Bettendorf Park Board Minutes June 10, 2003

Special Park Board meeting




JUNE 10, 2003

The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on June 10, 2003 in the City Council Chambers at City Hall at 4:00 pm.

Present: Kamp, Glenn, Makoben, Beckman, and Worlely

Absent: None

Rita VanWetzinga reviewed the recreation monthly report, which is annex #1 to these minutes.

Stu Smith reviewed the park maintenance monthly report, which is annex #2 to these minutes.

Stu informed the Board that he received a quote for steel railings for the fishing dock at the Crow Creek Park quarry. The price totaled approximately $5,000. To replace the railings with vinyl, the same material already there, the cost will be between $2,500 and $3,000. Stu feels that the steel will be much more solid. He is getting another quote on steel and will bring this item back to the Board in July for a decision.

Steve Grimes stated that the capital funding for Crow Creek Park is depleted and other sources will need to be reviewed to fund the railings. There are funds remaining for the skate park.

Jon Waddell and Brad Peterson’s monthly reports are annex #3 and #4 to these minutes.

Steve Grimes’ administrative monthly report is annex #5 to these minutes. Steve informed the Board that two special event requests came in after the agenda was finalized. The events are in August and September, but they want to finalize their plans. The special event requests will be placed on the July consent agenda and the companies will be notified that there is no problem.

Steve Grimes asked the Board to let him know if they are interested in attending the National Recreation and Park Association conference in St. Louis in October,.

Steve Grimes reported that the REAP Program will be reauthorized this year. This is a grant program through the Department of Natural Resources for environmental projects. He recommended submitting a grant for the Field Sike Park. The grant will be due in August and will be brought back to the Board to review at the July meeting.

Commissioner Worley asked if we would be submitting grant applications to the Scott County Regional Authority and Riverboat Development Authority.

Steve Grimes stated that he would be re-apply for the McManus Park playcourt surface and the Palmer Hills Golf Course club house.

Commissioner Beckman asked Steve Grimes, that since the Scott County Regional Authority turned down the funding on the club house, what impression do you have on the feasibility of them funding the club house down the road?

Steve Grimes felt that it was something that can be revisited with them.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that the pool dedication was held on May 31. There have been very few problems with Splash Landing since the opening. The biggest issue has been the cold weather.

Chairman Kamp informed the Board that the pool coupons were sold prior to opening of the pool. He requested Board input on selling the coupons through June.

Commissioner Glenn informed the Board that a lot of time was spent on this. The Board decided not to sell season passes and a committee was formed and it was decided to sell a coupon only until the pool opened. He recommended continuing on with what was decided and review in October.

Rita explained that Davenport does sell the coupons all year and other communities are selling season passes at a much higher rate. Rock Island’s general admission fee is $6.00 and Moline’s is $5.00. We are offering a general admission rate that is affordable.

Rita also explained that we are different than other municipalities. We are an enterprise account and need to cut the gap between the expenses and revenues.

Commissioner Makoben stated that a couple members of the City Council approached the Park Board and it was agreed to sell the coupons only until the pool opens.

Commissioner Worley stated that since this was the recommendation of the Board for this year, we should review it again next year. This is one item that he has received a lot of complaints about.

Steve Grimes stated that this would be hard to compare each year with the variable in the weather, season passes, and coupon sales.

Commissioner Worley indicated that we would have a lot more information to make a decision at the end of the season.

Steve Grimes reviewed the lease contracts for the Jaycees and Archery Range. Both organizations provide a service to our community. If the Board is comfortable with the lease, he will review the utilities and sit down with the organizations to come up with a monthly rent recommendation. This will be brought back to the Board in July.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Glenn, the meeting was adjourned at 4:26 pm.

Chairman (Kamp)

Vice Chairman (Glenn)

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