Bettendorf School Board meeting of 12.1.03

Unofficial Minutes of the December 1, 2003, Regular Meeting (Pending Board Approval)

1. Call to Order.

The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, state of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for their regular Board meeting at the Ray Stensvad Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa, on December 1, 2003. President Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law.

Members present: Directors Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle. Members absent: None. Other officials present: John Perdue, Superintendent; Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; Maxine McEnany, Director of Financial and Business Services; Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications; Heather Wiley, BEA Representative; Tim Holmes and Lucy Colville, Student Representatives, Jeff Ehrmann, Board Treasurer; Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary.

2. Agenda Approval.

Motion by Director Roski, seconded by Director Luton, to approve the agenda as presented.

Ayes: 7 Directors Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle. Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

3. Comments and Suggestions from Audience. 3.01 President's Statement. On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite any member of the audience to step to the microphone with comments about items of interest or concern that do not appear on the agenda this evening. Please begin by stating your name and address. It would be most appreciated if you would limit your comments to three minutes so that we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to speak. We ask that you remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. If you have thoughts to share about items that are included as topics for tonight's meeting, we would invite those comments when we reach that point in the meeting. Thank you for your support of our school district.

There were no comments from the audience.

4. Commendations. 4.01 Student Spotlight on Thomas Jefferson Elementary School. Robin Olson, 4th grade teacher, and 4th grade students presented and shared their posters representing the upper Northeast region of the United States. These projects reflected the integration of curriculum and technology, as each student focused on one of the states. 4.02 The following Bettendorf High School football players were selected to the MAC All-Conference Teams. 1st team Offense: Greg Reckman, Quinn McVey, Chris Mahoski; 1st team Defense: Parker Quail, Tom Langford, Max Kalber, Pat Angerer, Tim Jackson; 2nd team Offense: Ryan Fick, Tim Jackson, Jeff Bitter, Euseph Messiah, Chris Ivory; 2nd team Defense: Adam Behrends, Donnie Connor; 3rd team Offense: Jake Gabelmann; 3rd team Defense: Jake Carter, Matt Gowan; Honorable Mention Offense: Sean Rizzo; Honorable Mention Defense: Chris Walker, Luke Andrusyk. Pat Angerer was named Des Moines Register 1st Team Elite for Linebacker and 1st team 4A. Donnie Connor was selected 2nd team 4A as punter. 4.03 Bettendorf Middle School wishes to thank Gary Hirsch, counselor at Bettendorf High School, for his staff development training this fall. He worked with staff on October 2 and November 12 on Brain- Friendly Teaching Strategies. 4.04 Congratulations to the following Bettendorf High School students, who made All-State in Girls Swimming: 1st team, Megan Lonergan for 200 meter and 500 meter freestyle; Honorable Mention, Andrea Ryan for 200 meter individual medley and 100 meter backstroke.

5. Consent Agenda.

Motion by Director Roski, seconded by Director Crockett, to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Ayes: 7 Directors Castro, Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle, Anderson. Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

1. 5.01 Approval of November 17, 2003, Public Hearing Minutes. 2. 5.02 Approval of November 17, 2003, Regular Board Meeting Minutes. 3. 5.03 Approval of December 1, 2003, Bills Recommended for Payment. 4. 5.04 Approval of Administrative Recommendations--Personnel. Schedule D Approval to Hire Hugo Herrera/BHS/Assistant Boys Track Coach/$2,700/ Replacing Aaron Wiley/Effective November 17, 2003 Kathy Hayward/PN/5th Grade Intra-extramural Coach/ $3,731/Replacing Art Kitzman/Effective August 21, 2003 Classified ñ Resignation Nancy Fulton/MT/Food Service-Satellite/Effective 12/19/03 Mary Johnson/HH/Birth-to-Five Parent Liaison/Effective 12/19/03 Sheryl Saunders/HH/Food Service-Satellite/Effective 12/12/03 Susan Striley/RSAC/Administrative Assistant-Human Resources/Effective 12/5/03 Classified - Recommendation for Employment Mary Jo Emerson/NA/Para Educator B/$9.65 per hour/6.5 hours per day/New position ñ per student IEP/Effective 11/18/03 Steven Klos/PN/Para Educator B/$9.65 per hour/7 hours per day/New position ñ per student IEP/Effective 11/24/03 Classified - Letter of Assignment Modification Donna Hafner/MT/Para Educator B/Same rate of pay/From 6 hours per week to 4 hours per day/New position per student IEP/Effective 11/19/03 5.05 Approval of Requests for Early Graduation. 5.06 Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment.

Into Bettendorf, 2003/04

Kyle Behrens, grade 4, from Pleasant Valley, continuation due to change of residence

Into Bettendorf, 2004/05

Lucas Thuenen, kindergarten (as of 04/05), from Pleasant Valley For information only. The following students have open enrolled out of the Bettendorf Community School District: Out of Bettendorf, 2003/04 Adam Ivers, grade 3 (as of 04/05), to Pleasant Valley Emma Ivers, grade 1 (as of 04/05), to Pleasant Valley Kellen Laude, grade 6 (as of 04/05), to Pleasant Valley Sarah Robbearts, grade 11 (as of 04/05), to Pleasant Valley

6. Discussion Items.

Shared Communications.

