Bettendorf Park Board Minutes 07/12/05

July 12, 2005

The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on July 12, 2005 at 4:00 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

Present: Beckman, Gackle, Glenn, Makoben
Absent: Kamp

Rita VanWetzingaís recreation monthly report is annex #1 to these minutes.

Stu Smith reviewed the parks maintenance report, which is annex #2 to these minutes. There was discussion regarding foul balls at Crow Creek Park and the possibility of acquiring 16 taller poles for netting. Stu will pursue that this fall.

Brad Peterson reviewed the golf maintenance report, which is annex #3 to these minutes. Brad reviewed the challenge of trash on the course after the 4th of July fireworks. Brad also reviewed the quotes for a temporary trailer while the clubhouse is being built. He recommended a 12í x 56í from GE Capital Modular, Elgin, Illinois, at a cost of $6,533.00 for eight months (approximately mid-September to the beginning of April). It includes a self-contained restroom, electric heat and air conditioning, with some space for office, concessions and pro shop.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Gackle to approve placing a resolution on Wednesdayís Consent Agenda for the rental of a temporary trailer for Palmer Hills Golf Course clubhouse during demolition and construction of the new clubhouse.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Beckman, Gackle, Glenn, Makoben
Nays: None

Jon Waddellís golf administration monthly report is annex #4 to these minutes.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Gackle, to approve the 9-hole rate for the City Golf Tournament.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Beckman, Gackle, Glenn, Makoben
Nays: None

Steve Grimes reviewed his administration monthly report, which is annex #5 to these minutes.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Gackle, to approve submitting the REAP grant for Crow Creek Park Trail and the SCRA grant for the Centennial Garden walkway.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Beckman, Gackle, Glenn, Makoben
Nays: None

Steve Grimes reported a problem with the dehumidifier at the Life Fitness Center pool, and it cannot be repaired again. Dan Vrba is getting a quote for replacement.

Steve Grimes also reported he met with Pleasant Valley School District representatives regarding developing a recreation trail of about ?-mile from Deer Ridge Subdivision to Pleasant Valley High School. The trail would connect to Duck Creek Trail. We might be able to get transportation enhancement funds and gaming funds.

Steve Grimes also reported that the Riverfront Trail in Leach Park needs to have some improvements to avoid the trail going through the parking lot, making it safer. The preliminary estimate is approximately $25,000 and those funds should be available from the Riverfront Recreation Trail Capital Improvement fund.

The golf course fence issue was discussed. Steve Grimes recommended placing it on the August 10th agenda giving all interested parties an opportunity to speak. Chuck Nolting, 2226 Hogan Ct. N., Bettendorf, spoke in favor of fence removal and answered questions.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Beckman, to approve requesting funds for the Life Fitness Center marketing study from the City Council.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Beckman, Gackle, Glenn, Makoben
Nays: None

On motion by Beckman to adjourn the meeting at 4:48 pm.

Makoben (Chairman)

Glenn (Vice Chairman)

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