Ah, The Peonies!

October 9, 2009 by bgierke

Ever see the movie Heat? It’s a really great cop versus robber flic with Pacino (cop) and DeNiro (robber). Val Kilmer is a steely with chinks bad guy too. Ashley Judd’s his wife. DeNiro and crew are skilled, astute, and only go after the largest of hauls. Last one eight figures. Movie is wonderful, mesmerizing, in your face violence. In fact, DeNiro demands that his last victim “look at me, LOOK AT ME!” before delivering the revenge fueled coup de grace.

My savor of the gunplay and bloodletting came to mind while reading a bit about the President of Liberia – Ellen Johnson Sirleaf – the first female president of an African country. Question: “If women ran the world, would wars still exist?” Answer: “No. It would be a better, safer, and more productive world. A woman would bring an extra dimension to that task – and that’s a sensitivity to humankind. It comes from being a mother.”

Question: “But if women had power, they would be more likely to acquire the negative traits that power breeds, like selfishness and territorialism.” Answer: “It would take a very long term of women absolutely in power to get to the place where they became men”.*

What is up with us men? I remember studying the Yanomamo people who inhabit a bit of the jungle between Venezuela and Brazil. Napoleon Chagnon wrote the best selling anthropology treatise of all time about them.** They were fascinating for having been theretofore untouched by civilization. Real time look at primal. Garden of Eden it was not. Guys sat around blowing hallucinogenic drugs up each other’s noses all day while women slashed, burned, and cooked. Third of the men died violent deaths.

I’ve read elsewhere that our incredible inability to get along is what led to the original diaspora from Africa. Group gets to 5,000 or so in size, factions arise, violence attends, they spread out. Years on, given half a chance, a group more technologically advanced wipes out one less so. Jeesh.

Somehow though we’ve made it this far. Truth and beauty do exist and are known to exist by men and women alike. President Sirleaf might well see more soulful women than men, but some men have tamed or cathected their urges and transmogrified their blood lust.

Mountaineers, for example, challenge gravity and weather to suffer a cold and frightful experience risking their contribution to the gene pool all the while. First ascensionists get to pick the line and have naming rights when successful. Sometimes position and kinesthetics combine to make a stairway to heaven. On the massive Gogarth Sea Cliffs in North Wales for example, Ed Drummond put up a spectacular route which he named “Dream of White Horses."

Or – just saw an exhibition of Cy Twombly’s late work.*** Unspeakable beauty. Unspeakable. The representation below of one picture from his “Peony Blossom Paintings” conveys only the slightest of hints of an in-person experience, but alongside panel six he has a haiku by Takarai Kikaku inspired by 14th century samurai Kusunoki Masashige:

Ah, The Peonies

For which


Took off his Armour

Cool, huh?


* NYT Mag, 8/23/09

** Yanomamo, The Fierce People by Napoleon Chagnon, Holt Rinehart Winston 1968

***Cy Twombly: The Natural World Selected Works 2000-2007. The Art Institute of Chicago May 16 – October 11, 2009

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