Directors Weigle, Mayer, and Crockett attended the annual IASB Convention in Des Moines. Director Weigle shared information related to the following sessions she attended: Choosing the Districtís Legal Counsel; School Finance; Quick Facts on Public Schools and Across-the- Board Cuts; and Making Schools Safe for Gay and Lesbian Students. Director Mayer distributed and shared a written report on the IASB Delegate Assembly held November 19.

Student Council Representatives, Tim Holmes and Lucy Colville, stated they are pursuing a journalism student who would have an interest in attending and reporting on the Board of Education meetings. Lucy Colville reported a survey will be administered to approximately one- third of Rock Island students on balanced calendar issues. BMS is also doing a similar survey and both will share information and results. Tim Holmes stated Student Council members raked yards for families with troops in Iraq and plan to continue to offer services to these families.

Senior Year.

Directors Roski and Crockett presented the Boardís special interest topic of ìThe Senior Year,î which addressed the concern that seniors are not challenged to take courses which prepare them for college, entry into the workplace or adulthood. A variety of facts and data were evaluated and shared. Colleges claim students are not prepared for the academic demands and need remediation. Employers also reported students are not prepared for the workforce. Ideas to improve the senior year included: add ìThe Game of Lifeî as a practical course for acquiring day-to-day living skills; add a service learning requirement; require a senior project; add a senior writing/research class; promote careers class; utilizing options not being utilized by students; offer internet classes; and offer more AP courses. The pitfalls of implementation included cost; need for more teachers; parental buy-in; teacher buy-in; need for more guidance from counselors; and lack of communication and presentation. BHS Principal Jimmy Casas shared class load, post secondary class enrollment, and graduation credits, with overall numbers exceeding the requirements at BHS. Staff is also looking at sequencing of required classes and potential revisions. BEA Representative Heather Wiley expressed the need for more AP courses but stated there is a lack of funding for staff. Director Weigle suggested the practice of students not having to take a course final if they had achieved an ìAî grade be reviewed, as she felt this was not preparing students for the rigor of college finals. Student Representative Lucy Colville stated she is planning to take a full load for her senior year, as she knows courses are going to be very difficult in college. She stated an interest in the life skills course if it were compacted into one course. Student Representative Tim Holmes suggested the Board contact the parents and encourage them to guide their senior into more challenging curriculum to better prepare them for the workplace and/or college. Directors did not recommend mandating courses but supported a letter or work session with parents, encouraging their senior to take courses which prepare them for their future. Recognition for students who enroll in AP courses was also suggested. Principal Casas expressed his appreciation for the Boardís interest on this topic and will continue their goal of making every student feel success at BHS. Superintendent Perdue thanked Directors Crockett and Roski for their research efforts on this topic and reiterated the districtís long- standing reputation of high achievement. He stated that staff and the School Improvement Team will continue to work on culture and provide incentives to encourage students to pursue rigorous courses.

Health Insurance Planning.

Tim Kearns, Health Insurance Consultant, shared projected trends in health insurance and suggested adjustments to the existing plan. He shared plan options and considerations for short and long-term strategies to reduce the high inflation of insurance costs. Specifically, he discussed an adjustment with the prescription card rates and rebidding the administrative claiming. With a proposed 15 percent inflation on insurance rates, employees will begin to hear more about wellness strategies and health risk assessments as premium incentives. Directors discussed the early retirement option which currently offers a continuation of health insurance and its financial impact on the district; Mr. Kearns will review this information and respond to the Boardís inquiry. Additionally, it was pointed out that the BEA has requested their health insurance deductible not be discussed in the coming year but would be willing to review an adjustment to the prescription card. Directors pointed out that a revision to the health insurance plan could mean more money in employeesí paychecks.

Budget Planning.

Superintendent Perdue and Maxine McEnany, Director of Business & Financial Services, reviewed the long-range financial budget planning , which included 2003/04 and 2004/05 financial projections. Board members discussed prioritization of school improvement projects, next yearís spending plan, and methods to reduce/control the budget. Directors also discussed the Instructional Support Levy (ISL) and options for this levy.

Board Retreat Topics.

Directors suggested the Board Retreat be held on Monday, January 12, at 6:00 p.m., just prior to their regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. Topics of interest included Instructional Support Levy (ISL), budget planning, negotiations, and time for open discussion.

Superintendentís Report.

7.01 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) School Performance.

Superintendent Perdue and Dr. Webb, Assistant Superintendent, reviewed the NCLB data for grades 4, 8, and 11 from the Iowa Department of Education. School-wide intervention plans were discussed. BMS shared accountability measures which will be implemented to assist in areas below standard. Implications of the NCLB legislation were reviewed.

7.02 Next Agenda Planning.

Superintendent Perdue reviewed agenda items for the regular Board meeting scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, December 15. Prior to the regular meeting, the Board will have a learning session at 6:00 p.m. on the topic of Early Childhood Programming.

Future Events and Informational Items.

Monday, December 15, Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 p.m., RSAC

Directors reviewed and provided input on a special edition of The Pride addressing questions regarding the proposed balanced calendar.

9. Adjournment.

Motion by Director Mayer to adjourn the meeting at 10:02 p.m.


Barry Anderson, President ATTEST:

__________________________________ Lynne Lindstrom, Secretary

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