Pleasant Valley School Board minutes of 12.1.03

PV Board Minutes 12.1.03

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Debbie Dayman. Members present: Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann, Messman, O'Hara, Schurr, Thornton. Absent: None. Also present: Jim Spelhaug, Cyndy Behrer, Mike Clingingsmith, Christine Harvey, Debbie Menke, Don Dehner, Tim Bradley, Jim Wichman, Michele Barnes, Drew Anderson, Carl Boehl, Brian Strusz, Kurt and Mary Weiler, Novelyn Jones, Rachelle Treiber, and Karin Mullen.

AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by Thornton, second by Schurr that the Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: President Dayman welcomed visitors.

The Board congratulated PV teachers Linda Goetz, Connie Nagel, and Debbie Pelecky who have recently been named National Board Certified Teachers.

Directors Barsness, Messman, and Thornton thanked the District for their opportunity to attend the Iowa Association of School Boards convention in Des Moines. Director Thornton, who was the Board's representative to the IASB Delegate Assembly, said that the Delegate Assembly voted to adopt 6% allowable growth as the target for legislative approval. Currently schools have been told allowable growth will be 2%.

Cyndy Behrer reported that the district is expecting to receive funding from the Scott County Regional Authority for seven grants at the SCRA Awards program on Tuesday, December 2, 2003.

Dr. Spelhaug reported that there have been no more cases of pertussis since before the Thanksgiving holiday.

He also reported that during 2004 the district's Comprehensive School Improvement Plan is to be rewritten. Four meetings of the district's comprehensive school improvement team have been scheduled during second semester. A session for the Board will also be a part of this process.

Dr. Spelhaug also congratulated the district's national board certified teachers. The Board will recognize these individuals at its January 5, 2004 meeting. He added that Pleasant Valley is the only area district that had teachers achieving this prestigious award.

Former Board President Carl Boehl, representing LeClaire Lions, presented Pleasant Valley Junior High's Principal, Brian Strusz, with a check in the amount of $560.00 for the Junior High's Quest - Say Yes to Life and No to Drugs Program. The Quest donation represents all of the proceeds from the LeClaire Lions' Annual Pancake Breakfast held at PVCHS on the third Saturday in April. Mr. Strusz thanked Mr. Boehl and the LeClaire Lions' members for their work in support of this important program at the junior high.

CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Messman, second by Barsness that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented.

All Ayes. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda consists of the following: approval of the minutes of the November 17, 2003, Regular Board meeting; the regular employment of Paul Eure as a special education aide at Riverdale Heights; and two open enrollment applications-in for the 2003-04 school year.

EXPENSES APPROVED: Motion by Thornton, second by Schurr that General Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $251,948.16 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Barsness, second by Thornton that Nutrition Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $9,923.96 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Messman, second by O'Hara that Elementary/Junior High Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $3,998.69 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by O'Hara, second by Hoffman that High School Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $20,645.93 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Hoffman, second by Barsness that a PPEL Fund warrant be issued in the total amount of $2,730.00 in payment of invoice presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM - BAND PROGRAM: PVCHS Principal, Debbie Menke, PVCHS Band Director, Drew Anderson, and PV Band Boosters Kurt and Mary Weiler and Novelyn Jones were present to discuss a change of focus for the marching band for the 2004-05 school year. The two primary changes to the band program described were: 1) Discontinuing the PV Color Guard. Interest in the color guard has declined over the past five years. This year, the color guard represented less than 5% of the band. For a positive visual impact the color guard should be 15-20% of the band. 2) Discontinue participation in the state marching band contest. Four to five different shows would be prepared rather than one major show. Ms. Menke and Mr. Anderson emphasized that their purpose in proposing these changes is to strengthen music education at PVCHS.

Mr. Anderson invited everyone to attend the Cider and Pretzel Band Concert at the PVCHS Theater, 7:00 p.m., Monday, December 8.

Motion by Thornton, second by O'Hara that the Board approve the changes to the 2004-05 band program as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - Thornton, Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann, Messman, O'Hara, Schurr. Nays - none. Motion carried.

2003-04 EARLY GRADUATION REQUESTS: Debbie Menke presented thirteen names of PVCHS students who have submitted their request to graduate early. Six of the students plan to begin their post secondary education experience, four will be entering the workforce with plans to enroll in college at a future date, two plan to enlist in the Air Force, one is graduating early due to health reasons. Two of the thirteen are junior students who will graduate at the end of the 2003-04 school year.

