Minutes of January 5 PV School Board Minutes

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Debbie Dayman. Members present: Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann, Messman, O'Hara, Schurr, Thornton. Absent: None.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Debbie Dayman. Members present: Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann, Messman, O'Hara, Schurr, Thornton. Absent: None. Also present: Jim Spelhaug, Cyndy Behrer, Mike Clingingsmith, Christine Harvey, Linda and Dan Goetz, Julie Goetz, Chuck McKnight, Tara Sitrick, Danielle Spaete, Becky Larson, Mrs. Mary Ryder, Jeff Ryder, Connie and Scott Nagel, Debbie and Glenn Pelecky, Ladonna Czachowski, Michele Barnes, Senator Maggie Tinsman, Tim Bradley, Brian Strusz, Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Paul and Charlie Paul, Linda Houston and Bryant Houston, Curt, Pam and Wade Lang, Kathy and Marla Claussen, Jane and John Overbeeke, Francesca Overbeeke, Sherri Britz, Ben Britz, Debbie and Todd Lathrop, Joyce and Moselle Singh, Pat, Emily, and Andrea Rheinhart, John Miller, Ken, Linda and Lindsey Hoffman, and others.

EXEMPT SESSION APPROVED: Motion by Thornton, second by Barsness that the Board hold an exempt session for the purpose of negotiations as provided in section 20.17(3) of the Code of Iowa. Roll call vote. Ayes - Thornton, Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann, Messman, O'Hara, Schurr. Nays - none. Motion carried.

AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by Barsness, second by Messman that the Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: President Dayman welcomed visitors and thanked everyone for coming to the reception held prior to the board meeting to honor the National Board Certified teachers Connie Nagel, who teaches Language Arts at Pleasant Valley Junior High, Linda Goetz, who teaches sixth grade at Bridgeview, and Debbie Pelecky, who teaches sixth grade at Cody. The other district teachers who hold the National Board Certification are Danielle Spaete, who teaches science at PVCHS, Julie Small, who teaches Language Arts at Pleasant Valley Junior High, Pat Schroeder, who teaches first grade at Pleasant View, and Becky Roller, who teaches fourth grade at Pleasant View.

Senator Tinsman congratulated the teachers for their accomplishments and the Board for having seven National Board Certified teachers on staff. She said that the school district sets the tone by encouraging and supporting the teaching staff to achieve at this level.

Dr. Spelhaug commended the teachers for completing the highly demanding and rigorous process of the National Board Certification.

Jen Davidson, PVEA President, thanked the former students, their parents, friends, and family for attending and showing their support for the three teachers. She said the teachers are an excellent reflection on their profession and the district.

The Board expressed its sympathy to former Board President, Carl Boehl and family on the death of his mother.

Dr. Spelhaug congratulated Board Vice-President, Tana Barsness, who has received the Iowa Association of School Boards Better Boardsmanship Award.

As a clarification of the December 15, 2003 minutes at the request of district resident Robert Ofner, the following statement: "The low bid, after trade-in allowance for two 84 passenger buses, was submitted by Thomas Bus Sales of Des Moines for a per unit price of $71,979.00 with a $4,000/unit trade-in allowance, for a total net price of $139,958." was corrected to read: "The low bid, after trade-in allowance for two 84 passenger buses, was submitted by Thomas Bus Sales of Des Moines for a per unit price of $71,979.00 with a $4,000 trade-in allowance, for a total net price of $139,958."

Cyndy Behrer reported that the district was notified that it is the recipient of a $25,000 Star School Grant. She said this will be used for the implementation of "Read Naturally" in the district.

CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by O'Hara, second by Hoffman that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda consists of the following: approval of the minutes of the December 15, 2003, Regular Board meeting; the regular employment of Bob Anders as a bus driver, Lynn Damushes as an early childhood special education aide at Pleasant View Elementary, and Nancy Urmie as a food service worker, all effective January 16, 2004 and the probationary employment of Tim Dixon as a part-time custodian at Bridgeview effective January 5, 2004; six open enrollment applications-in for the 2004-05 school year and one open enrollment application-in for 2003-04 from Bettendorf Community Schools.

EXPENSES APPROVED: Motion by Thornton, second by Schurr that General Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $50,696.40 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Barsness, second by Thornton that Nutrition Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $6,274.60 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Messman, second by Barsness that Elementary/Junior High Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $1,710.11 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Hoffman, second by Schurr that High School Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $8,044.12 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by O'Hara, second by Hoffman that PPEL Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $22,006.35 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

GRADUATE FOLLOW-UP STUDIES: Ms. Behrer reviewed data from the Two Year and Six Year Graduate Follow-up Studies. The two year survey had a 50% return rate and the six year survey had a 37% return rate. Responses indicated a strong sense of preparedness in the areas of English, Mathematics, and Science as well as a number of specific comments and suggestions for course modification.

Motion by Messman, second by O'Hara that the Board accept the graduate follow-up studies as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - Messman, O'Hara, Schurr, Thornton, Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann. Nays - none. Motion carried. MAIL-IN REGISTRATION: Technology Facilitator, Ladonna Czachowski presented a review of progress to date on the mail in registration initiative. The tentative schedule is to send home registration packets on May 10 with the target date of May 24 to receive them back. Back to School Nights will be held in August. The first day of school will be August 18, 2004. Work continues with building principals and secretaries, PTA and Booster Club Presidents.

Motion by Hoffmann, second by Thornton that the board approve the 2004-05 mail in registration process as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - Hoffmann, Messman, O'Hara, Schurr, Thornton, Barsness, Dayman. Nays - none. Motion carried.

EXEMPT SESSION: The Board met in exempt session for negotiations from 8:17 - 9:29 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

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