Bettendorf Park Board Minutes 8/13/03


AUGUST 13, 2003

The Bettendorf Park Board held a regular meeting on August 13, 2003 at City Hall in the Council Chambers at 7:00 pm.

Present: Kamp, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Absent: Glenn

Chairman Kamp opened the meeting to anyone present to address the Board regarding any item of interest that does not appear on the Agenda.

Bruce Grell, owner of Healthy Habits and representing Quad Cities Bicycle Club, was present to answer questions the Board may have on their request to hold a Cyclocross Race (running and biking) on the cross country trail in Crow Creek Park on October 26, 2003 from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. He met with Stu Smith and there were no conflicts or problems with the course.

Commissioner Beckman asked how many participants they anticipated.

Mr. Grell stated that he hopes to get 100, but there could be as many as 200. He does not know of any cyclocross races that have been held in the Quad Cities before. This is a bicycle and running over hurdles race. The race will be held rain or shine. If the hill is saturated the day of the race, we will not use it.

Steve Grimes stated that they are taking precautions not to damage the course.

The Board approved the Cyclocross race. The item is on the consent agenda.

There was no one else present to address the Board regarding items not on the agenda.

On motion by Worley, seconded by Beckman, that the minutes of the special meeting held on July 8, 2003 and the regular meeting held on July 9, 2003 be approved and placed on file for future reference.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Worley, that the bills be allowed as presented and that the Secretary be instructed to have checks drawn in the respective amounts.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

A list of the bills is annex #1 to these minutes.

The Board reviewed the July budget and revenue reports, which are annex #2 to these minutes.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Beckman, to adopt Resolution #35-03, approving the joint development and maintenance agreement for the Valley Wynds and Highland Green Additions.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

Resolution #35-03 is annex #3 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben, to adopt Resolution #36-03, approving Shive Hattery, Inc., proposal to design ìField Sike Parkî and greenspace areas at a cost of $23,000.00.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

Resolution #36-03 is annex #4 to these minutes.

The following items appeared on the consent agenda and were enacted by one motion:

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben, to receive and file the Bettendorf Trees Are Us Committee minutes for June 11 and July 9, 2003. The minutes are annex #5.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben, to receive and file the Bettendorf Park Foundation minutes for June 26, 2003 and the Financial Report for June 30, 2003. The minutes and report are annex #6.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben, to approve the Special Event Request from Russ Johnson of Lindquist Ford for a softball tournament using three fields at Crow Creek Park on September 7, 2003. The Special Event Request is annex #7 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben, to approve the Special Event Request from DICE (Bruce Grell) for the Quad Cities Bicycle Club to hold a Cyclocross Race at the Crow Creek Park Cross Country Course on October 26, 2003. The Special Event Request is annex #8 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben, to approve the Special Event Request from Al Hobbs to use the Community Center for a Boy Scout Overnight on Friday, December 5, 2003. The Special Event Request is annex #9 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben, to adopt Resolution #34-03 awarding a contract to Treiber Construction Company, Inc., of Davenport, Iowa, for the creek bank stabilization repair at Palmer Hills Golf Course in the amount of $22,745.00. Resolution #34-03 is annex #10 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben, to approve the request from the Bettendorf Park Foundation to sell 150 discounted rounds of golf at $10.00 each to be used as prizes to individuals participating in the Jamie Hill Golf Tournament. The request is annex #11 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben, to approve the Special Event Request from Kershana Harris for a reception with keg beer at Crow Creek Park on August 16, 2003. The Special Event Request is annex #12 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben, to approve the Special Event Request from Jane McDermott for a Pleasant Valley High School Cross Country Meet on Saturday, September 6, 2003 at Crow Creek Park. The Special Event Request is annex #13 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Makoben, to adopt Resolution #37-03, approving payment #3 in the amount of $26,938.00 and payment #4 in the amount of $25,760.35 to

Hy-Brand Industrial Contractors, Ltd. for work completed on the Life Fitness Center Addition through July 31, 2003. Resolution #37-03 is annex #14 to these minutes.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nay: None

Commissioner Worley wanted to comment on the number of letters received from citizens regarding the good job our staff does with the programs and facilities we offer. The staff should be congratulated on a job well done.

Commissioner Beckman informed the Board that another golf course marketing committee meeting will be held tomorrow morning at Palmer Hills. There will be three new temporary women's/junior tees to see how the public reacts to them.

On motion by Worley, seconded by Makoben, that the meeting be adjourned at 7:08 pm.

Kamp (Chairman)

Makoben (Vice Chairman ñ Protem)

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