Bettendorf Park Board 4.13.05

April 13, 2005

The Bettendorf Park Board held a regular meeting on April 13, 2005 at City Hall in the Council Chambers at 7:00 pm.

Present: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, Glenn
Absent: None

April 13, 2005

The Bettendorf Park Board held a regular meeting on April 13, 2005 at City Hall in the Council Chambers at 7:00 pm.

Present: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, Glenn
Absent: None

Chairman Makoben opened the meeting to anyone present to address the Board regarding any item of interest that does not appear on the Agenda.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Beckman, that the bills be allowed, and that the Secretary be instructed to have checks drawn in the respective amounts.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle and Glenn
Nays: None

A list of the bills is annex #1 to these minutes.

The Board reviewed the financial and operational reports for March 2005 which are annex #2 to these minutes.

Steve Grimes mentioned the Trees Are Us Award will be presented next Tuesday and invited board members to attend.

The following items appeared on the consent agenda and were enacted by one motion:

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to approve the Park Board minutes of special meeting, March 8, 2005, and regular meeting, March 9, 2005 and special meeting March 28, 2005.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to approve special event request from Mississippi Bend Model Boaters to hold a regatta at Middle Park Lagoon September 24, 2005. The request is annex #3 to these minutes.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to receive Trees Are Us March 9, 2005 minutes. The minutes are annex #4 to these minutes.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to receive the Park Foundation minutes of February 24, 2005 and Financial report for March 2005. The minutes and financial report are annex #5 to these minutes.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to approve the special event request from the Girl Scouts to hold their annual Twilight Camp at Devils Glen Park July 25-28, and to waive fees. The request is annex #6 to these minutes.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to approve Resolution #19-05 approving the Pigeon Creek Park Farm Lease to Delbert Blunk for May 1, 2005 to December 1, 2005. The resolution is annex #7 to these minutes.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to approve affiliation status to Mississippi Valley Track Club. The request is annex #8 to these minutes.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to approve the special event request from Kraig Klemme of the PV Softball Association to hold an ASA Softball Tournament at Crow Creek Park, May 13-15, 2005. The request is annex #9 to these minutes.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to approve special event request from Harvest Bible Chapel for a church service, lunch and recreation at the Bandshell shelter and stage July 24, 2005. The request is annex #10 to these minutes.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to approve Resolution #21-05 amending the 2005-06 Palmer Hills Golf Course advertising line item budget from $5,000 to $7,500 to allow the development of Medicom commercials. The resolution is annex #11 to these minutes.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to approve Resolution #22-05 awarding a contract to Davenport Electric Contract Company in the amount of $4,874.16 for electrical work to be completed at Splash Landing. The resolution is annex #12 to these minutes.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to approve the special event request from Richard Schillig and Bettendorf Rotary to hold Run with Carl beginning at the Life Fitness Center parking lot and using the recreation trail on September 5, 2005, and waiving fees and deposit requirements. The request is annex #13 to these minutes.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to approve the request from Susan Boyler to place a memorial bench at Middle Park Lagoon. The request is annex #14 to these minutes.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle and Glenn
Nays: None

Chairman Kamp thanked the Trees Are Us Committee and congratulated them on receiving the Volunteer Group of the Year Award from the Iowa Urban Forestry Council. He noted they do a lot of good things in the community such as trees in the boulevards, parks and schoolyards. Steve Grimes noted the Trees Are Us will be doing tree planting Saturday, April 23, on 53rd between 18th Street and Devils Glenn Road. There will be an Arbor Day Ceremony at 11:30 on April 29th at the new building on State Street, with the private group?? providing the trees.

Chairman Kamp congratulated Steve on winning the Richard J. Slattery Award from the Iowa Parks and Recreation Association.

Terry Hebley, 15 Riverview Lane, addressed the Board and would like to have an adult baseball league at Devils Glen Park for every other Sunday afternoon doubleheaders. He stated he would provide insurance. Steve Grimes explained they have already contacted the Bettendorf / PV Youth Baseball to coordinate schedules. Chairman Makoben asked that Terry work with Steve and the staff.

On motion by Gackle, seconded by Kamp to approve the use of the Devils Glen Park ballfield by the Terry Hebley Group contingent upon receipt of the insurance certificate.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle and Glenn
Nays: None

Terry Hebley thanked Stu Smith and his staff for all they do for the ballfields in the parks.

On motion by Kamp, the meeting was adjourned at 7:21 pm.

Makoben (Chairman)

Glenn (Vice Chairman)

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