Bettendorf Park Board Minutes 09/09/03





The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on September 9, 2003 at City Hall in the Council Chambers at 4:00 pm.

Present: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Absent: None

Brad Peterson reviewed the golf maintenance monthly report, which is annex #1 to these minutes.

Chairman Kamp asked if Brad had any quotes on the chimney repairs at the clubhouse.

Brad replied that he has only received two at this point. He recommends the Board approve the tuck pointing and cleaning at $750 versus the removal of the top, down to the roof line, at $1,950. The tuck pointing is most important at this point.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Beckman, to approve the quote from Tharpís Tuck Pointing in the amount of $750 to clean and tuck point the chimney at the Palmer Hills Golf Course clubhouse as recommended by staff.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nayes: None

Commissioner Worley asked how the new tee signs look.

Brad stated that they weigh about 400 pounds each, but they are nice and similar in shape to the old ones.

Stu Smith reviewed the park maintenance report, which is annex #2 to these minutes.

Stu mentioned that the railings at Crow Creek Quarry have been replaced and look nice. He also mentioned the need to look at replacing the ballfield lights at Devils Glen Park. They are 33 years old and have gone out at least 5-6 times this summer. Their background electrical is no longer standard, theyíre expensive to run, and they provide poor lighting. He reviewed costs submitted by Musco Lighting for different light levels.

Chairman Kamp asked if we could re-use the original poles.

Stu replied yes, and we could also cut down the costs of labor if we used volunteers to install the lighting. We would need an electrical engineer amongst those volunteers in order to complete the project on our own. He feels that volunteers could be obtained from the Diamond Kings.

Steve Grimes stated that the youth baseball group could probably obtain a grant from the Riverboat Development Authority (RDA) or Scott County Regional Authority (SCRA).

Chairman Kamp asked Stu to contact Jim Smith with the Diamond Kings and local companies for costs on new or existing pole usage. He also asked Steve Grimes to check on grant approval.

Stu also mentioned that he would be replacing old playground equipment with new standard features in McManus, Meier, and Hoover Parks over the next three seasons, time and weather permitting.

Rita VanWetzinga was not present to review her monthly recreation report which is annex #3 to these minutes.

Steve Grimes commended the staff at the Life Fitness Center on the cleaning and repairing of the facility during their closed, clean-up week. The facility looks great and rejuvenated.

Jon Waddell was not present to review his monthly golf administration report which is annex #4 to these minutes.

The Directorís monthly administration report is annex #5 to these minutes.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that after attending the REAP meeting in Des Moines, he felt that receiving the REAP grant for the Field Sike Park looked positive, although there are no guarantees.

Chairman Kamp mentioned the report submitted by Nathan Scott regarding this yearís Park Ambassador Program and agreed with Steve Grimes' report in that it was a very good program.

Steve mentioned that the Board will need to take a look at projects that they may want to submit grant requests for from the Scott County Regional Authority (SCRA) and the RDA. There are several volunteer projects and summer projects to review.

He also mentioned that the Pigeon Creek Park project was complete and offered pictures to the Board members for their review. The project turned out very well and the two gazebos look very nice. There is even a great view of the river from one of them.

Frank Klipsch was present to discuss the Bettendorf YMCA project to date. He explained that there was still $1.1 million in funding left to raise to complete the entire project. He also reviewed some of the amenities of the project, such as special family locker rooms that would allow kids and adults in a locker room together as a family. Also mentioned was a 12,000 SF cardiac, pulmonary rehabilitation area, a 10,000 SF indoor aquatic space with a zero-depth pool and a lap pool, and a small 13 lap-to-mile walking track. He expects one full year of construction and to open the facility this time next year.

He continued by conveying their desire to find ways to collaborate with the Park Board and feels committed to a multi-use membership which could include general admission discounts at each facility as well as other benefits. He would encourage joint marketing, programming, and usage since the Life Fitness Center has different attractions than the YMCA and vice versa. He also mentioned that Des Moines, Indianola, and Cedar Rapids, just to name a few, were currently using joint YMCA and school/city programs.

Steve Grimes stated that a committee already exists and discussion should occur regarding separating the committee into an operational committee that would meet regularly and a policy committee that could meet quarterly.

Commissioner Worley asked if there were any demographics on the YMCA and Life Fitness Center joint partnership.

Mr. Klipsch stated that there was not enough people involved anywhere to push the joint partnership forward, however Bettendorf had high numbers wanting additional facilities.

Commissioner Worley asked how flexible programming would be.

Steve Grimes stated that we would try to minimize duplication as much as possible. We could try new programs at one facility to see how it goes or pay same fees at each facility instead of competing. The committee could work on this. Not everything is set in stone or figured out at this point.

Chairman Kamp suggested that we go ahead with a joint program committee, and told Mr. Klipsch that we look forward to working with him as a partner.

A brochure from Mr. Klipsch is annex #6 to these minutes.

Review of golf cart proposals was deferred to next monthís meeting.

Steve Grimes reviewed Burbach Aquaticsí recommendations for mechanical room adjustments at Splash Landing. He mentioned that granular chlorine was not as good as liquid chlorine. Liquid had been used temporarily at Splash Landing and seemed to help. It would be fairly simple to switch and cheaper, however, it was a little less user friendly. Burbach is still reviewing this option.

Commissioner Worley asked who recommended the granular system.

Steve Grimes stated that Burbach Aquatics did.

Commissioner Worley wondered if Burbach should be held responsible financially since they recommended granular and it does not work.

Commissioner Makoben asked what type of chlorine other cities use and wondered why it works better in other pools and not in ours.

Commissioner Glenn asked for the copy of Chapter 20 for review.

Steve Grimes stated that it was not finalized yet but would be given to the Board at Wednesdayís meeting.

On motion by Kamp, seconded by Makoben, the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm.

Kamp (Chairman)

Glenn (Vice Chairman)

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