Bettendorf Park Board Minutes 11/10/03

NOVEMBER 10, 2003

The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on November 10, 2003 at City Hall in the Council Chambers at 4:00 pm.

Present: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley
Absent: None

Rita VanWetzinga reviewed the recreation monthly update, which is annex #1 to these minutes.

Rita asked for the Boardís approval on the six (6) proposed fee increases for recreational programs to help cover existing costs.

Commissioner Glenn stated that at some point he would like to see the Bettendorf Park Foundation help fund some of these programs.

Rita explained that they already sponsor a couple of recreation programs and she is very appreciative.

Commissioner Glenn stated he wants to make sure we keep recreation programs available to the community.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Beckman, to approve the six (6) proposed fee increases to recreational programs to help cover existing costs.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley Nays: None

Commissioner Makoben asked Rita if she could give him the date of her next planning meeting in case one of the Board Members would like to attend.

Rita said that she would.

Brad Peterson reviewed the golf maintenance monthly update, which is annex #2 to these minutes.

Commissioner Beckman asked if everything went okay with the purchase of the computer system for irrigation purposes.

Brad stated yes, and that it will be ready for spring.

Stu Smith reviewed the park maintenance monthly report, which is annex #3 to these minutes.

Stu reported that winterization is complete, McManus Park still needs a couple benches added around the new playground equipment, and that the cross country race and bicycle race at Crow Creek Park this past month went very well. He also mentioned that the cross country trail has held up quite well considering there were three cross country meets plus daily practices that took place this past summer. He is still maintaining the trail, but most people enjoy it and consider it a nice challenge.

Jon Waddell reviewed the golf administration monthly report, which is annex #4 to these minutes.

Jon reported that he had received a request from Quad Cities Home Builders for a double shotgun tournament. To approve the request, the 144 participant maximum would need to be waived.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben, to approve the request submitted by Quad Cities Home Builders for a double shotgun golf tournament.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, Worley
Nays: None

Commissioner Makoben asked Jon if the rounds were up from last year during the month of October.

Jon stated that yes and he felt it was partially due to the nice weather and the special rates offered during that month.

Steve Grimes was not present to review his monthly report which is annex #5 to these minutes.

The Board reviewed the enterprise fund fee change recommendations.

Palmer Hills Golf Course fee increases would include 18-hole, 9-hole, and Senior rates to increase by $1.00 and Weekend rates to increase by $2.00.

Chairman Kamp stated that this proposed fee increase can be deferred if the Board wishes to wait on 2004 proposed fees from surrounding golf courses.

Commissioner Glenn was concerned with the Weekend rate increase. He thinks we should defer the decision.

Commissioner Worley asked the Board if the Weekend rate increase was only $1.00, would they all agree?

Chairman Kamp stated that he feels we are already pretty competitive on the weekend rates.

Commissioner Beckman stated that increasing weekend rates hurts our routine golfers.

Jon stated that they would also start charging a half-cart rate.

Commissioner Worley asked Jon if they could offer more rate specials.

The Park Board deferred the proposed golf course rate increases to the December Board meeting when they could review proposed fees from surrounding golf courses.

Splash Landing fee increases would include a $1.00 increase to all general admission rates, age limits for free admission changes from 2 and under to under 1, $3.00/session increase for swimming lessons, coupon sales extended to June 11th, and Silver pass rate increases.

Commissioner Glenn asked how many silver passes were sold.

Rita replied that they sold 78 Silver passes and 3 Gold passes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben to put the proposed increases for Splash Landing on the consent agenda for approval.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley
Nays: None

Life Fitness Center fee increases would include a 5% increase in rates, Senior rates would equal Youth rates, general admission would increase $1.00, and increase summer student passes by $10.

Commissioner Glenn asked if we sell a lot of summer student passes.

Rita stated that we sold 103 college and 29 high school.

Chairman Kamp stated that the Board would like to commend the staff on the reports prepared to review the proposed increases. They were impressed to see the staff trying to keep costs down.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Beckman, to put the proposed increases for Life Fitness Center on the consent agenda for approval.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley
Nays: None

The Park Board discussed funding for a new clubhouse at Palmer Hills Golf Course. Scott County Regional Authority has agreed to provide $300,000 in annual $75,000 installments over a 4-year period. The Park Board would need to provide $150,000 from the enterprise fund and $150,000 from the next 2 years CIP funds. The rest would come from a G.O. bond to be paid back over a 20-year period in annual $50,000 installment payments. Decker Ploehn, City Administrator, has requested the Park Board commit to using the CIP budget if the golf course revenues canít cover the payment.

Chairman Kamp stated that as long as rounds donít drop drastically, the payment should be able to come from the golf course revenues.

Commissioner Makoben requested from the department staff an update on the golf course financials for the fiscal year to date to see where we stand. He would like that before next monthís meeting. Our CIP budget is decreasing and he would like more information.

Commissioner Glenn stated that he would like to discuss this further with the new Board Member and Mayor.

The Park Board Members discussed possible meeting dates for the annual joint Park Board-Park Foundation Meeting. They chose three dates and will check with the Foundation to see if one of them will work.

Chairman Kamp mentioned that staff had started gathering information for the Gold Medal Award, a prestigious international award. The preliminary application is due January 22nd and the rest is due in March. A $10,000 video will need to accompany the application, however, he is confident that we can obtain a grant for this.

Commissioners Beckman and Worley both agreed that the budget was tight and $10,000 was a lot of money. And even if we could get a grant for the money, the grant could be used for something else.

Commissioner Glenn agreed and stated that it was a lot of work to gather the information and that staff are pretty busy. They only have three months to gather the preliminary information.

Chairman Kamp asked if this should be deferred to next year.

Rita VanWetzinga and Stu Smith agreed that it would be better to have a 12-month period to gather the information needed and prepare a better video. February through March is a very busy time for our department, since the final part of the submission is due in March, it makes it difficult.

The Board decided to prepare for the Gold Medal Award in 2005.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Beckman, to adjourn the meeting at 4:40 pm.

Kamp (Chairman)

Glenn (Vice Chairman)

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