The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, State of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for their regular Board meeting at Ray Stensvad

Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa, on

August 15, 2005. President Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Colleen Skolrood, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law. Members present: Directors Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Ehrmann, Luton, Mayer, Weigle. Members absent: None. Other officials present: Marty Lucas, Superintendent; Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; Maxine McEnany, Director of Business & Financial Services; Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications; Joe Slavens, Treasurer; Jimmy Casas, High School

Principal; David Thompson, Associate Principal; Cindy Ferguson, BA Representative; and Colleen Skolrood, Board Secretary.

Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Ehrmann, to approve the agenda as presented.

Motion carried 7-0.

President Anderson invited public comment. The following audience members addressed the Board.

Craig Kinzer, BMS Special Education Teacher, questioned the newly implemented dress code set by the administration for the 2005-2006 school year. Mr. Kinzer believes the same dress code for staff should be applied universally across the district for all staff and students. Superintendent Lucas stated that the building principals felt strongly in implementing a dress code for the staff and believe it does make a difference in teaching and learning. If anyone has a question regarding the dress code, they should bring it to the attention of their building administrators. They can work with those individuals on what is appropriate for their individual jobs.

Gary Bryant, 4330 E. 51st Street, requested the reinstatement of bus stop on the corner of Amesbury & E. 51st Street. Dr. Webb stated that the transportation department is still reviewing the bus routes, but will most likely add the Amesbury bus stop back in. The decision will be made within the next two weeks and the students affected by the change will be notified.

Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Crockett, to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.

5.01 Approval of August 1, 2005 Regular Board Meeting Minutes.

5.02 Financial Reports:

Fund Balance Summary @ June 30, 2005

Financial Reports ñ June 30, 2005

Unspent Authorized Budget

5.03 Approval of August 15, 2005 Bills Recommended for Payment.

5.04 Approval of Administrative Recommendations--Personnel.

Certified Resignation

Doug Alderman/BHS/Vocal Music (.17 FTE)/Effective 8-15-05 Certified Approval To Hire

Eric Cheney/BHS/Special Education/1.0 FTE/BA+30,3/$31,496/ New position/Effective 8-8-05/Pending Iowa certification

Nicholas Eli/BHS/German/1.0 FTE/BA,0/$25,400/Replacing Janet Akcakal/Effective 8-8-05/Pending Iowa certification Linda Gollan/BMS/BHS/Orchestra/Vocal Music/.485

FTE/BA,0/$12,990/Replacing Kelly Sherman/Doug Alderman/ Effective8-8-05/Pending Iowa certification

Melody Gustas/TJ/Core/Media/1.0 FTE/BA,3/$28,956/Replacing Mary Wendel, Mary Zell/ Effective 8-8-05

Katherine Kinsinger/BHS/Science/1.0 FTE/BS,4/$30,226/Replacing Kevin Wojtkiewicz/Effective 8-8-05/Pending Iowa certification Carrie Sassman/BMS/German/1.0 FTE/BA,1/$26,416/Replacing Manuela Coffey/Effective 8-8-05/Pending Iowa certification

Contract Modification

Nikki Allers/TJ/Core Reading/Increase from .56 FTE to .62 FTE/Realignment of duties/Effective 8-15-05

Schedule D Resignation

David Curlott/BHS/Lunchroom Supervision/Effective 8-15-05 Melissa Scherbring/BHS/Assistant Sophomore Girls Basketball Coach/Effective 8-9-05

Schedule D Approval to Hire

Laura Anderson/BMS/Head 7th grade Volleyball

Coach/$2,032/Replacing Melissa Hendricks/Effective 2005-2006 school year

Michelle Bruty/BMS/Additional Work Pool (.25)/$203/Replacing George Jolly/Effective 2005-2006 school year

Trisha Calsyn/NA/Elementary Patrol/$1,016/Replacing Diane Nauman/Effective 8-15-05

Karen Cotti/BMS/Head 8th grade Volleyball Coach/$2,032/Replacing Pamela Hughes/Effective 2005-2006

Ethel Hegeman/BMS/Curriculum Leader, Library/Media, District Wide/$1,346/Replacing Pat Meier/Effective 8-15-05

Nathan Hernandez/BMS/8th grade Assistant Boys Basketball

Coach/$1,016/Replacing Shannon Clayton/Effective 2005-2006 schoolyear/Pending coaching certification

Heather Hiatt/BMS/Work Pool (.50)/$406/Replacing Mark Kuntz/Effective 8-15-05

Connie Jeschke/BMS/Work Pool (.25)/$203/Replacing Patti Orr/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Joelle Khairallah/BMS/Work Pool (.50)/$406/Replacing Mike Rosenthal/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Kathy Laffoon/BMS/Curriculum Leader, K-12 TAG, District Wide/$1,346/Replacing Dana Vavrock/Effective 8-15-05

Jennifer McDaniel/BHS/Curriculum Leader, 6-12 Language Arts, District Wide/$2,032/Effective 8-15-05

Ashley Oliver/BMS/Assistant 8th Grade Volleyball/$1,016/ReplacingMelissa Galles/Effective 8-15-05/pending coaching certification Deb Patterson/BMS/Curriculum Leader, K-12 PE, District

