Republican rebellion appears to be brewing in State Senate District 41

Judging from the dollars, number of yard signs and the sign locations, incumbent Republican State Senator David Hartsuch appears to be in trouble in his re-election bid.

Hartsuch defeated long-time Republican Maggie Tinsman in the District 41 primary four years ago by just 68 votes, and then won the general election by a 51-49 percent margin against Democrat Phyllis Thede.

This time around, Hartsuch's opponent in the Republican primary June 8 is Roby Smith, a similar social conservative (i.e. anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage), contrary to the more moderate views of Tinsman.

Smith has raised more than $10,000 from a list of mainstream Republican donors, including a $4,000 donation by Bettendorf resident and Davenport businessman (Salzman Corporation) Harry Cockrell. And, some Republicans who gave to Hartsuch in 2006 are contributing to Smith's campaign.

One of those contributors who donated to Hartsuch in 2006 and is a Smith contributor now is Philip Allen, who unsuccessfully challenged Tinsman in 2002 running on a pro-life platform.

While the Scott County Republican Party hasn't publicly endorsed Mr. Smith, the timing and location of his signs indicate private, if not public, support from party regulars. A recent Smith flyer to district Republican voters didn't even mention his primary opponent, focusing entirely on issues aimed at Democrats in the coming fall general election.

Hartsuch was a loose cannon in Des Moines initially snubbing the Republican caucus. And, after being left off the speaker platform at a John McCain rally in Davenport during the '08 campaign, Hartsuch issued a news release accusing the McCain campaign of showing gay pride by nixing his (Hartsuch's) speaking at the rally.

Hartsuch ran unsuccesfully against Democrat Bruce Braley in the First District U.S. Congressional race in 2008, raising little money and losing badly.

His re-election campaign coffers are barely above $5,000 currently, including a personal loan remaining from the 2006 campaign for almost that same amount.

Whoever wins the Republican primary will face a strong challenge from Democrats in the Senate district. Former Davenport School Board member Richard Clewell and newcomer David Thede (husband of Hartsuch's opponent in the last state senate campaign) are facing off in the Democratic primary.

CLICK HERE for Roby Smith's most recent campaign finance disclosure report.

CLICK HERE for David Hartsuch's most recent campaign finance disclosure report.

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