Bettendorf Park Board Minutes 05/10/05

The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on May 10, 2005 at 4:00 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

Present: Kamp, Beckman, Gackle, Glenn
Absent: Makoben

Rita VanWetzinga reviewed the recreation monthly report, which is annex #1 to these minutes. She discussed renting Life Fitness Center pool time to the swim club next year. They would be using it Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7-8:30, which will allow us to accommodate our heavy-use programs at other times. The pool needs to be utilized more and it this will bring in some revenues. Commissioner Gackle asked about doing something with Bettendorf schools. Rita distributed financial information concerning the Life Fitness Center.

Brad Peterson reviewed the golf maintenance report, which is annex #2 to these minutes. Brad reported that he will have quotes for next monthís meeting for replacing the control panel in the pump house. It has had problems off and on for the past two years and has become almost obsolete. General Asphalt is nearly finished with its work at Palmer Hills.

Stu Smith reviewed the parks maintenance report, which is annex #3 to these minutes. Stu mentioned Crow Creek Park restroom renovation is complete. Stu reported they have begun backfilling the River Drive recreation trail. Commissioner Gackle asked about the nets at the Crow Creek 4-plex. The nets were the least expensive option, but we may have to look into other options. Stu researched shade covers for bleachers and the cost would be about $28,000.
Commissioner Gackle asked about painting problems at Kiwanis. Stu reported they have painted over it a couple of times.

Jon Waddellís golf administration monthly report is annex #4 to these minutes.

Steve Grimes reviewed his administration monthly report, which is annex #5 to these minutes.

Ron Mayday, this yearís Park Ambassador Coordinator and Volunteer Projects Coordinator, introduced himself. He has been a resident of Bettendorf for ten years and was a Park Ambassador volunteer last year. He has been hired through the AmeriCorp program which has funded the Park Ambassador Coordinatorís position for four years.

Commissioner Glenn thanked Rita, Brad and Stu for attending the meeting and providing input.

Steve Grimes reported he has been meeting with developers in the area recently. There is a site in the Century Heights Third Subdivision that is east of Middle Road and north of 53rd Street that may be a possibility for a neighborhood park. It is a detention basin that will only be useful if we can acquire some additional adjacent lots. One and one-half to three acres would make a nice neighborhood park. There has also been some discussion about acquiring larger parcels further north and further east of that. Steve Grimes would like to see an ad hoc committee for land acquisition.

Steve Grimes reviewed the Swing of the Quad Cities Proposal for advertising Palmer Hills Golf Course. Commissioner Beckman expressed concern about the high cost of the agreement for a very limited number of minutes of ad time for $1,000 plus worth of golf, which equals approximately $100 per minute. He mentioned that we used radio advertisement last year for free golf and never received any report about the results of that agreement. He suggested we negotiate for a paid outing.

On motion by Kamp, seconded by Gackle, to approve the Swing agreement for exchange of golf for advertising.

Roll call on Motion: Ayes: Kamp, Gackle Nays: Beckman

The agreement is annex #6 to these minutes.

Commissioner Beckman expressed his concern about approving monetary agreements via e-mail and telephone, and proceeding with the agreement before the Park Board meeting, where commissioners would have a chance to discuss the issue together. Commissioner Glenn suggested talking with Jon Waddell about the outcome of such agreements. Steve Grimes stated he would talk with Jon about trying to measure the impact.

On motion by Kamp to adjourn the meeting at 4:36 pm.

Makoben (Chairman)

Glenn (Vice Chairman)

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