Preliminary Bettendorf school enrollment up 40 students

Student enrollment in the Bettendorf School System is up 40 students compared to last year, according to Superintendent Marty Lucas. But Lucas told the school board at its Sept. 18 meeting the enrollment numbers could change before the official date for reporting student enrollment to the state on Oct. 2.

The number of students is the basis for calculating the amount of state aid the district receives each year. If the preliminary enrollment figures remain unchanged, it would mark the second consecutive year in which district enrollment has increased.

Click on the Read More link below for the full school board minutes of the Sept. 18 meeting.


Unofficial Minutes of the September 18, 2006 Retiring Board
of the Board of Education
(pending Board approval)

The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, State of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for their regular Board meeting at the Administration Center, 729 21st Street, Bettendorf, Iowa, on September 18, 2006. President Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Colleen Skolrood, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law. Members present: Directors Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Ehrmann, Luton, Mayer, and Weigle. Other officials present: Marty Lucas, Superintendent; Maxine McEnany, Director of Business and Financial Services; Joe Slavens, Treasurer; Cindy Ferguson, BEA Representative; Cara Voelliger and Nick Hunt, Student Representatives; and Colleen Skolrood, Board Secretary.

Motion by Director Crockett, seconded by Director Mayer, to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

The following Bettendorf Community School District teacher has been selected by a student to be honored at The University of Iowa's Belin-Blank Center Recognition Ceremony on October 14th at Hancher Auditorium:
Grant Wood Elementary School
Dana Nichols – 3rd grade teacher -nominated by Nikki Schneider.

The Ceremony recognizes those students who earned exceptional scores as part of the Belin-Blank Exceptional Student Talent Search, were selected to one of the scholarship programs, or received special recognition in a Belin-Blank Center program in 2006. Each student was encouraged to identify a teacher who has had a significant impact on that student and his/her educational achievements.

Approval of Administrative Recommendations—Personnel

Certified Approval to Hire

Jennifer Gosa/Supervising Teacher Coordinator for Home School Assistance Program/$23.09 an hour x 16 hours for each student enrolled in the program/Effective 9-18-06

Certified Contract Modification

Heather Cox/TJ/From .50 FTE to .5758 FTE for guided reading and to provide kindergarten prep time/Effective 8-28-06

Lori Deaton/GW/From .66 FTE to .71 FTE to provide kindergarten prep time/Effective 8-28-06

Laura Fergades/HH/ From .66 FTE to .71 FTE to provide kindergarten prep time/Effective 8-28-06

