PV Board Minutes 8.16.04

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Debbie Dayman. Members present: Barsness, Dayman, Kaminski, Messman, O'Hara, Schurr. Absent: Hoffmann. Also present: Jim Spelhaug, Cyndy Behrer, Mike Clingingsmith and Christine Harvey.

AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by O'Hara, second by Schurr that the Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: Director Kaminski said that a number of people had asked her why the first day of school was on August 18. Dr. Spelhaug replied that the Board had approved the August 18 start date over other dates primarily because it provided the high school the necessary days to complete first semester and final exams before the winter holiday.

President Dayman expressed the Board's appreciation to the Bettendorf Chamber of Commerce for hosting the new teacher breakfast and to Alcoa for sponsoring new teachers at the same. Dr. Spelhaug added that the district's opening day for staff and faculty went well. As a part of the program staff members were recognized for years of service in education as follows:

Twenty Years of Service: Mickie Chapman, Peg Claussen, Michele Hoffman, Connie Nagel, Brent Pearson, Rebecca Roller, Sue Slavens, Deanna Weinschenk.

Twenty-five Years of Service: Jolene Mullins, Barbara Skjei, Jane Beckman.

Thirty Years of Service: Royce Duncan, Mary Jo Gruneich, John Gustafson, Kris Mahler, Kathy Shriver, Eleanor Snowbarger, Ginny Treasure.

Thirty-five Years of Service: Steve Patterson and Nancy Bachus.

Forty-five Years of Service: Ray Bauwens

CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Barsness, second by Messman that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda consists of the following: approval of the minutes of the August 2, 2004, regular board meeting; the resignation of Stephen Belk as a school bus driver for the 2004-05 school year; the probationary employment of Kimberly King as a special education aide at PVCHS for the 2004-05 school year; and the extra-curricular duty add of Kylah Piechowski as assistant varsity cheerleading sponsor; seven open enrollment applications-in for 2004-05 - two from Bettendorf Schools, four from Davenport Schools, and one from North Scott Schools; approval of the 28E Agreement with the AEA, Eastern Iowa Community College, North Scott and Bettendorf Schools for exploratory classes in cosmetology, auto mechanics, horticulture, and commercial housekeeping; and approval of the 28E Agreement with the AEA, Eastern Iowa Community College, North Scott, Muscatine, Preston, Davenport, and Bettendorf school districts for Culinary Arts Youth Apprenticeship.

EXPENSES APPROVED: Motion by O'Hara, second by Kaminski that General Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $135,013.51 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Barsness, second by Kaminski that Nutrition Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $647.49 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Messman, second by Barsness that Elementary/Junior High Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $5,424.26 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Kaminski, second by Schurr that High School Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $13,183.14 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Schurr, second by O'Hara that PPEL Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $437,477.08 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT: Cyndy Behrer presented the final draft of the District's 2004 Annual Progress Report for the Board's review. The report highlights some of the district's achievements. During the school year 2003-04 Pleasant Valley Schools . . .

* Named 11 National Merit Semifinalists and Finalists. * Made Adequate Yearly Progress in every area at the 4th, 8th, and 11th grade levels. * Finished 1st and 4th place respectively in 6th and 8th grade State math competitions. * Implemented "families" in the elementary buildings, designed to strengthen learning communities. * Earned scores of Division I ratings in vocal and instrumental music. * Received theatrical acclaim as participants of the International Thespian Festival. * Were winners of 7 MAC conference Varsity championships. * Placed 1st and 2nd respectively in MAC conference composite standings for girls' and boys' varsity and sophomore athletic teams. * Achieved a composite ACT score of 24.5, compared to the Iowa average of 22.0 and the national average of 20.9. * Noted the participation of 175 students in Advanced Placement classes. 86% of the 135 students who took AP exams scored 3, 4, or 5 earning the students some level of college credit dependent upon the specific institution. This is a significantly higher percentage than is achieved around the state.

