Bettendorf School Facility Advisory Committee 12.15.04

Facilities Advisory Council Minutes
December 15, 2004
The Facilities Advisory Council (FAC) met at Neil Armstrong Elementary School media center Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 3:00 p.m.

Present: John Perdue, Pat Eikenberry, Scott Tunnicliff, Scott Tinsman, Laura Dellos, Tom Schuetz, Pat Mitchell, Jerry Sechser, Bonnie Fisher, Kevin Hatfield, Robin Olson, and Carrie Reed.

Absent: Glenn Pelecky (Tom Wirtz attended as an alternate), John Campbell, and Deb Roski.

Also Present: Greg Gackle, a Jefferson parent, and Nancy Herrin, assistant to thesuperintendent.


Dr. Perdue welcomed attendees and introductions were made. He reviewed the agenda and

thanked the committee for participating in this important initiative.

Purpose and tasks of FAC

The District previously convened a Facilities Advisory Council, which looked at districtwide

facility projects. In September of 2004, the Board of Education toured all district buildings to

review facility needs. Its findings were as follows: Neil Armstrong Elementary School has not received any recent renovations. Thomas Jefferson Elementary School was recently air conditioned. Itís clear that these two buildings are in need of renovations and have an inequitable standard of learning compared to other buildings. The Board discussed the long-term use and needs of these two buildings, and have asked for the formation of a Facilities Advisory Council to review and make recommendations on Neil Armstrong and Thomas Jefferson. The options could include:

? Combine the two schools at either location

? Construct a new building in the downtown

? Possible reuse of one of the facilities for early childhood education. Governor Vilsack spoke about this initiative recently. Currently there is no space in our district for an early childhood program.

The Board is looking for long term solutions which are cost effective. It is possible the District could add on to Neil Armstrong or Thomas Jefferson, but would need to determine if there is enough space to do so.

Timeline ñ 4 months to review and make recommendation to the Board of Education, approximately April, 2005.

The Area Education Agency is represented on this council because the AEA land (District-owned) is adjacent to the space available for construction at Neil Armstrong. Any renovations would impact traffic flow and use of the AEA facility. In response to a memberís question, Dr. Perdue affirmed that the AEA owns the building west of Neil Armstrong Elementary.

The District administration is interviewing architect and engineering firms to assist the committee in its task of making a recommendation to the Board.

Dr. Perdue asked if there were any questions on the task of the committee. There were none.

He also indicated that administration and the Board seeks Input from community, and asked Mr. Gackle if he had any input. He indicated that he did not have input at this time, just wanted to understand the full purpose of the FAC.

Meeting Dates

The Facilities Advisory Council will hold two meetings per month, on Tuesdays, from 4:00 ñ 5:30 p.m. as follows:

January 4, 18

February 1, 15

March 1, 15

Meetings will be held in the Board Room at the Ray Stensvad Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa.

Next Meeting Agenda ñ January 4, 2005.

? Discuss what committee observed during tours

? Review renovations at other buildings

? Building history

? Building floor plans

? Attendance center map

? Building maintenance & operating expenses

? Discuss options

Would also like to look at other buildings ñ feel free to stop in at principalsí office, or Dr. Perdue can arrange a group tour.

Jerry Sechser asked to review floor plans for all the elementary buildings at the January 4 meeting.

Scott Tinsman asked if Riverdale Heights was the newest elementary school in this area, and suggested the council may want to look at this building. Bonnie Fisher also suggested looking at a new school in Blue Grass.

We will also bring district maps to the next meeting, which shows home school attendance areas.

Building Histories

Neil Armstrong was built in 1956 and has had various usages: a 4th/5th grade center, Bettendorf High School, and as an annex to the high school. The media center was built in 1998. Air conditioning was added when the building went to a year round calendar.

Thomas Jefferson is the oldest district building at 55 years old. It has only been an elementary school.

Open Discussion

Tom Schuetz asked if a new facility was possible. Dr. Perdue responded that this would be one of the options to consider.

The Council discussed possible controversy and their response should members be contacted with questions. It was decided that they would respond by referring to the meeting minutes, and referring additional questions to Dr. Perdue, or to Scott Tinsman or Laura Dellos, who agreed to serve as co-chairs of the FAC . It is standard protocol in the district to refer media questions to the Superintendent. The District has done a press release on the work of the FAC, and will do others as necessary.

At the next meeting, the district will provide ages of the other district buildings, operational costs, and a review of land available. Besides the soccer fields north of Armstrong Elementary, the District owns the Edison center at 438 16th Street, and Ray Stensvad Administration Center at 3311 Central Avenue.

Pat Eikenberry asked for clarification on the meaning of ìsection.î Dr. Perdue responded that it would be a single classroom. Thomas Jefferson Elementary School is called a single section building because there is only one classroom at each grade level. The most efficient method of operating schools is to have a three to four section building, which would allow optimum use of staff time.

Additional questions:

? Has the District talked to the City of Bettendorf about use of City land? No.

? What should the Council look for when touring buildings? Strengths and demerits of the facilities.

Co-Chairs Scott Tinsman, parent from Thomas Jefferson, & Laura Dellos, parent from Neil Armstrong, will serve as co-chairs for the FAC. The Superintendentís office will compile the agenda and send info to committee members via email. There is also a link on the district website with FAC information. FAC minutes will be published to Board of Education.

Dr. Perdue will be attending Neil Armstrong and Thomas Jefferson PTA meetings during the remainder of the school year to get feedback and bring information to parents and community members.

Building Tours

The Council adjourned after a brief tour of Neil Armstrong, Thomas Jefferson, and Mark Twain Elementary Schools.

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