Certified Lane Change

Ann Abplanalp MA,16 to MA+15,16 $1,275

Tisha Anderson BA, 3 to BA+15, 3 $1,275

Brian Barquist BA+15, 7 to BA+30, 7 $1,275

Karen Blomme MA+15, 16 to MA+45, 17 $4,080

Robin Bridges BA, 7 to BA+15, 7 $1,275

Cheryl Brogla-KrupkeMA+30,17 to MA+45, 17 $1,275

Shannon Budde BA, 9 to MA, 9 $4,845

Trisha Calsyn BA+15, 3 to BA+30, 3 $1,275

Mike Christensen BA, 10.5 to BA+15, 10.5 $1,275

Kristy Cleppe BA+30, 5 to MA, 5 $2,295

Stephanie Cleveland BA, 6 to BA+15, 6 $1,275

Melissa Cotton MA, 11 to MA+15, 11 $1,275

Dan Drexler BA, 12 to BA+30, 13 $3,315

Ben Driscoll BA, 6 to MA, 6 $4,845

Candy Egger MA, 16 to MA+15, 16 $1,275

Robbie Furne BA+15, 2 to BA+30, 2 $1,275

Carol Holmes MA+30, 17 to MA+45, 17 $1,275

Laura Kauffman MA+30, 17 to MA+45, 17w $1,275

Connie King MA+30, 10 to MA+45, 10 $1,275

Kathy Laffoon MA+15, 14.5 to MA+30, 14.5 $1,275

Scott Lammers BA+15, 12 to MA, 12 $4,335

Lisa Marxen BA, 9 to BA+15, 9 $1,275

Robin Olson BA+15, 12 to BA+30, 13 $1,785

Heather Schloemer BA+15, 2 to BA+30, 2 $1,275

Melissa Simpson MA+30, 16 to MA+45, 16 $1,275

Stacey Springer BA, 4 to BA+30, 4 $2,550

Mark Stateler BA+15, 7 to BA+30, 7 $1,275

Chad Uhde BA+15, 10 to MA, 10 $3,570

Leanne Wagner MA+15, 16 to MA+30, 16

Jennifer Wilson BA, 3 to BA+15, 3 $1,275

Schedule D Resignation

Donna Schoening/BMS/Work Differential (.50)/Effective 8-30-06

Schedule D Approval to Hire

Sarah Greim/BMS/Work Pool (.50)/$408/Replacing Carol West (.25) and Patti Orr (.25)/Effective 8-30-06

Amy Harksen/BHS/District Wide Curriculum Leader, Guidance (.50)/$676/ Replacing Shelly Klaas/Effective 8-14-06

Deb Patterson/BMS/District Wide Curriculum Leader, Physical Education/$1,351/returning to position/Effective 8-14-06

Haley Wikoff/MT/ District Wide Curriculum Leader, Guidance (.50)/$676/ Replacing Shelly Klaas/Effective 8-14-06

Jennifer Wilson/BHS/Club Sponsor, Amicus/$510/Replacing Bev Hartwig/ Effective 8-14-06

Classified – Letter of Assignment Modification

Paulette Dow/PN/Food Service-Part time/Same rate of pay/From 2 to 3 hours per day/Replacing Wanda Strelow/Effective 8/14/06

Sandra James/From HH to NA/Para Educator/Same rate of pay/2.5 hours per day/Recall to resource position due to student need/Effective 9/12/06

Jill Schmitzer/From HH to BHS/Para Educator/Same rate of pay/From 6.5 to 5.75 hours per day/Involuntary transfer (PMD position eliminated) to open position (Vicki Preston)/Effective 9/8/06

Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment.

Paisley Gale, grade 6, from Pleasant Valley, continuation

Adam Truman, kindergarten, from Pleasant Valley, continuation


The following students have open enrolled out of the Bettendorf Communi

ty School District:

Out of Bettendorf, 2006/07
Halley Lee, grade 11, to Pleasant Valley, good cause due to change of residence

School Infrastructure Local Option Sales and Services Tax Revenue Anticipation Project Notes.

Approval of Tax Exemption Certificate

Resolution authorizing the issuance of $2,000,000 School Infrastructure Local Option Sales and Services Tax Revenue Anticipation Project Notes, Series 2006A and $5,000,0000 School Infrastructure Local Option Sales and Services Tax Revenue Anticipation Project Notes, Series 2006B

Motion by Director Crockett, seconded by Director Erhmann, to accept the results from the Action Items. Motion carried: 7-0.

Motion by Director Mayer, seconded by Director Luton, to accept the results from the Scott County Auditor’s office as the official results of the September 12, 2006, School Board Election. Motion carried: 7-0.

Appointment & Oath for Monica Poe, Board Secretary, for Fiscal Year 2006.

Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Luton, to approve Monica Poe as Board Secretary for Fiscal Year 2006. Motion carried: 7-0.

Director Castro shared that he had the privilege of talking to Fox Sports News regarding Bettendorf High School and expressed that Fox Sports was extremely impressed by the facilities. Footage will be on television in several weeks.

Superintendent Marty Lucas awarded retiring members, Director Castro and Director Luton plaques for their six years of service to the Bettendorf Community School District. Directors Castro and Luton expressed their heartfelt appreciation Administration and Directors help and assistance throughout the years. Director Luton also expressed his gratitude to his mentor, Director Weigle.

Director Castro highlighted some specific Board accomplishments as well as some future survey information on balanced calendar and members of students opened enrolled in and out of our school district. 67.4% responded of those 26.1% preferred the traditional calendar, 30% would accept traditional or balanced calendar, and 40% preferred the balance calendar. Open enrolled out for 2005 was 204 students and open enrolled in was of 483 students for Bettendorf School District.

The new appointed BOE members, Director Tinsman and Director Justis were welcomed.

Motion by Director Mayer to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 p.m.


