Bettendorf Park Board Minutes 11/30/04

NOVEMBER 30, 2004

The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on November 30, 2004 at City Hall in the Council Chambers at 7:00 pm.

Present: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, Glenn
Absent: None

Chairman Kamp opened the public hearing to receive community input on the proposed plans, specifications, and form of contract for the Field Sike Park and Greenway Area Development Project. The public hearing notice was published in the Quad City Times on November 25, 2004. The Affidavit of Publication is annex #1 to these minutes.

Steve Grimes gave a review of the overall project, showing an old aerial photo of the area near Field Sike Drive, Devils Glen Road and Forest Grove Road, which would eventually include a 5-acre park, recreation trail, and restoration of erosion areas of the creek. He explained the watershed area study and the suggested sustainable methods such as 3-to-1 grading of eroded banks, using deep-rooted plant material, using ripple pools, and gentle meanders. These methods would all help storm water runoff issues, flooding, erosion and water contamination.

Sandy Doran, Shive-Hattery Engineering, presented the changes from the original proposal. The changes should not affect the quality of the project, but provide cost savings. One option is to divide the bid into two packages, one would be the grading and tree removal; the other would be the native seed specialist. Another option would be to break the project out along the creek, starting with Phase I would include an initial base bid of the park area, and going north along the creek to the south side of Lot 25. Phase II would then go along the south side of Lot 25 to the south side of Lot 33, doing all of the project (grading, seeding, realignment). The third phase would be from the south side of Lot 33 north to Forest Grove Road. Another cost savings would be using an alternative seed matrix. There is no easement for Lot 33, so there will be some realignment for Lots 33 and 34.

Steve Grimes mentioned receipt of additional funding through the recent Riverboat Development grant, and showed the breakdown of total funding received in the amount of $401,512, with the possibility of additional funds yet to come. The estimated projected cost is $412,646.

Commissioner Beckman asked about burning of removed trees. The new proposal includes the requirement of mulching the downed trees, and the Davenport Compost Facility will remove the ground-up product to use in compost. There will be no burning of downed trees.

Chairman Kamp noted that there had been previous hearings about the project and tonightís meeting was just to address the changes in the proposal.

Citizens in attendance included Steven Mack, 6531 Eagle Ridge Road, opposed; Jeff Jollay, 6467 Eagle Ridge Road, opposed; Phil Allen, 6485 Eagle Ridge Road, neutral; Donna Kuykendall, 6573 Eagle Ridge Road, opposed; Bruce Smith, 6691 Eagle Ridge Road, neutral; Bruce Norden, 6489 Eagle Ridge Road, opposed. The attendance sheet is annex #2 to these minutes.

Bruce Norden, 6489 Eagle Ridge Road, asked how the changes would affect the number of trees. Steve Grimes responded that there have been trees donated, so there are more trees than in the original plans. Bruce then asked about the termination point of the recreation trail. Steve explained it would terminate at Forest Grove Road. Bruce requested, because this is a pilot project, that the first phase (the park to Lot 25) be done alone to show the homeowners what it will look like.

Donna Kuykendall, 6573 Eagle Ridge Road, Lot 33, stated she has been opposed to this project from the beginning, politically, aesthetically and financially. She feels the developer is the beneficiary of the project, and she objects to removal of a large number of trees.

Chairman Kamp mentioned that even though the study was new, the methods have previously been used on streams.

Jeff Jollay, 6467 Eagle Ridge Road, asked when the project would be started and completed. Steve Grimes stated we hope to award a contract toward the end of December or first of January, with construction started as soon as possible after that. Clearing, grubbing and removal of trees would take place during the winter months. Depending on weather, grading would be completed in the spring and early summer, with some seeding then, and more seeding in the fall. The project should be totally complete early to mid fall. Jeff asked how often grass burning would take place. Steve Grimes stated there would be no controlled burns the first three years, then every third year after that. Sandy Doran stated that the burn would take place in cycles, never the whole corridor at one time. Jeff asked how long a burn would take. Steve Grimes stated, depending on the weather, probably a couple of hours a day for a couple of days. Jeff is concerned that the burns would affect the neighborhood a good portion of time. Steve Grimes stated that burning would require no-wind conditions, so the smoke would be going up. Jeff noted that he felt the majority of the neighborhood is opposed to the project, even though they were not all at tonightís meeting. Jeff noted he does appreciate the time that Steve Grimes has given to working with him. Jeff asked that the Board save as many trees as possible. He stated he has talked with the county assessor and homes are more valuable with trees. Jeff asked for a copy of a study that this type of development was good for the homeowners. Jeff stated that he still does not like the project, but does appreciate the board working with the homeowners. Jeff feels that the bike path will be an issue, and asked if it will be on the east side of the creek. Steve Grimes stated that the bike path would be on the east side of the creek. Jeff felt that an unlighted bike path would create problems.

Chairman Kamp noted that the proposed recreation trail is supposed to be established within ten years. Other trails, including the River Drive trail, the trail from Leach Park to Duck Creek, and the trail from Crow Creek Park to Field Sike, do have priority.

Jeff Jollay noted that the legal agreement between McCarthy Bush and the Park Board requires a bike path be built in the Field Sike corridor within nine years. He would like something in writing from McCarthy Bush and the Park Board stating that the recreation trail is not a requirement within nine years.

Steve Mack, 6531 Eagle Ridge Road, stated he is opposed to the project. He believes replacing beautiful trees with prairie grasses and weeds is unappealing. He feels it is also financially irresponsible. He is concerned about the grass burns and peopleís respiratory health. He also would like to see the first phase done before the second and third phases proceed.

There was no written correspondence.

Chairman Kamp closed the public hearing.

On motion by Gackle, to approve Resolution #21-04. Motion died for lack of second.

Commissioner Beckman stated he could not second the motion because he was not in favor of the project from the beginning. Commissioner Glenn stated he felt the same.

Chairman Kamp adjourned the meeting at 7:41 pm.

Kamp (Chairman)

Makoben (Vice Chairman)

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