MARCH 9, 2004
The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on March 9, 2004 in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 4:00 pm.
Present: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, and Glenn
Absent: None
Stu Smith reviewed the park maintenance monthly report, which is annex #1 to these minutes.
Chairman Kamp asked if the skate park equipment is holding up with the winter weather.
Stu reported that there are hairline cracks at the base of some of the equipment. The skate park equipment company is going to take a look at it.
Rita VanWetzinga reviewed the recreation monthly report, which is annex #2 to these minutes. She reported that the summer brochure would be delivered to each household next week. The department is in the process of interviewing new staff for summer activities. They are fortunate that a great number of employees are returning from last summer. The annual St. Patrickís dance will be held on Friday, March 12, 2004 for the special population.
Also, Rita presented information for the Board to review regarding the Y. The information contains the history of previous committee discussions and what has happened since their last meeting. This information is annex #3 to these minutes.
Brad Peterson reviewed the golf maintenance monthly report, which is annex #4 to these minutes. Brad reported that the new tee signs are coming in on Tuesday. The golf course will open on Friday, March 12, 2004, weather permitting.
Jon Waddellís, golf course administration monthly report, is annex #5 to these minutes.
Steve Grimes reviewed the administration monthly report, which is annex #6 to these minutes. He reviewed a letter from the Mississippi Valley Track Club that came in too late to include with the Board packet, once again requesting Park Board affiliation and assistance in acquiring use of school facilities. The club provides a service to a number of children in the community and they do provide their own insurance.
On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben, to approve adding the Mississippi Valley Track Club letter to the consent agenda for approval at the Wednesday Board meeting.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, and Glenn
Nays: None
Steve Grimes explained that this item was added to the agenda, due to the Track Club beginning practices on April 19, only a few days after the April Park Board meeting.
Steve Grimes informed the Board that Ken Koehler, former City of Bettendorf Code Enforcement Officer, has accepted the position of Park Ambassador Director for the upcoming summer. Also, another position was approved for a volunteer coordinator. That position will also be available to supervise a project.
Steve Grimes reviewed the letter from Frank Klipsch, YMCA President/CEO, requesting to reactivate the Bettendorf YMCA/Parks and Recreation ìJoint Steering Committeeî. The letter is annex #7 to these minutes.
Steve Grimes reported that Rita presented a handout on the history of what took place at the prior joint committee meetings for the Board to review. City Alderman, Tim Stecker has agreed to continue to serve on this committee. It is up to the Board as to how to structure the committee.
Chairman Kamp requested the Board members read through the information that Rita presented and at the Wednesday meeting he will appoint two Board members to serve on the joint committee.
Commissioner Glenn was on the previous joint committee and requested to continue to serve on the committee.
The Board reviewed the various options for a Riverboat Development Grant application for Spring.
Commissioner Glenn recommended a grant be written for the expansion of the nursery at the Life Fitness Center. The Board needs to look at ways to build the membership.
Rita reported that the expansion would go behind the existing nursery. There is a plan for the addition with an estimated cost of $58,000. Part of the Life Fitness Center balance could be used to match the grant request.
Commission Beckman stated that we need to also look at all the citizens of the community. Perhaps write a grant for a park improvement.
Stu Smith recommended installing a drinking fountain at Hoover Park. There are a lot of programs in the park during the summer months. The estimated cost is approximately $2,000-$3,000.
Monty Yegge brought up the repairs that are needed at the Community Center: new gym floor, restrooms renovated, and a new front door. There is $100,000 in the Capital Improvement Program for repairs that could be used for matching funds. The money available will not cover the cost of needed repairs and a grant could help.
The Board requested the following information be brought back to the Wednesday Board Meeting before a decision is made: Cash balance at the Life Fitness Center, estimated cost to renovate the restrooms and replace the gym floor at the Community Center.
Steve Grimes reported that he has received requests from several people about removing downed trees from park areas for firewood. He put together a proposed Resolution to establish a policy and permit form and Greg Jager reviewed it. This would be for our residentís personal use and for-profit woodcutters would not be allowed access. This could be to the departmentís advantage to get the downed trees out of our parks. The person filling out a permit would have to identify where they would be taking out the wood before they go in and remove anything.
Chairman Kamp requested to add to permit that they are responsible to make repairs to the turf.
Steve Grimes reported that the department is looking at converting Park Board monthly packets from hard copies to the electronic format. In order to make the change, we will need lap tops. The City Administrator supports this change because it is convenient and does cut costs. A time line will be developed when it would be feasible to make the change.
The Board agreed with the concept and authorized the staff to pursue the electronic format.
Chairman Kamp informed the Board that he attended a strategic planning workshop when he first became a member of the Board. He asked the Board, if there was any interest in having one.
Commissioner Glenn recommended having one when it was closer to budget time.
Commissioner Beckman stated that it would be a good idea to review what grants should be written and also discuss the Capital Improvement Program at the workshop.
Steve Grimes stated that Greg Jager was the facilitator at the planning session before and agreed to do it again. The strategic planning workshop will be placed on the agenda later in the summer to determine the date and time in the month of September, 2004.
On motion by Makoben, seconded by Glenn, the meeting was adjourned at 5:18 pm.
Kamp (Chairman)
Makoben (Vice Chairman)