Wide/$1,346/Effective 8-15-05

Jaime Pearsall/BMS/Cheerleading Coach/$1,448/Replacing Tory Willoughby/Effective 2005-2006 school year

Bill Petsche/BMS/8th grade Assistant Boys Basketball

Coach/$1,016/Replacing Alonzo Clayton/Effective 2005-2006 school year

Carrie Sassman/BMS/Work Pool (.50)/$406/Replacing Kay Starr/Effective 2005-2006 school year

Jeff Winter/BMS/Curriculum Leader, Social Studies, District Wide/$2,032/Effective 8-15-05

Julie Wold/TJ/Curriculum Leader, K-5 Language Arts, District Wide/$2,032/Replacing Doris Ryan/Effective 8-15-05

Classified ñ Resignation

Melody Mohr/HH/Food Service/Effective 8-14-05

Donna Pratt/GW/Para Educator/Effective 7-29-05

Classified ñ Recommendation for Employment

Terri Conklin/BMS/Food Service Part-time/$7.79-$8.57 per hour after 90 days/5 hours per day/Replacing Karen Dodd/Effective 8-15-05

Jan Eliff/NA/Food Service Part-time/$7.79-$8.57 per hour after 90days/2.5 hours per day/Replacing Delores Kunkel/Effective 8-3-05 Classified ñ Letter of Assignment Modification

Lori Hintermeister/HH/Same rate of pay/From 4.5 to 4.75 hours perday/Realignment of lunches-Accuscan input/Effective 2005-2006 school year

Barb Kleinschmidt/GW/Same rate of pay/From 4 to 5.5 hours per day/Replacing of Lori Deaton (resignation)/Effective 2005-2006 school year

5.05 Approval of 28-E Agreements.

5.06 Approval of Lease Agreement with Head Start.

5.07 Cooperative Teaching Agreement with St. Ambrose University.

5.08 Approval of Tuition Application.

Kayla Kerney, grade 7, from Davenport

5.09|Approved Requests for Open Enrollment.

Into Bettendorf, 2005/06

Jennifer Ashley, grade 6, from Pleasant Valley, continuation Jasmine Geiken, grade 8, from Pleasant Valley, continuation Reese LeBarge-Graham, kindergarten, from Pleasant Valley

Logan Manley, grade 9, from Davenport, continuation Margaret McNamara, grade 1, from Davenport, continuation

Paige Poelvoorde, grade 6, from Pleasant Valley, continuation Elijah Tourangeau, grade 3, from Davenport, continuation

Chelsea Vanhoutan, grade 8, from Davenport, continuation

Elizabeth Vanhoutan, grade 4, from Davenport, continuation

Justin Vanhoutan, grade 6, from Davenport, continuation Katelyn Vanhoutan, grade 1, from Davenport, continuation

Wellington Vanhoutan, grade 7, from Davenport, continuation

Out of Bettendorf, 2005/06

Amanda Witcraft Jordan, grade 10, to Pleasant Valley, good cause

FOR INFORMATION ONLY. The following students have open enrolled of the Bettendorf Community School District. (No action was required by Bettendorf Board.)

Out of Bettendorf, 2005/06

Grace Herington, kindergarten, to Davenport

Director Weigle attended the seminar on Professionalism for the staff last Thursday. She reported the speaker was excellent and is looking into getting the Board a copy of the book Professionalism is for Everyone.

Director Weigle commended Director Castro for speaking on behalf of the Board at the Staff Welcome Back breakfast.

Director Castro reported a good turnout for the Wrestling Club Golf Outing/Fundraiser. They gave away two $500 college scholarships. He thanked the administration for the support they have given the Wrestling Club in the past and hope they continue to do so in the future.

Director Crockett attended the Back to School at Middle School and reported it was well attended. She provided positive feedback on the recent modifications. She also observed the new bus transfer point at the Middle School and said it seemed to work well.

Directors Anderson and Castro attended the Neil Armstrong Building Committee meeting. Director Anderson reported it was a good kickoff meeting.

Director Anderson welcomed Cindy Ferguson, the new BA representative.

Maxine Mc Enany worked with Lane and Waterman on the finalization of the lease agreement language. Superintendent Lucas believes it gives the District a lot of flexibility to work with the AEA and reclaim any of the areas the District owns at any time throughout the construction process.

Mr. Casas and Mr. Thompson shared with the Board the revised final exam schedule created by the Final Exam Committee. The goal of the committee was to design a final exam schedule to assess the progress of students in all nine and eighteen week courses and to develop a set of guidelines for these assessments with the following parameters; a comprehensive final will be used in each course, and all like courses, with multiple sections, will use the same format.

The schedule will include study sessions. Once teachers grade thefinal exams, they will have a chance to review the final exam results with the students.

Motion by Director Mayer, seconded by Director Weigle, to approvethe lease agreement with AEA 9 for parking. Motion carried 7-0.

Construction of Thomas Jefferson was completed in time for the first day of school. Superintendent Lucas noted the other projects; the Middle School, Mark Twain, and the High School Boys Locker Room were complete and looked great.

As of August 15, 2005, enrollment was down by 46 students from last year's certified enrollment date of September 17, 2004. Superintendent Lucas reviewed the upcoming agenda for the Tuesday, September 6 Board Meeting.

Motion by Director Mayer to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m.

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