Motion by Barsness, second by Messman that the Board approve the recommendation for early graduation of eleven seniors at the end of the first semester of the 2003-2004 school year and two juniors at the end of the 2003-04 school year, pending successful completion of requirements. Roll call vote. Ayes - Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann, Messman, O'Hara, Schurr, Thornton. Nays - none. Motion carried.

PUBLIC HEARING FOR INPUT INTO THE 2004-05 CALENDAR: President Dayman opened a Public Hearing at 7:36 p.m. for input regarding the 2004-2005 school calendar. There being no input, the public hearing was closed at 7:37 p.m.

Dr. Spelhaug shared the proposed 2004-05 school calendar that has been developed over the last two board meetings. The first day of school would be August 18, 2004; Winter Break would be December 23 through January 2, 2005 for grades K-8 and December 23 through January 3, 2005 for grades 9-12; Spring Break would be March 25 through April 1, 2005; and the end of the school year would be May 26, 2005 for grades K-8 and May 25, 2005 for grades 9-12.

He noted that because of the need for time to complete air conditioning projects, Bettendorf is planning an August 25 start date with similar winter and spring break schedules and North Scott is tentatively planning a start around the 18th. Davenport School District is starting on August 30. An e-mail from Mrs. Angela Nelson was shared with the Board that advocated a later start.

Motion by O'Hara, second by Schurr that the Board approve the 2004-05 school year calendar as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - O'Hara, Schurr, Thornton, Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann, Messman. Nays - None. Motion carried.

CLASS PLACEMENT PROCEDURES: Due to the growing concern expressed by each of the elementary principals related to the effect parental requests for specific teachers has on the educational progress of all students, the administration established administrative procedures which unify district practice. A letter to elementary school parents which outlines these procedures will be sent out in January. The following parameters will guide class placement for the 2004-05 school year:

? All classes at all grade levels will have children representing the broad range of academic abilities and backgrounds.

? Class placement will be made based upon the development of the whole child--academically, socially, and behaviorally.

? Parent requests relative to a specific teacher will not be honored.

? Parents who wish to make a statement describing their child's academic, social, and/or behavioral needs, may do so in writing to the building's principal. These comments, focused on the child, will then be given consideration as part of the process. The comments should not limit the child's placement to a single option.

? The final decision on all class placements rests with the building principal after due consideration of all pertinent information.

Parental requests, when left unchecked, have tended to distort the class composition and create several unwelcome consequences:

? Classes are difficult to balance in terms of ability, gender, size, and specific student need.

? Due to competing requests, students are not always able to be placed in the learning environment that is best for them.

? Certain students may be disadvantaged by such requests because their parents either choose not to request or are unaware that such a practice exists.

? The broad range of learners is difficult to maintain in all classrooms.

2003 SUMMER SCHOOL REPORT: Ms. Behrer provided the Board with information regarding the district's 2003 summer school program. She reviewed the participation and expenses for the past year, and she provided a five-year history of summer school programming in the district. 386 students participated in the regular education portion and 110 participated in the enrichment/technology portion of the 2003 Summer School. The district's cost was $27,316.18. A portion of this cost was paid from at-risk funds.

Motion by Messman, second by Thornton that the Board approve the 2003 Summer School Report as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - Messman, O'Hara, Schurr, Thornton, Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann. Nays - none. Motion carried.

HOPEWELL AVE. LEASE 2004 GROWING SEASON: Chief Financial Officer Mike Clingingsmith informed the Board that he has served notice of lease termination to Mr. Dean Paustian, which would allow the District to consider alternatives for leasing the Hopewell Avenue farm property in 2004. Mr. Paustian has been the lessee of the property since the 1996 growing season and has been a good tenant. Therefore, Mr. Clingingsmith recommended extending an offer to Dean Paustian to lease the property at the current rate of $181.00 per acre for the 2004 growing season. The total lease payment for the 25 acres would be $4,525.00.

Motion by Barsness, second by Thornton that the Board renew the 2004 Hopewell Avenue farm lease to Dean Paustian for the total sum of $4,525.00. Roll call vote. Ayes - Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann, Messman, O'Hara, Schurr, Thornton. Nays - none.

