Bettendorf School Board minutes of 11.17.2003


Unofficial Minutes of the November 17, 2003, Regular Meeting (Pending Board Approval)

1. Call to Order.

The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, state of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for their regular Board meeting at the Ray Stensvad Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa, on November 17, 2003. President Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law.

Members present: Directors Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle. Members absent: None. Other officials present: John Perdue, Superintendent; Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; Maxine McEnany, Director of Financial and Business Services; Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications; Jeff Ehrmann, Board Treasurer; Dana Vavroch, BEA Representative; Tim Holmes and Lucy Colville, Student Representatives; Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary.

2. Agenda Approval.

Revisions to the consent agenda under item #5.04 Approval of Administrative Recommendations--Personnel, which included the addition of three certified early retirement announcements, were distributed for the Boardís review.

Motion by Director Crockett, seconded by Director Roski, to approve the agenda as modified.

Ayes: 7 Directors Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle. Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

3. Comments and Suggestions from Audience. 3.01 President's Statement. On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite any member of the audience to step to the microphone with comments about items of interest or concern that do not appear on the agenda this evening. Please begin by stating your name and address. It would be most appreciated if you would limit your comments to three minutes so that we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to speak. We ask that you remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. If you have thoughts to share about items that are included as topics for tonight's meeting, we would invite those comments when we reach that point in the meeting. Thank you for your support of our school district.

There were no comments from the audience.

1. Commendations. 4.01 The Bettendorf Community School District recognizes American Education Week at this time, and celebrates the dedication of all district educators, guest teachers, and support staff. Thank you to all staff for their commitment to the students of the Bettendorf Community School District. 4.02 On October 18, 2003 the Bettendorf High School Marching Band competed in the IHSMA Marching Band Festival at Brady Stadium. The Band earned their 13th consecutive Division One, Superior rating. On October 25, 2003, the following students passed a rigorous audition to be accepted for the Iowa All-State. Accepted were the following students. Orchestra: Paul Trapkus, Violin; Band: Mike Conrad, Trombone; Chorus: Brittany Byard; Dan White, Chorus Accompanist. 4.03 Congratulations to the following Bettendorf High School cheerleaders, who placed 1st in 4A Large Coed Varsity competition: Melandi Anders, Heather Banks, Kelli Baker, Stephanie Brown, Shannon Burge, Jenny Boxler, Alexis Bryant, Rachel Buckles, Carolyn Chrissotimos, Collin Decker, Emily Duncan, Laurie Fritz, Christine Gill, Kristen Koerner, Rachel Lawler, Stephanie Lewis, Ashley Meymaster, Nick Leymaster, Mike Miller-Boyd, Chantal O'Neill, Erin Pena, Ian Roberts, Ashley Ramierez, Kelsie Sass and Sara Smith. Sarah Hansel is coach. 4.04 Bettendorf High School Goldusters Lindsay Chess, Katie Petersen, Jillian Roberson, Chelsea Rogan, Kristine Serrano and Christine Solis earned a Division 1 Superior rating on their performance at the Iowa State Dance/Drill Team Association Individual Competition on November 1 in Pella, Iowa. The mission of the Iowa State Dance/Drill Team Association is to promote dance/drill team, demonstrate sportsmanship, and support student involvement. Laura Miller coaches the BHS Goldusters. 4.05 Congratulations to Amanda Dunlavy, Bettendorf High School student, who was selected to the Iowa Girls' Coaches Association Academic All-State Volleyball Team. Students must have an ACT composite score of 27 or higher and a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or higher to qualify for this team. 4.06 The following Bettendorf High School students who were recently selected to the All-MAC Volleyball teams: 1st team, Angie Creighton; Honorable Mention, Allison Sanyi and Alex Hemberger.

5. Consent Agenda.

Motion by Director Mayer, seconded by Director Luton, to approve the consent agenda as amended.

Ayes: 7 Directors Castro, Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle, Anderson. Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

