Bettendorf Park Board Minutes 8/12/03



The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on August 12, 2003 at City Hall in the Council Chambers at 4:00 pm.

Present: Kamp, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Absent: Glenn

Stu Smith reviewed the park maintenance monthly report, which is annex #1 to these minutes.

Stu reported that the course on the cross-country trail for the Cyclocross Race should work out. There is only one planned cross-country meet, but the course is used for practices every night.

Brad Peterson reviewed the golf course maintenance report, which is annex #2 to these minutes.

Brad reviewed the three quotes received to repair the erosion problem in the creek by the bridge on #2. The lowest quote was from Treiber Construction in the amount of $22,735.00.

Steve Grimes explained that we are planning on removing the existing gabions and adding large riprap in the creek before replacing the gabions. This should help the erosion problem from happening again.

Brad Peterson informed the Board that from the first heavy rain, the erosion problem affected 70 feet of gabions and then the second hard rain increased the problem to 130 feet. If we have another hard rain, it could wash out the bridge.

Commissioner Beckman recommended looking at #16 next for erosion control.

Steve Grimes stated that there is a lot of erosion along #10, along both bridges. That is another area that needs to be addressed.

Brad recommended the Board approve the quote as submitted by Treiber Construction.

Steve stated that this would be approved by resolution at the Wednesday meeting.

Brad informed the Board that he did not receive the bid to repair the chimney at the clubhouse. He hopes to get it tomorrow for the Board to review at the Wednesday meeting. The repairs need to be made because of a liability and safety issue.

Chairman Kamp recommended using the red, white, and blue flag system to locate the pins.

Brad explained that the system is very time consuming. There is a big problem on weekends with the part time staff. They are cutting pins in the dark with flashlights, because they have to get the work done before the golfers are on the course. Brad is checking into other systems that are being used and will discuss them with Steve Grimes. His recommendation is to stay away with hauling all those flags and poles around. He has not heard any positive remarks from other superintendentís using this system.

Chairman Kamp also informed the Board that there is a safety issue with people parking in the fire lane on the road coming into the golf course. He recommended putting notices on the cars that beginning September 1, tickets will be issued.

Commissioner Worley stated that we need to take a polite tactic, because people have been parking there for years. This has never been enforced.

Commissioner Beckman asked Brad if he was going to cut the tee areas for the group of women coming out to play the course.

Brad stated that #2, #3, and #10 would be cut tomorrow for the women to try out these possible tee areas.

Rita VanWetzingaís monthly recreation report is annex #3 to these minutes.

Chairman Kamp informed the Board that a number of complimentary letterís have been written by residents regarding our staff and programs.

Jon Waddellís monthly golf administration report is annex #4 to these minutes.

The Directorís monthly administration report is annex #5 to these minutes.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that the golf cart contract expires this year. The current request for proposal form will be revised and will go out to potential golf cart lease companies in October.

Brad Peterson stated that the current proposal calls for 70 carts, but we need 80 carts and he would like to see that in the new contract. The new club house plan only has storage for 70 carts and that will need to be reviewed.

Steve Grimes stated that the length of contact may hinge on the status of when the new club house would be built. It will be difficult to determine when that will be, but we may want to look at electric carts.

Commissioner Beckman recommended having an alternate within the contract to include the possibility of changing to electric carts, if the new club house is built.

Steve Grimes stated that we receive aggressive bids with a four-year contract. The specifications will be revised for the golf carts and brought back to the Board to review at the September meeting.

The Board reviewed the agreement with McCarthy Bush for the development of the Field Sike Park area and greenway. Also, the Board reviewed the proposal from Shive Hattery Engineering to prepare the design and specifications for these areas. The Board will approve the agreement with McCarthy Bush and the proposal from Shive Hattery Engineering by Resolution at the Wednesday Board meeting.

Steve Grimes reviewed four drawings of the Field Sike Park area and greenway, which are annex #6 to these minutes.

On motion by Worley, seconded by Makoben, the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 pm.

Kamp (Chairman)

Makoben (Vice Chairman ñ Protem)

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