CHANGE DECEMBER 15 BOARD MEETING TIME TO 6:30 P.M.: Dr. Spelhaug recommended that the December 15, 2003, board meeting begin at 6:30 p.m. to allow the Board to attend a holiday social function following the meeting.

Motion by O'Hara, second by Messman that the Board approve changing the starting time of the December 15 Board meeting to 6:30 p.m. Ayes - O'Hara, Schurr, Thornton, Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann, Messman. Nays - none. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.


Why should you be interested in the work of the Pleasant Valley Committee for Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco and Violence Free Youth?

Did you know...

* Alcohol is a drug and the number one drug of choice for youth. In Iowa, the average age of initial use is 10 to 11 years old. - - A Rainbow of Resources for Parents

* On the 2002 Iowa Youth Survey, the following question was asked of Pleasant Valley 8th and 11th graders: "In the past 30 days, on how many days have you had at least one drink of alcohol (glass, bottle or can of beer; glass of wine, liquor or mixed drink?" ) 12% of 8th graders and 17% of 11th graders answered 1-2 days.

The PV Committee for Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco and Violence Free Youth is a group of parents, teachers, administrators, and agency representatives who want to help make our community safe for our children. This group sponsors the Pleasant Valley Parent Network, The Rainbow of Resources, and helpful speakers/programs throughout the year. If you are interested in helping and have a child in grades 6-12, please consider attending our meetings. We meet at 4:30 in the Belmont Administration Center on these dates: January 29, February 26, March 25, April 22, and May 20.

Next Board Meeting Monday, December 15, 2003 6:30 PM Belmont Administration Center

OPEN ENROLLMENT NOTICE Parents/Guardians considering the use of the open enrollment option to enroll their child or children in another public school district in the state of Iowa should be aware of the following dates:

JANUARY 1, 2004 - Last date for regular open enrollment requests for the 2004-05 school year.

SEPTEMBER 17, 2004 - Last date for open enrollment requests for entering kindergarten students for the 2004-05 school year.

Parents/guardians of open enrolled students whose income falls below 160% of the federal poverty guidelines are eligible for transportation assistance. This may be in the form of actual transportation or a cash stipend.

Parents should be aware that open enrollment may result in the loss of athletic eligibility.

For further details, contact 332-5550.

Cookies & Crafts Get your last minute Christmas done! The Spartan Competition Cheerleaders are sponsoring Cookies and Crafts with Santa on Sunday, Dec. 14th from 3-5:30 in the PVCHS Cafeteria. The cost is $20. The children will take home a craft (gift for mom and dad) and a picture with Santa. Call Pam Cinadr at 332-5151 x210 or email at to place your reservation.

44th Annual Christmas Dance Sponsored by The Friends of Pleasant Valley December 13, 2003 Starlite Ballroom, Fairgrounds, Davenport, IA Dinner 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Dancing 8:30-12:00 Midnight Music by "Monkey Around" Dinner/Dance Tickets $30/couple, $15/single Dance Only Tickets $15/couple, $8/single Shuttle service available from Carriage Place Addition, Deerbrook, and Crow Creek Park - $5.00/person. A portion of proceeds will be donated to the Pleasant Valley Schools Educational Foundation Scholarship Fund. Call Suzy VenHorst, 332-5986, for further information & reservations.

Pleasant Valley Schools Foundation Alumni Data Base If you are an alumnus of Pleasant Valley Community Schools, we would like to hear from you. We are developing an alumni data base and will make this available for class reunions. Please let us know your address and phone number and year of graduation so you can be kept informed of your class events. Call (563)332-5550 or e-mail

Class of 1984 20 Year Reunion July 2 - 4, 2004 Contact Ann Reynolds Huss at for further information.

The Pleasant Valley Schools Educational Foundation's New Leaders Scholarship ($1,000) has been presented to 129 PVCHS seniors over the past twelve years. The Foundation is a non-profit organization and contributions to it are tax deductible. For more information on how funds can be directed to scholarships, contact Jim Spelhaug, Superintendent, at 332-5550 or

The Pleasant Valley Schools Educational Foundation's New Leaders Scholarship ($1,000) has been presented to 129 PVCHS seniors over the past twelve years. The Foundation is a non-profit organization and contributions to it are tax deductible. For more information on how funds can be directed to scholarships, contact Jim Spelhaug, Superintendent, at 332-5550 or

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