/03 Early Retirement Plan to include:
BOE Policy #402.9, Supplemental Retirement Incentive, utilizing one day of accumulated sick leave for family or single health insurance
$1,500 stipend for an early announcement of participation by November 15, 2002
2003/04 Early Retirement Resolution, utilizing one additional day of accumulated sick leave to be redeemed for paid single health insurance or the cash equivalent of the current cost, at retirement, of a day of single health insurance for every day of accumulated unused sick leave.
Additional provisions and exclusions permitting reemployment with the district for performing temporary employment services such as substitute work, mentoring, or tutoring

Director Luton indicated he felt the recommended proposal was short-sited and did not include input from Maxine McEnany, the new Director of Financial and Business Services, or the newly appointed Board member, Jeannine Crockett. He expressed concern for further budget cuts in the coming months and would like to save the district money through this retirement plan while also rejuvenating students with new energized teachers. In summary, he suggested a more enriched plan to pursued.

Motion by Director Luton, seconded by Director Castro, to table the motion definitely until the second meeting in October 2002. Motion failed 2-5.

Director Castro asked directors to consider whether a more enriched 3-day plan would be cost effective and if the Management Fund could afford it. He stated his opinion that both of these objectives could be accomplished and asked the Board to consider the third day option.

Director Weigle sited Board Policy #203 ìBoard of Directors Conflict of Interestî, stating she felt a Board member has a wife in the position to directly benefit from the type of retirement plan offered. Director Weigle quoted the policy if there is a conflict, the employee should cease the activity or refrain from taking any official action.î She indicated she felt this policy was pertinent to the early retirement issue.

Director Castro clarified that the Board had not taken any official action on an early retirement plan; thus, the statement was out of sequence. He stated he would continue to share his opinion, and it was not one person benefiting from the plan but 69 eligible retirees to consider. He expressed his belief that no one else on the Board, with the exception of Director Luton, advocates for the employees. He clarified that he was not concerned of a conflict of interest on this issue.

Director Luton supported Director Castro, stating he was a man of integrity, and while his position might be somewhat difficult he felt Director Castroís position represented all the eligible employees.

Director Castro commented that it was his duty to read the conflict of interest policy and not for another Board member to call him on this situation.

President Roski voiced her disagreement with Director Castro, stating she had brought the conflict of interest matter to Director Castroís attention in a recent conversation and if his wife was unable to benefit from the retirement program they would not have had the discussion.

Motion by Director Mayer, seconded by Director Weigle, to call the previous question. Motion carried

President Roski clarified that debate was closed, discussion was closed, and she called on Board Secretary Lindstrom, who restated the main motion as follows:
Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the 2003/03 Early Retirement Plan to include:
BOE Policy #402.9, Supplemental Retirement Incentive, utilizing one day of accumulated sick leave for family or single health insurance
$1,500 stipend for an early announcement of participation by November 15, 2002
2003/04 Early Retirement Resolution, utilizing one additional day of accumulated sick leave to be redeemed for paid single health insurance or the cash equivalent of the current cost, at retirement, of a day of single health insurance for every day of accumulated unused sick leave.
Additional provisions and exclusions permitting reemployment with the district for performing temporary employment services such as substitute work, mentoring, or tutoring
Motion rejected 3-3-1.

President Roski addressed the taxability issue, clarifying that by adding the second day sick leave option or the cash equivalent, it has become a taxable benefit. She believes this would negatively impact retirees and, therefore, expressed an interest in surveying those eligible to retire to get their input. If approval of the plan were moved back to October, the early announcement date would most likely be extended also. President Roski stated she was not interested in adding components to the plan but would like to give the retirees an opportunity to respond to the taxability implications.

Motion by Director Luton, seconded by Director Castro, to table action on the early retirement plan until the second Board meeting in October. Motion failed 2-4-1.

Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Crockett, to table action on the early retirement plan until the first Board meeting in October. Motion carried 6-1.

The Superintendentís Report included the following:
The district has approximately 68 students less than the prior school year, with official enrollment count scheduled for Friday, September 20.
Minor finishing work is being completed on the construction projects at Grant Wood Elementary and BHS Science Department.
The revised retreat agenda for Saturday, September 21, at 8:00 a.m. was reviewed.
Reminder given regarding staff members scheduled to present their Building School Improvement Plans at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 21.
A review of the history and rationale for administrative supplemental compensation was presented. Overall, Directors indicated an interest in reviewing TSA plans for administrators as part of the early stages in negotiations, requesting comparabilities of TSA rates and rationale.
Tentative agenda items for the regular Board meeting scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 7, were reviewed.

Motion by Director Mayer to adjourn the meeting at 9:32 p.m.

Board of Education
September 17, 2002

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