MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Debbie Dayman. Members present: Dayman, Hoffmann, Kaminski, Messman, O'Hara, Schurr. Absent: Barsness. Also present: Jim Spelhaug, Cyndy Behrer, Mike Clingingsmith, Debbie Menke, Lindy Voss, Ray LaFrentz, Tom Gall, Dave Bulington, Evalea McBride, Dennis Tipsword, Bill Good, and Christine Harvey.
AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by Messman, second by Schurr that the Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
COMMUNICATIONS: President Dayman welcomed visitors to the meeting.
Cyndy Behrer congratulated the Girls Swim Team for their district and conference victories. The team will compete in the state meet on November 6.
CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by O'Hara, second by Hoffmann that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda consists of the following: approval of the minutes of the October 18, 2004, regular board meeting; the regular employment of Karen Brown as secretary/educational aide at Bridgeview; the extracurricular drop of Rusty VanWetzinga as assistant varsity wrestling coach; the extracurricular addition of Trevor Zahn as assistant varsity wrestling coach; and approval of the 28E Agreement with EICC for the Becoming a Master Student program.
EXPENSES APPROVED: Motion by Hoffmann, second by O'Hara that General Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $80,088.55 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by O'Hara, second by Schurr that Nutrition Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $13,358.95 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Kaminski, second by Schurr that Elementary/Junior High Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $2,479.04 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Messman, second by Hoffmann that High School Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $56,545.75 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by O'Hara, second by Schurr that PPEL Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $7,484.67 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
SERVICE LEARNING UPDATE: PVCHS implemented the service learning graduation requirement in 2003-04. High School Principal Debbie Menke and Service Learning Coordinator Lindy Voss were present to update the board and to discuss how students and their parents are being kept informed of their individual progress. Seniors are required to have 40 hours of community service completed by May 1, 2005 for graduation. Ms. Menke and Ms. Voss have made senior class visits; plan to conduct individual meetings with seniors; and will send mid-quarter progress reports. Service Learning will also appear on each student's report card with a total number of hours completed. To date the senior class alone has completed 1985.5 hours of community service. Opportunities have included participation in the Xstream Cleanup in August, the Arthritis Walk in September, and pumpkin decorating at Riverview Nursing Home in October. Parents will be contacted during second semester if their senior student has not completed his/her requirement.
The community is encouraged to pass along ideas for service opportunities to Lindy Voss who can be reached at (563)332-5151 Ext. 5126, (563)650-9244, or by e-mail at
CONSIDERATION OF TRANSPORTATION OUTSOURCING STUDY: Low levels of state funding over the last several years continue to exert significant financial pressure on schools across the state. Locally this pressure is intensified by the state's decision to eliminate the promised subsidy of revenue lost when machinery and equipment were removed from the tax rolls. The district was scheduled to receive approximately $1,000,000 in replacement funds in each of 2003-04; 2004-05; and 2005-06. The district only received $400,000 of these funds in 2003-04 and will receive no replacement funds in 2004-05 and 2005-06.
This financial pressure has brought forward the issue/question as to whether money can be saved by having a private contractor provide bus transportation.
Dr. Spelhaug emphasized that this is not a result of being dissatisfied with the performance of current employees. He reviewed peer group districts in the state which currently have private providers for transportation (Davenport, Iowa City, Waterloo, Council Bluffs, Ames, and Mason City). He introduced Mr. Bill Good who is the Director of Operations for Davenport Schools and asked Mr. Good to share Davenport's experience with outsourcing (privatizing) its transportation system.
Davenport Schools is in its seventh year of using a private contractor (First Student) for its transportation system. Mr. Good said Davenport has seen equal or better service with the private company's services and an excellent safety record. Along with improved/equal service the district has saved money. The district actually received a 9% reduction in costs with its recent contract renewal because of the competitive bidding process.
Dr. Spelhaug emphasized several absolute standards in the district's thinking of possible privatization:
? Student safety will in no way be compromised. ? Student ride time, pick-up locations, and pick-up times will remain constant to current practice. ? Extra-curricular travel will not be restricted in order to achieve transportation cost savings.
Tom Gall, District Vehicle Mechanic, asked the board to compare Pleasant Valley's cost/student with other districts and to consider that, by his estimate, approximately 40% of his time is spent on areas other than buses.
Mary Louise Speer asked what the district's transportation cost is. Mike Clingingsmith replied that approximately $800,000 is paid from the general fund. Other funds provide part of the cost also. These costs will be provided in great detail if a Request for Proposal (RFP) is approved.
The Board thanked Bill Good, the PV bus drivers, and mechanic who attended and offered their views.
A draft Request for Proposal (RFP) will be provided to the board at the November 15 meeting for further discussion.
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT (M & E) UPDATE: Mike Clingingsmith, Chief Financial Officer, reviewed an analysis of the loss of Machinery & Equipment (M & E) funding with the Board. As stated above, prior to 2003-04, the district was receiving approximately $1,000,000 in revenue each year in property taxes/M & E replacement funds due to M & E that was on the property tax rolls.