5.01 Approval of November 3, 2003, Regular Board Meeting Minutes. 5.02 Approval of Monthly Financial Reports. 5.03 Approval of November 17, 2003, Bills Recommended for Payment. 5.04 Approval of Administrative Recommendations--Personnel. Administrative Contract Modification Maxine McEnany/RSAC/Director of Finance and Business Services/ Contract adjustment of base salary from $77,917 to $82,000/ Effective July 1, 2003 Certified Contract Modification Gina Gilliland/BHS/Vocal Music Instructor/Contract correction of base salary from $1,934 to $3,760/FTE Correction/Effective September 8, 2003 Certified Early Retirement Margo Effland/BHS/Special Education and Social Studies Teacher/Effective June 30, 2004 Judith Smith/BMS/Remedial Reading Teacher/Effective June 30, 2004 Robert Walker/BMS/Science and Social Studies Teacher/Effective June 30, 2004 Sandra White/BMS/French and Spanish Teacher/Effective June 30, 2004 Sharon Brooks/BHS/Nurse/Effective June 30, 2004 Susan Castro/BMS/Language Arts Teacher/Effective June 30, 2004 Carmen Farwell/BMS/Media Specialist/Effective June 30, 2004 Classified ñ Early Retirement Catherine Berger/NA/Secretary A-Principalís/Effective 6/30/04 Donna Muilenburg/GW/Secretary A-Principalís/Effective 6/30/04 Barbara Pratt/BMS/Secretary B/Effective 6/30/04 Sandra Sprague/BHS/Secretary A-Activities/Effective 6/30/04 Darlene Stansberry/BHS/Secretary A-Activities/Effective 6/30/04 Classified - Recommendation for Employment Paul Vermette/HH/Para Educator B/$9.65 per hour/6.5 hours per day/Replacing Michelle Muller/Effective 10/27/03 5.05 Construction Change Orders. 5.06 Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment.

Into Bettendorf, 2003/04

Claire Caruso, grade 9, from Pleasant Valley, continuation due to change of residence Lenore Caruso, grade 6, from Pleasant Valley, continuation due to change of residence Christina Bonneau, grade 6, from Pleasant Valley, good cause due to change of residence Michael Bonneau, grade 1, from Pleasant Valley, good cause due to change of residence For information only. The following students have open enrolled out of the Bettendorf Community School District: Out of Bettendorf, 2003/04 Kobe Winkler, kindergarten, to Wilton, continuation due to change of residence William Winkler, grade 1, to Wilton, continuation due to change of residence

Out of Bettendorf, 2003/04

Eric Doughan, grade 9 (as of 2004/05), to Pleasant Valley Kendra Grebner, grade 9 (as of 2004/05), to Pleasant Valley Steven Murphy, grade 9 (as of 2004/05), to Pleasant Valley

6. Discussion Items.

Shared Communications.

Directors Luton and Crockett attended the recent Parent Executive Council meeting and shared discussion related to the school calendar and attaining consistency in liability insurance coverages for PTAs/PTOs.

Directors Crockett and Luton participated in guest reading activities at Mark Twain Elementary.

Directors Weigle and Luton attended the No Child Left Behind Forum at Davenport North High School and commented on the concerns of the variability in data under the NCLB legislation, voicing to legislative representatives the importance of tracking adequate yearly progress as a student progresses through the educational system.

Director Roski commented on the most recent negotiations meeting, stating BEAís consensus to not touch health insurance issues during negotiations in the coming year. She stated this may be helpful for the insurance committee to know as they begin work on this topic. She also expressed appreciation for President Andersonís letter of response to the elementary teachers on issues of concern.

Director Castro shared an article related to the health insurance crisis from the ISEA journal, Communique. It stated the largest contributing factor to increases in health insurance is due to the ìopting outî option employers offer to employees, thus narrowing the pool of participants and increasing the cost. Maxine McEnany stated that many districts offer their employees a cash benefit for ìopting outî of the family insurance; however, this impacts the overall premiums paid for insurance. Director Castro also noted three other articles in the Communique which encouraged tax increases as the only way to preserve education. He stated he feels there are other ways to cut expenses rather than a tax increase, and suggested Directors review these articles.

2004/05 District Calendar.

Superintendent Perdue presented the proposed district calendar for the 2004/05 school year, noting it is a 179 school day calendar for the elementary schools in order to give time to elementary teachers for preparation/conferences. Superintendent Perdue stated that in future years the district would like to move towards an earlier start in order to end the first semester before winter break. As BEA representative, Dana Vavroch expressed that elementary teachers have commented favorably on the proposed calendar as it relates to conference preparation time. Director Roski stated that while she understands the rationale for making changes to the calendar in the coming year, she is opposed to the 179 school day calendar for the elementary students, voicing the importance of contact time. She noted that for years the Board has supported the 180 days. She recalled the Board giving elementary teachers an opportunity a few years ago to come up with a plan to give themselves more time and reconfigure their day but were told by elementary teachers they couldnít do it. Director Castro suggested the Board communicate to legislators their support of the waiver for starting school before August 30, and Superintendent Perdue suggested an ideal time to bring this concern to all legislators would be at the county legislative session on Saturday, December 13. It was also noted that the Parent Executive Council prefer the early release days be moved to Friday rather than Wednesday.

Balanced Calendar Update.