The Board discussed three options for distributing the Annual Report information to the public: a) producing a twelve page booklet and mailing to every district resident at an approximate cost of $11,900; b) producing a limited number of the booklets and making them available at the schools and various businesses throughout the community at an approximate cost of $3,700; or c) producing the information in a newspaper/newsletter-type edition to be mailed to every district resident at an approximate cost of $3,900.

The Board thanked Ms. Behrer for her work on the 2003-04 Annual Report.

Motion by Schurr, second by Kaminski that the Board accept the 2003-04 Annual Progress Report as presented and choose Option C for distribution to the community. Roll call vote. Ayes - Schurr, Barsness, Dayman, Kaminski, Messman, O'Hara. Nays - none. Motion carried.

The information will be distributed to the public in early September.

CHANGE ORDERS: Dr. Spelhaug reviewed with the Board a number of change orders:

Junior High Water Main Project Change Order #1, a deduct of $227.00, results from various changes in the water main project at Pleasant Valley Junior High School.

Motion by O'Hara, second by Schurr that the Board accept Junior High Water Main Project Change Order #1 in the total amount of a $227.00 deduct. Roll call vote. Ayes - O'Hara, Schurr, Barsness, Dayman, Kaminski, Messman. Nays - none. Motion carried.

High School Additions Change Order #4, a $555.00 add, is an addition of a key lock system to a removable mullion in one of the new band room doors.

Motion by Barsness, second by Messman that the Board accept High School Change Order #4 in the total amount of a $555.00 add. Roll call vote. Ayes - Barsness, Dayman, Kaminski, Messman, O'Hara, Schurr. Nays - none. Motion carried.

High School Additions Change Order #9, a $7,205.00 add, completes the soil compaction issues in both the music and wellness additions.

Motion by Messman, second by Barsness that the Board accept High School Change Order #9 in the total amount of a $7,205.00 add. Roll call vote. Ayes - Messman, O'Hara, Schurr, Barsness, Dayman, Kaminski. Nays - none. Motion carried.

High School Additions Change Order #13, a $7,907.00 add, involves putting in electric screens in each of the three large music rooms.

Motion by Kaminski, second by Schurr that the Board accept High School Change Order #13 in the total amount of a $7,907.00 add. Roll call vote. Ayes - Kaminski, Messman, O'Hara, Schurr, Barsness, Dayman. Nays - none. Motion carried.

High School Additions Change Order #17, a $1,871.00 add, involves changing some of the flooring from tile to carpet or vice versa in the music area and to add tile to the two office areas in the wellness center.

Motion by Barsness, second by Messman that the Board accept High School Change Order #17 in the total amount of a $1,871.00 add. Roll call vote. Ayes - Barsness, Dayman, Kaminski, Messman, O'Hara, Schurr. Nays - none Motion carried.

High School Additions Change Order #18, a $4,400.00 add, involves adding frequently spaced individually circuited power outlets to the north and south walls of the wellness center.

Motion by O'Hara, second by Schurr that the Board accept High School Change Order #18 in the total amount of a $4,400.00 add. Roll call vote. Ayes - O'Hara, Schurr, Barsness, Dayman, Kaminski, Messman. Nays - none. Motion carried.

High School Additions Change Order #23, a $318.00 add, involves putting lighting above the ceiling deck in the music area to facilitate upkeep on the HVAC units.

Motion by Messman, second by Kaminski that the Board accept High School Change Order #23 in the total mount of a $318.00 add. Roll call vote. Ayes - Messman, O'Hara, Schurr, Barsness, Dayman, Kaminski. Nays - none. Motion carried.

MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS (JUNE AND JULY): Mr. Clingingsmith presented the monthly financial reports for June and July. June and July are the first months to be presented under the GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) basis of accounting. The district received permission from the state in May to convert it's budget accounting method from the cash basis to the GAAP basis. The district's audited financial statements and certified annual report to the state are already prepared on the GAAP basis of accounting. Under the GAAP basis of accounting, revenue is recognized when earned, rather than when cash is actually received and expenses are recognized when the liability arises, rather than when the cash is actually paid out.