In 2003-04, the district received approximately $600,000 less in M & E replacement funds due to the state's funding M & E replacement at only 34% of the calculated amount. This and the state across the board budget cut of 2.25% in 2003-04 caused the district's general fund cash balance to decrease by approximately $750,000 in 2003-04.
By cutting the cash reserve levy in 2004-05 to $87,000 (approximately $540,000 less than in 2003-04) the district is absorbing the loss of M & E funds out of its "savings" accounts rather than shifting the loss of M & E funds to local property taxpayers, which was the unstated result of the legislative budget cuts. Cash balance for 2004-05 is projected to decrease by another $700,000.
Mr. Clingingsmith's analysis included several options for dealing with the loss of the M & E funding and related cash flow problems. The options included borrowing/loaning cash between district funds, borrowing from outside sources and/or increasing the district's property tax levy rate. Mr. Clingingsmith pointed out that the cash flow problems are not due to the district overspending its budget, but rather are a result of continued state cuts to funding. This topic will be reviewed with the board again after the district receives it's updated taxable valuations report from the county in January or February, 2005 (prior to the Board adopting the 2005-06 Certified Budget).
CHANGE ORDER #3 FOR BRIDGEVIEW CLASSROOM ADDITION PROJECT: Dr. Spelhaug presented a change order for the Bridgeview Elementary project in the amount of $3,210.00. This cost was a result of bad soils found during initial excavation causing the need for additional removal and suitable backfill to achieve satisfactory compaction for the foundation of the building. This work was done on a time and materials basis. The district will cover this cost out of the emergency contingency funds built into the Five Year Capital Projects Plan. Motion by Schurr, second by Kaminski that the Board accept Bridgeview Classroom Addition project Change Order #3 in the amount of $3,210.00. Roll call vote. Ayes - Schurr, Dayman, Hoffmann, Kaminski, Messman, O'Hara. Nays - none. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:01 p.m.
PV 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament The Pleasant Valley staff and players are sponsoring a 3 on 3 Tournament for boys in grades 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 at the Pleasant Valley High School gymnasium. DATE: Tuesday December 28th, 2004 TIMES: 3-4 9:00-10:30; 5-6 10:30-12:00; 7-8 12:00-1:30 Forms will be given out at the elementary and junior high schools or they can be picked up at the PV High School's main office. Questions can be addressed to Dallas Duwa at 289-4781 (W).
Safety Hotline 344-4469 School Safety at Bettendorf & Pleasant Valley Schools In Cooperation with the Bettendorf Police Department & Scott County Sheriff's Department
District Residents Who Are Federal Employees Please note that the Pleasant Valley Schools Educational Foundation is noted on Page 40 in the 2004 Illowa Bi-State Combined Federal Campaign booklet, "Every 1 of Us", as organization #5028. If you are a federal employee, you can designate the Foundation as a recipient of your charitable giving. The Foundation has donated over $140,000 to PVCHS Seniors in the form of $500-$1000 scholarships over the last thirteen years.
Volunteers Needed The High School is in need of volunteers to work with students who are in need of academic support. Please contact Mrs. Menke at 332-5151 if you are interested in assisting with this program.
Pleasant Valley Schools Foundation Alumni Data Base If you are a graduate of Pleasant Valley Community Schools, we'd like to hear from you. We are developing an alumni data base and will make this available for class reunions. Please let us know your address and phone number and year of graduation so you can be kept informed of your class events. Call (563)332-5550 or e-mail
45th Annual Christmas Dance Sponsored by The Friends of Pleasant Valley December 11, 2004 Starlite Ballroom, Fairgrounds, Davenport, IA Dinner 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Dancing 8:30-12:00 Midnight Music by "Monkey Around" Dinner/Dance Tickets $30/couple, $15/single Dance Only Tickets $15/couple, $8/single Shuttle service available from Carriage Place Addition, Deerbrook, and Crow Creek Park - $5.00/person. A portion of proceeds will be donated to the Pleasant Valley Schools Educational Foundation Scholarship Fund. Call Suzy VenHorst, 332-5986, for further information & reservations.
OPEN ENROLLMENT NOTICE Parents/Guardians considering the use of the open enrollment option to enroll their child or children in another public school district in the state of Iowa should be aware of the following dates:
JANUARY 1, 2005 - Last date for regular open enrollment requests for the 2005-06 school year.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2005 - Last date for open enrollment requests for entering kindergarten students for the 2005-06 school year.
Parents/guardians of open enrolled students whose income falls below 160% of the federal poverty guidelines are eligible for transportation assistance. This may be in the form of actual transportation or a cash stipend.
Parents should be aware that open enrollment may result in the loss of athletic eligibility.
For further details, contact 332-5550.