Unofficial Minutes of the July 11, 2005, Regular Meeting Of the Board of Education (Pending Board Approval)

The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, State of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for their regular Board meeting at Ray Stensvad Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa, on July 11, 2005. President Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Colleen Skolrood, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law. Members present: Directors Anderson, Castro, Ehrmann, Luton, Mayer, Weigle. Members absent: Director Crockett. Other officials present: Marty Lucas, Superintendent; Maxine McEnany, Director of Business & Financial Services; Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications; Joe Slavens, Board Treasurer; and Colleen Skolrood, Board Secretary.Motion by Director Castro, seconded by Director Mayer, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0-1.

5.01 Approval of June 20, 2005 Regular Board Meeting Minutes.

5.02 Approval of July 11, 2005 Bills Recommended for Payment.

5.03 Approval of Administrative Recommendations ñ Personnel.

Certified Resignation

Janet Akcakal/BHS/German/Effective 6-30-05

Manuela Coffey/BMS/German/Effective 6-30-05

Richard Cole/BHS/Industrial Arts/Effective 6-30-06

Wendy Retzl/PN/Core Reading/.50 FTE/Effective 6-30-05

Morgan Thomas/NA/Core Reading/.50 FTE/Effective 6-30-05

Tory Willoughby/BMS/7th grade Math/Effective 6-30-05

Karen Williams/GW/Special Education/Effective 6-30-05

Certified Approval To Hire

Nikki Allers/TJ/Core Reading/.56 FTE/BA,0/$14,872/Replacing Stacey Bloom/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Kara Anderson/GW/Core Reading/.66 FTE/BA, 0/$17,294/ Replacing Becca DeGeorge/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Scott Berg/NA/Title 1 Reading/1.0 FTE/BA, 0/$25,400/ Replacing Heather McCoy/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Kimberly Boelke/BHS/Physical Education/1.0 FTE/BA,0/ $25,400/ Replacing Diane Hill/ Effective 2005/2006 school year

Ann Braught/HH/Core Reading/.66 FTE/BA,0/$17,250/ Replacing Kris McKissick/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Kathryn Clingingsmith/TEEC/General Education/1.0 FTE/BA,0/ $25,400 /Replacing Karla Williams/Effective 2005/2006 school year /Pending certification

Lori Deaton/GW/Core Reading/.50 FTE/BA, 0/$13,417/ Replacing Lisa Webb/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Emily Hanger/MT/NA/Vocal Music/1.0 FTE/BA, 1/$26,416/ Replacing Marilee Weigle/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Stephanie Hinds/BMS/Instrumental Music/1.0 FTE/BA, 3/ $28,956/ Replacing Richard Holtz/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Wayne Morse/BHS/Work Experience Coordinator/1.0 FTE/ MA+15, 16/$50,800/Replacing Mark Weddum/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Wendy Retzl/PN/2nd grade/1.0 FTE/BA,1/$26,416/Replacing Megan Rameriz/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Janell Ronnebeck/PN/Core Reading/.50 FTE/BA,0/$13,417/ Replacing Wendy Retzl/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Cassie Schadt/PN/Special Education/1.0 FTE/BA,0/$25,400/

Replacing Alicia Ethen/Effective 2005/2006 school year /Pending certification

Stacey Springer/NA/Special Education/.50 FTE/BA,3/$15,296/ Replacing Ann Geneva/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Morgan Thomas/PN/1st grade/1.0 FTE/BA,1/ $26,416/Replacing Kristen Nyberg/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Schedule D Resignation

Janet Akcakal/BHS/German Club Sponsor/Effective 6-30-05

Melissa Bixby/BMS/Intramural Assistant, BMS,Tennis/ Effective 6-30-05

Janet Brown-Lowe/BHS/Scholastic Bowl (.50 increment)/ Effective 6-30-05

Alonzo Clayton/BMS/Assistant 7th & 8th grade Boys Basketball Coach /Effective 7-11-05

Nancy Emmerson/BHS/Newspaper Sponsor/Effective 6-30-05

Jennifer McDaniel/BHS/ Curriculum Leader, District Wide, 6-12 Language Arts/Effective 6-30-05

Julie McKnight/HH/Teacher Assistance Team/Effective 6-30-05

Patricia Meier/PN/Curriculum Leader, District Wide, K-12 Library/Effective 6-30-05

Rod Moeller/BMS/7th & 8th grade Track Coach and 7th & 8th grade Wrestling Coach/Effective 6-21-05

