Bettendorf Park Board Minutes June 11, 2003

BMX riders present petition seeking location for their sport.



JUNE 11, 2003

The Bettendorf Park Board held a regular meeting on June 11, 2003 at City Hall in the Council Chambers at 7:00 pm.

Present: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Absent: None

Chairman Kamp opened the meeting to anyone present to address the Board regarding any item of interest that does not appear on the agenda.

There was no one present to address the Board regarding items not on the agenda.

On motion by Worley, seconded by Beckman, that the minutes of the special meeting held on May 13, 2003 and the regular meeting held on May 14, 2003 be approved and placed on file for future reference.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

On motion by Worley, seconded by Beckman, that the bills be allowed as presented and that the Secretary be instructed to have checks drawn in the respective amounts.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

A list of the bills is annex #1 to these minutes.

Travis Robinson was present to address the Board. He was representing a group of BMX riders who want a legal place to ride. He presented a petition with 100 names.

Travis stated that although making a new skatepark made specifically for bikes would probably be the best solution, he realizes that there are budget constraints and requested Board consideration for bikes being allowed in the Crow Creek Park Skatepark, or at least give bikes specific times to ride the skatepark.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Worley, to receive and file the petition and a copy of Travis Robinson’s speech.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

The petition and speech are annex #2 to these minutes.

Chairman Kamp explained that when the skatepark was designed, it was designed only for skateboarders and inline skating. At the state level, skateparks have limited liability. Until the BMX bikes have the same limited liability, the Park Board will not be able to do anything. Once that is accomplished, however, the Park Board will look into it. We encourage you to contact the state legislatures.

Steve Grimes informed Travis Robinson that Joe Hutter is the local representative and also a past Park Board member. He will give Travis his name and how to get in contract with him to try and get on equal status with the skateboarders.

The May budget and monthly reports are annex #3 to these minutes.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that he is working with McCarthy Bush on the development of the property purchased last Spring along Field Sike Road. A park and detention basin will be developed. Other organizations that are interested in working on the park such as River Action, Bi State, and hopefully grants will also be acquired. A REAP grant will also be applied for in the Fall. An agreement and proposal will be brought back to the July meeting to move forward in a joint effort. He hopes to see the area graded and seeded this Fall. We do have some funding in the Capital Improvement Budget and the developer will provide some of the work. Public Hearings to receive community input will need to be conducted and the development will be completed in phases.

The following items appeared on the consent agenda and were enacted by one motion:

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Glenn, to receive and file the Bettendorf Park and Recreation Foundation meeting minutes for April 24, 2003 and Financial Report for April, 2003. The Minutes and Financial Report are annex #4.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Glenn, to receive and file the Bettendorf Trees Are Us Committee Minutes for April 16, 2003. The minutes are annex #5.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Glenn, to approve the request from Beverly Heden for approval for a memorial bench and plaque in the name of her husband, Philip Heden. The request is annex #6 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Glenn, to receive and file the letters from the Scott County Regional Authority and Riverboat Development Authority notifying Board of not funding Palmer Hills Golf Course Clubhouse or the McManus Park Sport Court grants. The letters are annex #7 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Glenn, to approve the request from River Action to close Leach Park boat ramps on June 15, 2003 from 5:00 am to 2:00 pm for the 19th Annual Ride the River Event. The request is annex #8 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Glenn, to approve the Special Event request from Bettendorf Christian Church for use of the Bandshell on July 13, 2003 from 1:30-8:00 pm. The Special Event request is annex #9 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Glenn, to approve the Special Event request from Ralston Credit Union to host a softball tournament at Crow Creek Park. The Special Event request is annex #10 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Glenn, to approve the Special Event request from Chili’s Restaurant to host a softball tournament at Crow Creek Park. The Special Event request is annex #11 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Glenn, to approve the Special Event request from Radisson Quad City Plaza to use a dunk tank at their associate picnic at the Bandshell Shelter June 23, 2003. The Special Event request is annex #12 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Glenn, to adopt Resolution #25-03, approving payment #1 in the amount of $29,298.60 to Hy-Brand Industrial Contractors, Ldt. for work completed on the Life Fitness Center Addition through May 23, 2003. Resolution #25-03 is annex #13 to these minutes.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Glenn, to adopt Resolution #26-03, approving payment in the amount of $6,621.38 to Burbach Aquatics, LLC, for reimbursables for the Splash Landing Family Aquatics Center through May 2, 2003. Resolution #26-03 is annex #14 to these minutes.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

Greg Jager presented a letter from Rex Ridenour, Attorney working on investigating the ownership of property along the riverfront. The letter is annex #15 to these minutes.

Greg explained to the Board that he has made an offer to the various parties for the riverfront properties and has not received a response. He hopes to have a response by next month’s Board meeting.

Commissioner Worley asked Steve Grimes if he had heard any more from the company working for Isle of Capri regarding the new docks they wanted to launch from Leach Park. It will be difficult for them to do this now in season.

Steve Grimes stated that he has seen the materials near the location, but has not heard anything.

Commissioner Beckman informed the Board that the golf course marketing committee met this week. Their first goal is to complete a demographic study to find out who is playing and on what days and times. The committee has requested Jon Waddell get the name, address, and zip code of golfers and time of day. The committee wants to focus on areas that have dropped and try and come up with specific goals for attracting different age groups and times. All golf courses rounds are down. Some courses are offering coupons and are reducing rates at certain times. One other area to look at is tours coming in for the boat. The men may want to golf instead of going on the boat. Also, he has found out that female golfers are very low at Palmer Hills.

Chairman Kamp stated that there was a survey done that is in the Master Plan that may be of some interest to the committee.

Steve Grimes presented a copy of the newest Trees Are Us brochure to the Board. The brochure is annex #16 to these minutes. The brochure contains a map for a walking tour, and identifies the trees along the Duck Creek Recreation Trail, Bettendorf Library and Museum. He complimented the committee and especially Ellen Kelley.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that the 4th of July activities would be moved to the Cumberland Square area, due to the success of the Street Fest held last weekend. The area is more accessible, offers more parking, and able to proceed if there are wet conditions. The fireworks and band concert will still be in Middle Park.

Greg Jager stated that the city insurance carrier will need to be notified of the change in location.

Chairman Kamp informed the Board that he attended the ribbon cutting ceremony in Leach Park last week for the ships wheel, statue of the boy skipping stones, and binoculars that are available to the community to view the river at no charge.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Glenn, to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 pm.

Kamp (Chairman)

Glenn (Vice Chairman)

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