Unofficial Minutes of the September 18, 2006 Incoming Board
of the Board of Education
(pending Board approval)

The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, State of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for their regular Board meeting at the Administration Center, 729 21st Street, Bettendorf, Iowa, on September 18, 2006. Board Secretary Monica Poe called the meeting to order at 7:22 p.m.

Members present: Directors Anderson, Crockett, Ehrmann, Justis , Mayer, Tinsman and Weigle.
Members absent: None

Other officials present: Marty Lucas, Superintendent, Maxine McEnany, Director of Business and Financial Services; Joe Slavens, Treasurer; Cindy Ferguson, BEA Representative; Cara Voelliger and Nick Hunt, Student Representatives; and Monica Poe, Board Secretary.

Oath of Office.

Monica Poe, Board Secretary, administered the oath of office to the newly elected members of the Board of Education, Betsy Justis and Scott Tinsman.

Election of President.

Ballots for the nomination of President to the Board of Education were distributed, and Directors Anderson and Mayer were nominated. Ballots for the election of President were distributed, and Director Anderson received the majority of the votes for President. Director Anderson received four votes and Director Mayer received three votes. Director Anderson assumed the role of President of the Board.

Election of Vice President.

Monica Poe, Board Secretary distributed ballots for nomination of Vice President to the Board of Education. Director Mayer and Director Weigle were nominated. Director Weigle received the majority of votes for Vice President. Director Mayer withdrew his nomination. Director Weigle was appointed Vice President by unanimous nomination.

Agenda Approval – Incoming Board.

Motion by Director Crockett, seconded by Director Ehrmann, to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried 7-0.

Director Weigle Shared information regarding the parade.

A listing of Board members and potential committee assignments were distributed for review. Based on input from the Directors, the following assignments were given:

Finance Committee – Directors Anderson, Crockett, and Tinsman

Scott Conference Board – Director Anderson and (Director Weigle as alternate)

Community School Improvement Advisory Council – Directors Justis and Tinsman

IASB Delegate Assembly – Director Weigle

Bargaining – Director Weigle and (Director Erhmann as alternate)

Legislative – Director Mayer and (Director Anderson as alternate)

Parent Executive Council – Directors Justis and Crockett

Policy Review Committee – Directors Ehrmann, Justis and Mayer

PTO/PTA Representative – Directors Crockett and Erhmann

Motion by Director Mayer, seconded by Director Weigle, to approve the 2006/07 Board committee assignments as outlined under item # 7.01 in the Board book.
Motion carried 7-0

Policy Review Committee Meeting – Superintendent Lucas indicated that a meeting will be
scheduled within the next few weeks to begin a review of board policies, Series 400. The
committee will review Series 400, 500 and 600 throughout the 2006/07 school year.

Enrollment Update – Superintendent Lucas indicated that current enrollment number indicate an increase of 40 students from last. He indicated that this is still an unofficial number as the official state count date is October 1, 2006.

Construction Update – The Neil Armstrong and Middle School projects are still meeting the projected timelines. Superintendent Lucas reported that a group of middle school staff members have begun meeting to discuss the remodeling of the Pod areas within the building. Board president Anderson asked if we had a budget number we were using for the project. Superintendent Lucas stated that more information needs to be gathered prior
to making a budget recommendation to the board.

Building School Improvement Plans – Superintendent Lucas reported that building have developed their school improvement plans for the year. He suggested having the principals meet with the board to discuss the plans once the board has identified goal issues for the year.

Retreat Planning – Because of the difficulty in finding a date when all board members are available for a retreat it was discussed that more than one session may be needed. The first session is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 2, 2006, prior to the regular board meeting.

Next Agenda Planning- Scheduled October 2, 2006

Friday, September 22, BCS Foundation, 12:00 noon, AEA
Monday, September 25, District School Improvement Leadership, 4:00 p.m., AEA

Monday, October 2, Board of Education, 7:00 p.m., AEA

Superintendent Lucas reported that board members from each of the districts served by MBAEA will be invited to attend the regular superintendent’s meeting on Thursday, December 7, 2006. Area legislators will be speaking and answering questions during the session.

Motion by Director Mayer to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m.

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