Bettendorf Park Board 4.12.05

April 12, 2005

The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on April 12, 2005 at 4:00 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

Present: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, Glenn
Absent: None

April 12, 2005

The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on April 12, 2005 at 4:00 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

Present: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, Glenn
Absent: None

Stu Smith reviewed the parks maintenance report, which is annex #1 to these minutes. Stu mentioned they will try to put some docks in at Leach & Eagles Landing parks. Commissioner Gackle asked if there is a scheduled date to install the playground equipment at Meier Park. Stu estimated they will begin putting it in the first half of May.

Rita VanWetzinga reviewed the recreation monthly report, which is annex #2 to these minutes. She asked for direction on the corporate membership program for the Life Fitness Center.

On motion by Kamp, seconded by Glenn, to approve Option 2 of the Life Fitness Center Corporate Membership Program.

Roll call on Motion: Ayes: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, Glenn
Nays: None

Commissioner Beckman asked if the electrical work at Splash Landing was replacement or additional. Rita explained that it was replacing and upgrading required by health code regulations.

Jon Waddell reviewed the golf administration monthly report is annex #3 to these minutes. He mentioned the need to replace the ball machine at the driving range sooner than July 1st. The estimated cost of the new one from Range Servant is $4,595, includes 1500 tokens ($600 value), freight ($200 value) and provides different options.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Kamp, to approve the purchase of a new ball machine for the Palmer Hills Golf Course driving range in the amount of $4,595.00.

Roll call on Motion: Ayes: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, Glenn
Nays: None

Brad Peterson reviewed the golf maintenance report, which is annex #4 to these minutes. Commissioner Kamp asked if the sprinkler system was working. Brad said they havenít tried it yet. Commissioner Beckman asked if the new tee box on #9 was open and if people like it. Brad said they havenít really heard any comments on it.

Steve Grimes reviewed his administration monthly report, which is annex #5 to these minutes.

Chairman Makoben mentioned Commissioner Kamp volunteered to chair the Bike Park Committee and asked if any other commissioner would like to joint him. Bob Glenn also volunteered to serve on the committee. They will try to get community involvement, including children / adolescents.

Steve Grimes mentioned he spoke with Kathy Wine of RiverAction today their Ride the River Event on Fatherís Day Weekend, June 19. He shared the information about it. It would mean closing the boat docks that morning, because they use Leach Park as a docking site for the barge that takes the bikes across the river. This has been done for a number of years without any incident and Steve does not foresee any problem. It will be on the May consent agenda.

Steve mentioned tying the dedication of the new riverfront recreation trail into the Ride the River Event. The location would probably be at the conjunction of the Davenport trail and the Bettendorf Trail. River Action has written a grant to SCRA for the event, using golf carts to transport people from Lindsay Marina parking area. They also have other activities planned. The Ride begins at 8 am and the actual ceremony would take place at 9 am or 10 am.

Tim Downing presented the Palmer Hills Golf Course clubhouse revised plans and cost estimates. Those are annex #6 to these minutes. Downing Architects hopes to have the drawings completed and ready for bid by the third week of June, with a pre-bid meeting July 7, and received bids July 21st. Hopefully, award the construction contract at the August 10th meeting, and begin demolishing the current clubhouse during September and begin construction of the new one in October. Hope to have the pro shop open by April, and the full clubhouse in May. There would probably be finishing, cleanup work done by June. It is an aggressive schedule from a construction standpoint.

The original cost estimate in September 2004 was $1.4 million to $1.6 million, included in that was a 5% anticipated inflation to September of 2005. The projection is 9.6% increase in construction costs, so they have added to that original estimate another 4.6%. Steve Grimes explained to the board that this increase is important because the budget was established in order to attain funding mechanism at $1.5 million. That is now on the low end of the estimate. Any additional costs above the $1.5 million will have to come out of the golf course enterprise fund. There has to be a balance between using a large portion of the enterprise fund and not compromising the integrity and long-term quality of the new clubhouse.

Tim mentioned the costs will probably be over budget on the kitchen equipment and furnishings and on the site work. Tim explained the flow of traffic for paying, getting carts, etc. The restrooms are accessible for outside and inside with the option to lock either side. Tim explained the kitchen area. The dining area will seat approximately 75, including the ten bar stools.

Commissioner Kamp thanked Matt Mooney and Harvey Moore for their input on this project.

Steve Grimes mentioned that the plans are on display at Palmer Hills Club House and the public hearing would be at the May 11th board meeting.

On motion by Kamp to adjourn the meeting at 5:01 pm.

Makoben (Chairman)

Glenn (Vice Chairman)

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