Through June, the end of the 2003-04 fiscal year, general fund revenue totaled $21,155,579 and general fund expenses totaled $24,365,294. Because of the conversion to GAAP, the district had to recognize all liabilities at June 30, 2004, including salaries and benefits payable in July and August, as expenses and payables on the June financial statements. Therefore, because of the conversion to GAAP, fourteen months of expenses were recognized on the 2003-04 financial report. This causes the appearance that expenses were significantly more than budget since the budget was prepared on the cash basis. This is only an issue in the year of conversion of accounting methods. The district did not actually spend more money than was planned for the fiscal year.

Through July, the first month of the 2004-05 fiscal year, general fund revenue totaled $217,263 and general fund expenses totaled $419,113.

Mr. Clingingsmith also presented reports on the Management, PPEL, Capital Projects, Debt Service, Hot Lunch, Internal Service and Activity funds for June and July.

Motion by O'Hara, second by Barsness that the Board accept the monthly financial reports for June and July as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - O'Hara, Schurr, Barsness, Dayman, Kaminski, Messman. Nays - None. Motion carried.

FIRST SEPTEMBER BOARD MEETING - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7: Due to the Labor Day holiday falling on Monday, September 6, Dr. Spelhaug recommended scheduling the first Board meeting in September on Tuesday, September 7. Motion by Messman, second by Barsness that the first Board meeting in September be held on Tuesday, September 7, 2004, 7:00 p.m. at the Belmont Administration Center.

REGISTRATION UPDATE: Dr. Spelhaug reviewed the mail-in registration procedures and said that new families were still registering for school. He projected that district enrollment would increase but it is too early to have an exact figure.

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Employment Opportunities

* Substitute Teachers, Nurses & Educational Aides - Contact Kelly Hatler at (563) 332-5550 or email hatlerk@pleasval.k12.ia.us

* Substitute Food Service Workers - Contact Joanne Noble at (563) 332-5550 or email noblejoanne@pleasval.k12.ia.us

* Substitute School Bus Drivers & Custodians - Contact Ray LaFrentz at (563)332-4949 or email LaFrentzR@pleasval.k12.ia.us

Congratulations! Samantha M. Goldstein, PVCHS senior and daughter of Jeffrey Goldstein and Regina Feldman-Goldstein, was the only college-bound student in Iowa and one of 33 in the U.S. to achieve a 36, the highest possible composite score, on the June 2004 national test administration of the ACT Assessment. About 7,500 Iowa students, and 380,000 from across the nation, completed the ACT college-entrance exam on June 12, 2004.

Cheerleading Clinic Grades K-8

The Pleasant Valley High School Cheerleaders will be sponsoring their annual cheer clinic on August 29th from 2-4pm in the high school gym. The clinic is open to all students grades K-8. The cost is $25 and will include a clinic t-shirt. Registration forms will be available at the "Back to School Night" in each school building or you can contact Mrs. Cinadr the cheerleading coach at 332-5828 for registration and details.

Open Enrolling Kindergarten Students

Students entering Kindergarten for the 2004-05 school year have the opportunity to request open enrollment until Friday, September 17, 2004. For further details, call 332-5550.

Pleasant Valley Schools Foundation Alumni Data Base If you are an alumnus of Pleasant Valley Community Schools, we'd like to hear from you. We are developing an alumni data base and will make this available for class reunions. Please let us know your address and phone number and year of graduation so you can be kept informed of your class events. Call (563)332-5550 or e-mail harveychris@pleasval.k12.ia.us.

Next Board Meeting Tuesday, September 7, 2004 7:00 PM Belmont Administration Center

District applications are available at www.pleasval.k12.ia.us

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