Bettendorf Park Board Minutes 6/9/04


The Bettendorf Park Board held a regular meeting on May 12, 2004 at City Hall in the Council Chambers at 7:00 pm.

Present: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, and Glenn
Absent: None

Chairman Kamp opened the meeting to anyone present to address the Board regarding any item of interest that does not appear on the Agenda. There was no one present.

On motion by Gackle, seconded by Makoben, that the minutes of the special meeting held on May 11, 2004 and the regular meeting held on May 12, 2004 be approved and placed on file for future reference.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, and Glenn
Nays: None

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Gackle, that the bills be allowed as presented and that the Secretary be instructed to have checks drawn in the respective amounts.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, and Glenn
Nays: None

A list of the bills is annex #1 to these minutes.

Eagle Scout, Eric Chaston, was present to address the Board requesting approval on his proposed Eagle Scout Project. A copy of the proposed project is annex #2 to these minutes. His project would be in Kiwanis Park and would consist of three phases: (1) Trimming tree limbs (2) Mulching around the base of the trees, and (3) Putting in new mulch in the playground area.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that the parks department would provide the mulch and haul away all the tree trimmings. Stu Smith will make sure that the Scouts are trained to ensure that the trees are pruned correctly.

Chairman Kamp informed Eric Chaston that the Kiwanis Club can help with the project if he needs additional help.

The Board approved the Eagle Scout Project as presented for Kiwanis Park.

Charles DeCamp was present to request permission for the 5th Army Band Reunion to hold a concert at the Middle Park Band Shell on August 13, 2004 and waive the fees. The band members are from all over the country and are highly rated. The performance would be a nice addition to the concerts already scheduled at the band shell. Jim Crowder, Park Band Director, will take care of any equipment needs.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Beckman, to approve the 5th Army Band concert on August 13, 2004 and waive all the fees.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, and Glenn
Nays: None

Tim Downing, Architect, for the new golf course clubhouse was present to answer questions on the plans.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that the biggest question is financing for the clubhouse. There is a strong indication the Council will support it. Does the Board want to move forward this year to have the specifications completed? This work would need to be done no matter when we would proceed to construct the facility. It can be put on the shelf until the funding is available.

Chairman Kamp informed the Board that a meeting was held earlier today with Russell Construction and staff to look for cost savings ideas. However, construction materials have gone up in price since the first estimate completed a year ago.

Steve Grimes explained that Tim Downing would revise the cost estimates. The construction materials have increased approximately 7%. If we wait much longer to complete this work, we will have to wait another season. The current Club House is in bad condition and something needs to be done.

Tim Downing informed the Board that he is looking at the cost of a panelized facility, similar to Spirit Hollow in Burlington. The cost is just a little cheaper, but the advantage to this type of facility is the speed of construction.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that Greg Jager suggested a couple of changes in Tim Downingís proposal. He recommended the Board approve the proposal contingent to these changes being made and subject to the City Attorneyís approval of revised proposal. The proposal is for preparing the plans, specifications, and form of contract, overseeing the bid and construction process. His fees would be 8% of the total construction cost or an hourly time and material cost not to exceed the 8%.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Beckman, to adopt Resolution #11-04, approving Downing Architects proposal for the Palmer Hills Golf Course Club House to prepare the design and specifications contingent on approval by the City Attorney.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, and Glenn
Nays: None

Resolution #11-04 is annex #3 to these minutes.

The Board reviewed the financial and operational reports for May 2004, which are annex #4 to these minutes.

The following items appeared on the consent agenda and were enacted by one motion:

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Beckman, to receive and file the Bettendorf Park and Recreation Foundation meeting minutes for April 22, 2004. The minutes are annex #5.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Beckman, to receive and file the Trees Are Us Committee minutes for April 14, 2004. The minutes are annex #6.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Beckman, to approve the request from Denise Bulat, Bi-State Regional Commission, to waive the shelter fee for their annual picnic. Letter is annex #7 to these minutes.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Beckman, to receive and file the status report from Ken Koehler, Park Ambassador Coordinator. The report is annex #8 to these minutes.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Beckman, to adopt Resolution #9-04, authorizing staff to award a contract to Pea***** Associates for professional services for the nursery expansion design at the Life Fitness Center not to exceed $6,700.00. Resolution #9-04 is annex #9 to these minutes.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Beckman, to adopt Resolution #10-04 to approve the bid submitted by Anchor for the out-front mower in the amount of $12,795.00; and to approve the bid submitted by Kunau Implement for the 52-60HP 4 X 4 Tractor in the amount of $12,529.00. Resolution #10-04 is annex #10 to these minutes.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, and Glenn
Nays: None

Commissioner Beckman requested Steve Grimes line up two field trips: Rock Island and Cedar Rapids to see their dog parks.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that the meeting with staff and Commissionerís Glenn and Makoben is scheduled on June 23, 2004 at 10:00 am at the Life Fitness Center to review the Y/Park Joint Committee Agreement.

The meeting was adjourned on motion by Makoben at 7:37 pm.

Kamp ( Chairman)

Makoben (Vice Chairman)

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