Stacy Rohm/BHS/Head Sophomore Softball Coach/Effective 8-8-2005

Janelle Stieger/BHS/Assistant Varsity Girls Basketball Coach/Effective 6-20-05

Tory Willoughby/BMS/Cheerleading Coach/Effective 6-30-05

Jeff Winter/BMS/ Curriculum Leader, District Wide, Social Studies/Effective 6-30-05

Schedule D Approval to Hire

Tisha Anderson/NA/Teacher Assistance Team/$632/Replacing Doris Ryan/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Janelle Cook/ BHS/Head Sophomore Softball Coach/$2,794/ Replacing Stacy Rohm/ Effective 2005/2006 school year

Connie King/BHS/Newspaper Sponsor/$2,744/Replacing Nancy Emmerson/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Jennifer McNab/BMS/Intramural Assistant, BMS,Tennis/$965/ Replacing Melissa Bixby/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Rod Moeller/BMS/Head Intramurals, BMS/$4,013/Replacing David Folks/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Kathryn OíShaughnessy/BHS/Assistant Debate Coach (.50)/$1,524/Replacing Ryan Ames effective 6/30/05

Jeff Petersen/BMS/Team Leader, Vocal & Instrumental, BMS/ $1,374/Replacing Ken Carnes/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Carrie Reed/NA/Teacher Assistance Team/$632/Replacing Heather McCoy/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Classified ñ Reduction in Force

Lorianne Erbst/Maintenance & Transportation Center/Special Needs Bus Driver/Realignment of routes/Effective 6/4/05

Classified ñ Recall

Cathy Tarwater/PN/Para Educator/$11.28 per hour/7 hours per day/ Replacing Cheryl Fogel/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Classified ñ Resignation

Lori Deaton/GW/Para Educator/Effective 6/30/05

Olga Cyphers/BMS/Para Educator/Effective 6/4/05

Leroy Meyer/Maintenance & Transportation Center/Bus Driver/Effective 6/4/05

Classified - Recommendation for Employment

Terry Goodall/BHS/Secretary B-Resource/$11.14 per hour(Step 1)/7.5 hours per day/Replacing Sandra Butler (retirement)/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Classified ñ Letter of Assignment Modification

JoAnn Barnes/From GW to BHS/Para Educator/Same rate of pay/6.5 hours per day/Replacing Patti Orr/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Erica Dalburg/RSAC/Administrative Assistant/Same rate of pay/From 32.25 to 30 hours per week/Realignment of duties/Effective July 1, 2005

Mary Hasty/MT/Para Educator/Same rate of pay/From 7.5 to 7 hours per day/Reduction of hours/Effective 2005/2006 school year

Kristi Webster/GW/Para Educator/Same rate of pay/From 4 to 5.5 hours per day/Replacing Lori Deaton (resignation)/ Effective 2005/2006 school year


Olga Cyphers/BMS/Guaranteed Guest Teacher/Effective 8/22/05

Benjamin LaMaster/BHS/Guaranteed Guest Teacher/ Effective 8/22/05

5.04 Approval of Financial Advisor. The Board will appoint Piper Jaffray & Co., Des Moines, Iowa, as Financial Advisor to the District.
5.05 Approval of Resolution Naming Bank Depositories.
5.06 Approval of Architect Agreement for Neil Armstrong Elementary School with Scholtz Gowey Gere Marolf, Architects & Interior Designers, P.C.
5.07 Construction Change Orders.
5.08 Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment.

Into Bettendorf, 2005/06

Sydney Danewood, kindergarten, from Pleasant Valley
Connor Roberts, grade 5, from Pleasant Valley, continuation
Jordin Roberts, grade 8, from Pleasant Valley, continuation

Out of Bettendorf, 2005/06

Kayla Holtz, grade 10, to Davenport, good cause

For information only. The following students have open enrolled out of the Bettendorf Community School District:

Out of Bettendorf, 2004/05

Ceola Rosenberger, grade 4, to Pleasant Valley, continuation
Christian Rosenberger, kindergarten, to Pleasant Valley, continuation
Alexis Dvorak, grade 1, to Pleasant Valley, continuation

Out of Bettendorf, 2005/06

Eric Huber, grade 10, to Pleasant Valley, continuation
Rebecca Huber, grade 8, to Pleasant Valley, continuation
Mikhaila Norton, grade 10, to Pleasant Valley, continuation
Mason McCulley, kindergarten, to Pleasant Valley
George Ramey, kindergarten, to Pleasant Valley
Morgan Vandelune, kindergarten, to Pleasant Valley

Director Mayer shared that he had toured Bettendorf High School for his 20th class reunion. Director Mayer said it was very interesting to see his classmates reaction to things such as walls and doors, because when they attended it was an open concept.

