PV enrollment up 74 students; board ponders options

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Dayman. Members present: Adams, Dayman, Huegel, Messman, Paulsen, Schurr and Witters. Absent: None. Also present: Jim Spelhaug, Cyndy Behrer, Mike Clingingsmith, Dan Bischoff, Chris Harvey, Brian Strusz, Steven Cotton, Daelyn, Sherry, and Timothy Zaruba, Mary Jo Gruneich, Dan Bischoff, Leigh Butler, and Ray LaFrentz.

AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by Witters, second by Schurr that the Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by Witters, second by Schurr that the Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: President Dayman welcomed visitors to the meeting.

Leigh Butler addressed the board regarding her concerns and suggestions for security improvements at the junior high. President Dayman thanked her for her ideas. Dr. Spelhaug reiterated that safety is everyone’s responsibility. Students and parents are encouraged to share safety improvement ideas and to always report concerns to school or law enforcement officials.

Dan Reed, President of LeClaire Lions, presented the Pleasant Valley Junior High Quest (Say No to Drugs) program a check in the amount of $680.00 which represented the proceeds from the LeClaire Lions’ April Pancake Breakfast. The Board thanked the LeClaire Lions for their long time support and loyalty to this worthy program as well as others throughout the community.

Cyndy Behrer congratulated the district’s boys and girls cross country teams. The high school varsity, sophomore and freshman boys and girls finished 1st in the MAC Conference meet held on Oct. 12, 2006. The Junior High 7th grade boys cross country team placed third at state; 8th grade boys cross country team placed second at state; 7th grade girls cross country team placed eighth at state; and the 8th grade girls cross country team placed 1st at state with Anne Martin, 8th grader, placing 1st over-all in the state competition. The board thanked the cross country coaches. Ms. Behrer congratulated the freshman volleyball team for their 25 – 2 record and for coming in first in the three tournaments they entered. She also congratulated the PV students and teachers who were honored at the Iowa City Belin Blank Center recognition ceremony and PVCHS for being recognized as one of the top 25 high schools in the state according to the AP Index calculated by the Belin Blank Center.

Junior High Principal Brian Strusz introduced student Daelyn Zaruba and her parents Sherry and Timothy Zaruba. He thanked Daelyn for updating the junior high’s bulletin boards and display cases in the main hallway and Mary Jo Gruneich, Spirit Gear sponsor, for her guidance with the project.

Dean of Students Steven Cotton shared a new program, PVJH Kids of Character. Students are nominated by their teachers for meeting or exceeding expectations. Selected students receive a Kids of Character Award which is displayed at school and is also available for viewing on the junior high’s website found at www.pleasval.k12.ia.us.

CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Schurr, second by Witters that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. The Consent Agenda consists of the following: approval of the minutes of the October 2 Regular Board Meeting; the increase in Merry Jo Harmon’s Letter of Assignment as an educational aide at PVJH from 4.75 hours per day to 5 hours per day; the resignation of Deb Huegel as a food service worker at Riverdale Heights; the regular employment of Vikki Mackovich as a food service worker and Heather Stocking as a career center advisor both at PVCHS; the probationary employment of Michelle Bump and Kathy Saunders as special education aides at Riverdale Heights, Cherish Stickel as a special education aide at Pleasant View, Michelle Childers as a food service worker at Pleasant View, and Wayne Hodge as a part-time custodian at Pleasant View; three open enrollment applications-in for 2006-07 from Bettendorf Schools and three open enrollment applications-in for 2007-08, two from Bettendorf schools and one from North Scott schools.

EXPENSES APPROVED: Motion by Paulsen, second by Messman that General Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $183,193.10 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Witters, second by Adams that Nutrition Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $53,108.60 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Huegel, second by Witters that Elementary/Junior High Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $5,541.70 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Messman, second by Adams that High School Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $17,521.94 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Adams, second by Huegel that PPEL Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $137,216.41 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Huegel, second by Paulsen that a Capital Projects Fund warrant be issued in the total amount of $40,375.00 in payment of the invoice presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Adams, second by Schurr that an Internal Service Fund warrant be issued in the total amount of $2,375.00 in payment of the invoice presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

MEASURES OF ACADEMIC PROGRESS (MAP) ASSESSMENT UPDATE: Last spring, the Board discussed and approved the use of a new assessment instrument to be administered in grades 3-8. That assessment, the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is in the process of being implemented in the district. Cyndy Behrer updated the Board on the initial use of the assessment tool, described the next steps in the implementation process, and shared some preliminary results along with their potential implications for the district. She reviewed that the most important use of the assessment is as a guide to instruction for faculty.

REVIEW ELEMENTARY ENROLLMENT DATA: Dr. Spelhaug reported that the district had certified its enrollment with the state at 3,369.8 which is 74.4 over last year’s certified enrollment. He reviewed with the board the district’s enrollment data and highlighted the most pressing concerns: the acceleration of elementary enrollment and the continued enrollment pressure at both Pleasant View and Riverdale Heights. Time was spent reviewing the number of open seats available from last year to this year and taking a look at how the numbers would look for the next school year.

REVIEW UPDATED FIVE YEAR CAPITAL PROJECTS PLAN: In light of the enrollment update, Dr. Spelhaug and Mr. Clingingsmith reviewed the Five Year Capital Projects Plan. Two important assumptions were made in providing the financial projections: 1) that voted PPEL is re-approved; and, 2) that local option sales tax is re-approved (albeit with lower receipts). The discussion focused on the timing and financing of a new school on Hopewell Avenue. Tentatively the new school is scheduled for occupancy in 2011. The board discussed other possibilities to create space for more elementary classrooms/students without building a new school. It was also underscored that no firm plans can be made until the future of both PPEL and local option sales tax is secured.

Motion by Paulsen, second by Huegel that the Board approve the Five Year Capital Project Plan as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes – Paulsen, Schurr, Witters, Adams, Dayman, Huegel, Messman. Nays – none. Motion carried.

MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS: Mr. Clingingsmith presented the monthly financial reports for September. Through September, general fund revenue totaled $2,621,393 and expenses totaled $3,165,149. The fund balance in the General Fund at September 30, 2006 was $1,376,269. He also presented reports on the Management, PPEL, Capital Projects, Debt Service, Nutrition, Internal Service, and Activity Funds. There were no significant variances from projections in the September financial reports.

Motion by Adams, second by Witters that the Board accept the monthly financial reports for September as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes – Adams, Dayman, Huegel, Messman, Paulsen, Schurr, Witters. Nays – none. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 9:42 p.m.

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