Agenda for PV School Board meeting Dec. 1

Pleasant Valley, Iowa
Monday, December 1, 2003, 7:00 P.M., C.S.T.

I. Call to order and roll call II.
Approval of Agenda III.
Communications, Concerns, and Constructive Ideas for the District
A. From Students, Parents, Teachers, and Visitors 1. Carl Boehl - Lionís Quest Donation
B. From Board Members
C. To the Secretary
IV. Consent Agenda
A. Minutes of November 17, 2003 Regular Board Meeting
B. Personnel
C. Open Enrollment
V. Approval of Bills
A. Moved by second by that General Fund warrants #71169 through #71238 be issued in the total amount of $251,948.16 in payment of invoices presented.
B. Moved by second by that Nutrition Fund warrants #9223 through #9230 be issued in the total amount of $9,923.96 in payment of invoices presented.
C. Moved by second by that Elementary/Junior High Activity Fund warrants #7445 through #7455 be issued in the total amount of $3,998.69 in payment of invoices presented.
D. Moved by second by that High School Activity Fund warrants #20062 through #20130 be issued in the total amount of $20,645.93 in payment of invoices presented.
E. Moved by second by that PPEL Fund warrant #8228 be issued in the total amount of $2,730.00 in payment of invoices presented.
VI. Committee Reports
A. High School Curriculum - Band Program - Debbie Menke & Drew Anderson
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
A. 2003-04 Early Graduation Requests - Debbie Menke
B. Public Hearing for Input into the 2004-05 Calendar
C. Approval of District Calendar for 2004-05 School Year - Jim Spelhaug
D. Class Placement Procedures - Jim Spelhaug
E. 2003 Summer School Report - Cyndy Behrer
F. Hopewell Avenue Lease 2004 Growing Season - Mike Clingingsmith
G. Change December 15 Board Meeting Time to 6:30 p.m. - Jim Spelhaug
IX. Future Dates
A. December 15, 2003, 6:30 p.m. Next Board Meeting, Belmont Office 1. Board Member Attendance
B. December 13, 2003, 9 - 11 a.m., Scott County Legislative Forum, Bettendorf AEA-Tentative Interest/Availability
C. January 7 - 8, 2004, IBB Training, 8 - 4 a.m., PV Administration Office-Tentative Interest/Availability
D. January 8, 2004, ABLE at Davenport Central, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
X. Adjournment

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