Bettendorf begins superintendent search

President Anderson stated the purpose of the meeting was to continue development of the superintendent search process.

Dr. Tom Jacobson and Dick Vande Kieft of McPherson and Jacobson, LLC, led discussion of the following topics. Directors also received a copy of the brochure which will be sent to candidates, or which candidates can download from the McPherson and Jacobson website.

Mr. Vande Kieft and Dr. Jacobson reviewed a summary of input for the search process, gathered from designated stakeholder groups on February 23, 2005.

Dr. Jacobson took the Board through an interview process for the candidates. A draft of interview questions was developed. Dr. Jacobson will forward the preliminary draft to Celeste Reuter next week, for review by the Board and Judy Miller.

A proposed interview schedule, including designated stakeholder groups as well as the Board, was distributed. Discussion was held regarding details of the interview day.

Director Luton asked a question about living in the district. Dr. Jacobson stated that the Board can make this a directive, but most candidates understand this is important.

A question was asked if interviews would be held in executive or open session. President Anderson will get a recommendation from Lane & Waterman.

Judy Miller asked if there would be two rounds of interviews. Dr. Jacobson stated that there would usually be one round of interviews.

Dr. Jacobson distributed a list of community members attending the focus group meetings, and asked Directors to identify three chairs for the community group to handle the logistics of the interviews. Directors will also each recommend three people for the community interview group to Celeste Reuter by March 7, to create a group of 12-15 interviewers.

Dr. Jacobson will work with Ms.Reuter to identify chairs for the other focus groups.

The Board recessed at 8:52 p.m.

The Board reconvened at 8:56 p.m.

Dr. Jacobson shared a salary comparison table and discussed a potential compensation package with Directors. The superintendent contract will be reviewed by the districtís legal counsel.

Directors requested that Dr. Jacobson keep them informed regarding the number of resumes received as the process continues.

Dr. Jacobson thanked Directors for their hard work, and advised them to contact either him or Ms. Reuter with any questions.

Motion by Director Luton to adjourn the meeting at 9:28 p.m.

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