Director Castro commented on the 2005/2006 school calendar, stating as a District we need to focus on uniqueness instead of sameness.

Superintendent Lucas and Directors Weigle and Ehrmann represented the Board of Education in the 4th of July Parade.

BOE Legislative Priorities for 2005/06

Superintendent Lucas said the priorities set for 2004/05 still fit with the Districtís plan to move forward. The only addition would be the focus on school finance formula. The priorities are as follows:

Supports setting allowable growth at a rate that encourages continuous school improvement and reflects actual cost increases experienced by school districts.

Supports maintaining allowable growth and spending authority at the rate established by the legislature without loss of funding during the fiscal year.

Supports legislation permitting districts to increase their spending authority and also to grant more flexibility among various district funds.

Supports continued statewide financial commitment to:

Early childhood initiatives, including reading instruction/class size

Excellence in Education Program, Phase I and II

Community Empowerment Areas for instruction of preschool children

Supplemental weighting for alternative student programming

Teacher compensation legislation, including professional development.

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) initiative

Supports legislation allowing districts to opt out of Area Education Agency√ɬ≠s and retain the former pass-through dollars as long as they maintain services greater than or equal to those already provided.

Director Mayer amended bullet #5 to now read ìmaintain services greater than or equal to those already providedî instead of the original wording of ìmaintain equal or greater than services already providedî.

Director Mayer will be the 2005-06 Legislative Action Network Member.

Superintendent Lucas and the Directors agreed on setting a Board work session date after the September election to review past goals and focus on goal setting.

The following instructional materials were not included on the original list in the Board book of Textbook Adoptions ñ 2005-2006; Consumer Mathematics textbook for grades 9-12 and Spotlight on Music textbook for grades K-5.

The School District has arranged for the sale of the 1997 and 1998 General Obligation School Refunding Bonds to U.S. Bank, at a purchase price of $5,720,000 and interest rate of 3.4%. It was noted that refinancing does not lengthen the term of the bonds, but provides a significant cost savings by reducing the interest rate.

Motion by Director Mayer, seconded by Director Weigle, to approve the legislative priorities for 2005/06, with the exception of the following amendment to bullet # 5 ìmaintain services greater than or equal to those already providedî.

Motion carried 6-0-1.

Director Mayer suggested changing the name of the action item from Guest Teacher Rates to Guest Staff Rates.

Motion by Director Mayer, seconded by Director Luton, to approve the guest staff rates for the 2005/06 school year as outlined under item #7.02 of the Board packet.

Motion carried 6-0-1.

Motion by Director Ehrmann, seconded by Director Weigle, to approve the list of instructional materials to be adopted for the 2005/2006 school year.

Motion carried 6-0-1.

Motion by Director Luton, seconded by Director Ehrmann, to approve refinancing $4,900,000 school bonds, series 1997 and $4,800,000 school bonds, series 1998, not to exceed $5,800,000, series 2005.

Motion carried 6-0-1.

Motion by Director Ehrmann, seconded by Director Weigle, to approve a special meeting on July 18 at noon, to authorize the issuance of the bonds, the levying of the tax, and the approval of documents related to refinancing the General Obligations bonds.

Motion carried 5-0-1-1

Motion by Director Mayer, seconded by Director Luton, to approve the building committee as presented under item #7.06 in the Board packet to assist and plan construction of the new building for Neil Armstrong Elementary school.

Motion carried 6-0-1.

Directors Luton and Castro will alternate as the School Board member representative for the building committee.

2005/06 Follow-Up Reports. The Board provided input on follow-up reports they would like to receive during the 2005/06 school year. They are as follows: BHS Schedule, Transportation/Bussing Issues and Changes, Construction Program for Summer 2005, Program Based Budgeting, and Health Insurance.

Superintendent Lucas reviewed the upcoming agenda for the Monday, August 1, Board Meeting.

Director Ehrmann stated that she is still strongly opposed to moving the Elementary dismissal time up by 5 minutes, because it is too close to the high school dismissal time, which is a safety concern.

Motion by Director Mayer to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m..

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