Superintendent Perdue and Dr. Webb updated the Board on discussions regarding the prospect of a balanced calendar. The District School Improvement Council has been working on this initiative, in conjunction with administration, staff, and parents. A draft of the special edition of The Pride was shared, summarizing many of the questions raised during last springís meetings with staff and parents. Maxine McEnany, Director of Financial and Business Services, outlined the financial impact of this school improvement initiative, with a net annual projected cost of $183,761. Superintendent Perdue voiced concern with the financial impact due to uncertain financial condition and support from the State of Iowa. He pointed out that in order to move forward on this initiative for the 2005/06 school year, a major decision would need to be made in November/December 2004. Superintendent Perdue asked for the Boardís input and direction on this initiative. Board members shared the following concerns: 1. High School: Review inconsistencies between block schedule and balanced calendar. Balanced calendar conflicts with other opportunities children may be able to take advantage of. 2. The Pride: By reading the draft of this edition, it appears the Board has taken an advocacy role-- need to cover both pros and cons. Respond to community inquiries, which implicated negative concerns. Simplify the terminology and approach to make this publication more reader friendly. 3. Financial: Concern for the financial impact, donít want to sacrifice current programs. 4. Staff: What is their support? 5. Achievement: What will this do for students already at high levels?

6. Enrollment: Will families leave because of the balanced calendar? 7. Alternatives: Pursue other options, adjust school calendar to end semester at holiday break. Provide interventions throughout the year. Do not advance students who are not performingóaddress their needs. Knock down financial barriers and try to pursue this initiative. If this has the staffís support, possibly teachers would be willing to teach an intersession at a reduced cost. Reduce the number of intersessions to keep costs down.

Ms. Jane Haedt, 5017 Turnberry Lane, Davenport, stated she attended the District School Improvement Council meeting held last week. Initially, she had thought the meeting would address both positive and negative components of the balanced calendar; however, input was slanted to the positive. She stated her frustration with the draft issue of The Pride, and believes parental comments were taken out of context. She recommended the issue also address the negative implications and be based on factual information.

Ms. Deanna Manard, student at St. Ambrose, spoke that from a recruitment standpoint, a district with a balanced calendar would be more attractive to potential teachers than a traditional calendar. She stated that pre-service teachers discuss the academic benefits and continuous learning cycle and suggested the balanced calendar may be more affordable as veteran teachers retire and new teachers replace them at a lower salary.

Superintendent Perdue thanked everyone for their input. He recommended the Board continue to review this initiative and its financial implications in the coming months, once the Stateís financial support is better known. Celeste Reuter, Director of Communication, will work together with staff to incorporate the suggested revisions, and Directors will be given an opportunity to review the revised edition of The Pride before it is sent to the community. Staff will continue to work on this initiative and update the Board during the winter months on its progress.

7. Action Items.

7.01 Approval of 2004/05 Calendar.

Director Mayer stated he would vote for the 179 day school year for elementary students this year but does not want to continue to hear staffís concerns related to planning time for spring conference. President Anderson concurred.

Student representatives, Lucy Colville and Tim Holmes, voiced support for the calendar. Lucy Colville commented that she felt the elementary teachers could make up the curriculum for the one day which is being eliminated. Tim Holmes stated his belief that conference prep time may not be as time consuming as teachers indicate. Both student reps expressed an interest in ending the semester before Christmas, especially for the high school students.

Motion by Director Luton, seconded by Director Crockett, to approve the proposed 2004/05 calendar.

Ayes: 6 Directors Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Weigle, Anderson, Castro. Nays: 1 Director Roski. Motion carried 6-1.

7.02 Approval of Proclamation.

Director Weigle shared the Proclamation for American Education Week for November 16-22.

Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Luton, to approve the proclamation for American Education Week.

Ayes: 7 Directors Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle, Anderson, Castro, Crockett. Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.

8. Superintendentís Report. Elementary Semi-Annual Enrollment Profiles. Directors reviewed enrollment data for all elementary schools, which included the breakdown percentages of students attending their neighborhood/home school and special education students. Superintendent Perdue noted the overall changing demographics are contributing to the increased percentages of special education children. Superintendentís Goal. Superintendent Perdue shared and reviewed progress on his goals for the 2003/04 school year. BOE Special Interest Topics. The schedule for special interest topics was reviewed, with the Senior Year scheduled for December 1; Grading Structure for December 15; and Block Scheduling/Loss of Learning for early in 2004. Next Agenda Planning. Superintendent Perdue shared agenda topics for the regular Board meeting scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, December 1, 2003.

9. Future Events and Informational Items.

9.01 November 19 ñ 20, Iowa Association of School Boards Annual Convention, Des Moines 9.02 Friday, November 21, BCS Foundation Board Meeting, 12:00 noon, RSAC 9.03 Monday, December 1, Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 p.m., RSAC

On behalf of the Board of Education, Director Weigle presented Director Roski with a gift of appreciation for her dedication and leadership as President to the Board of Education from 2001-03.

10. Adjournment.

Motion by Director Castro to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.


Barry Anderson, President


__________________________________ Lynne Lindstrom, Secretary

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