Bettendorf Park Board Minutes 2/10/04



The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on February 10, 2004 in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 4:00 pm.

Present: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, and Glenn
Absent: None

Rita VanWetzinga reviewed the recreation monthly report, which is annex #1 to these minutes.

Rita requested Board consideration to go back to the six month Life Fitness Center Membership payment plan option versus the current twelve month payment plan, effective September 2, 2004. This is the date of when the rate increase goes into effect. A letter will be sent to all members regarding the rate increase and the letter can also inform the membership of a change in the payment plan. The reasons for requesting the change: (1) 5% of the estimated 25% of the total membership using the payment plan have either stopped payment, closed the account or requested the membership cancelled with the one year contract. There is an average of four non-sufficient funds a month over the last year. (2) The City/LFC is incurring additional bank charges and administrative costs due to the cancellations. (3) City staff is getting an average of five calls a day from members upset their memberships rolled over, even though they sign a contract agreeing to these terms. (4) Any gain in memberships from the twelve-month plan has been offset by cancellations. Many members who were paying cash for their memberships or were using the six-month payment plan, simply converted to the twelve month plan. (5) Private clubs in our area and the Y all charge initiation fees which permits the facilities to collect all administrative costs, collections fees, NSF, up front. (6) When we offered the six month payment plan, cancellations were down and each year the members came in and renewed. This is a better opportunity to get membership information updated.

The disadvantages to the change: (1) The members are used to the twelve month plan and paying smaller installments (2) It will take one year to complete the conversion. (3) It may cost us some members.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that we made the change from six months to twelve months to compete with other facilities. Switching back to six months may take away the marketing plan. In light of the Y coming into our community, it may be a disadvantage not to offer the twelve-month plan because they do offer it. However, the twelve month plan has caused clerical problems, non-sufficient funds, and a concern whether or not this added new memberships.

Rita explained that an initiation fee has never been charged because the Board wanted to offer an affordable facility to the residents. We should market the facility for all we have to offer at the lowest price, not that we offer a twelve-month payment plan.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Beckman, to go back to the six-month payment plan at the Life Fitness Center.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, Glenn
Nays: None

The Board reviewed the monthly reports for park maintenance, golf maintenance, and golf administration. The reports are annex #2 to these minutes.

Steve Grimes reviewed the administration monthly report, which is annex #3 to these minutes.

Steve Grimes reported on the progress of the Field Sike project. He has met with some of the property owners in order to acquire easements and has been working on the permit with the Army Corp of Engineers. After the permit is submitted it will take 30-45 days before it is processed. All easements will need to be finalized before we can award a contract. We are looking at April before the project can be awarded.

Steve Grimes further reported that the Board would have to deal with the issues of some of the property owners located on the greenway wanting to purchase some of the land adjacent to their property. We would need adequate space to maintain the area. The advantage to allowing this would be a consistent property line. The Park Board cannot buy and sell property directly. A recommendation would have to be made for or against and then it has to go to the City Council. The property owners would be expected to pay any legal or transfer costs.

Chairman Kamp recommended having the staff work on the amount of right-of-way or space that is needed along the creek to maintain the greenway area.

Chairman Kamp asked if the Board had any interest in adjusting the fees at Splash Landing.

The members of the Board agreed that they were not interested in doing anything with the fees at this time, but will review the fees for the next season at Splash Landing.

The Board reviewed the proposals for new fencing at Splash Landing.

The low bid was from Scott County Fence in the amount of $1,399.00. This will be approved at the Wednesday Board meeting on the consent agenda.

The Board reviewed changing to liquid chlorine at Splash Landing.

Rita reported that there is a report in the packet from Burbach. They are recommending the change. It will take three weeks to get the materials and two weeks to complete the job.

The Board will approve the change to liquid chlorine at the Wednesday Board meeting on the consent agenda.

Steve Grimes reviewed the Five Year Capital Improvement Program, which is annex #4 to these minutes.

The Board requested the Director to follow up on the property needed for the Duck Creek Trail Connection to 33rd Street. They also requested the Director review the plans for the recreation trail from I-74 East to Duck Creek with Commissionerís Beckman and Gackle.

Commissioner Makoben asked if Mark Brockway had any new funding for the Field Sike Park project.

Steve Grimes reported that Mark Brockway is drafting a brochure for seeking additional funding and will check to see if it has been finalized.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Glenn, to approve the Five Year Capital Improvement Program as presented.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Makoben, Beckman, Gackle, and Glenn
Nays: None

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Makoben, the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 pm.

Kamp (Chairman)

Makoben (Vice Chairman)

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