Minutes of June 16 Bettendorf School Board meeting

Unofficial Minutes of the June 16, 2003, Regular Meeting
(Pending Board Approval)


Unofficial Minutes of the June 16, 2003, Regular Meeting
(Pending Board Approval)

1. Call to Order.

The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, state of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for their regular Board meeting at the Ray Stensvad Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa, on June 16, 2003. President Roski called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law.

Members present: Directors Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle.
Members absent: Directors Anderson, Castro.
Other officials present: John Perdue, Superintendent; Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; Maxine McEnany, Director of Financial and Business Services; Jeff Ehrmann, Board Treasurer; Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications; Margie Schwaninger, BEA Representative; Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary.

2. Agenda Approval.

Motion by Director Crockett, seconded by Director Castro, to approve the agenda as presented.

Ayes: 5 Directors Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle.
Nays: 0
Absent: 2 Directors Anderson, Castro. Motion carried 5-0-2.

3. Comments and Suggestions from Audience.
3.01 President's Statement. On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite any member of the audience to step to the microphone with comments about items of interest or concern that do not appear on the agenda this evening. Please begin by stating your name and address. It would be most appreciated if you would limit your comments to three minutes so that we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to speak. We ask that you remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. If you have thoughts to share about items that are included as topics for tonight's meeting, we would invite those comments when we reach that point in the meeting. Thank you for your support of our school district.

Sharon Medd, 2012 Fairmeadows Drive, Bettendorf, inquired as to the results of the Bettendorf and Pleasant Valley surveys. President Roski indicated this would be discussed under agenda item “#6.02 Balanced Calendar.”

4. Commendations.
4.01 Margie Schwaninger, media specialist, and 5th grade SAIL students, Caitlin Wilson, Leighton Huch, Samantha Burmiester, and Landon Long, from Neil Armstrong Elementary School presented i-movies they created as a project this school year.
4.02 Students from Armstrong, Hoover and Jefferson Elementary Schools were among area children who attended the Young Writer's Conference at St. Ambrose University on May 13th. Students shared their writing in sharing circles, learned special writing tips in workshops and were entertained by Comedy Sports. This was a special opportunity to showcase and encourage some of our talented students. Participating students were as follows: Armstrong: Leighton Huch, Caitlin Wilson, Meredith Rich, Jenna Fussell, Jessie Guldenpfennig, Emily Goldsberry, Rachel Szall, Chris Batson, Jacob Swearengen, and Madelyn Deuth. Hoover: Miraya Casas, Christopher Persell, Jade McGuire, Kaylee Huber, Casey Tarwater, Alexa Parkin, Hiba Irshad, Breanna Kinyon-Bogan, and Mary Harmon. Jefferson: Ryan Kline, Sierra Bleyaert , Maya Murcia, Kailee Hildebrandt, Adam Wood, and Amanda Stahle. Bettendorf teachers who participated included Julie Wold-Peterson, Jefferson, Sharon Dixon and Tandy Huber, Hoover and Margie Schwaninger, Neil Armstrong.
4.03 The following Bettendorf High School choral students participated in the internationally recognized Music Maestro Please Festival of Music this spring: Ryan Ballantyne, Eric Barnes, Scott Beck, Jennifer Boxler, Stephen Boyler, Elizabeth Brebner, Ashley Brummitt, Alexis Bryant, Timothy Camarena, Kim Carsell, Erin Cavanagh, Brie Christiansen, Darcy Dalziel, Jared DeSmet, Michelle Egts, James Ehrmann, Danielle Faber, Tess Fagle, William Flynn, Chantel Folkman, Christopher Fry, Rachel Greve, Eric Grimes, Daniel Halfman, Emily Hegeman, Kelly Hill, Timothy Holmes, Austin Johnson, Nicole Johnson, Emily Kane, Lauren Kasper, Colleen Keleher, Jacob Kendall, Austin Kimler, Jacob Kincaid, Lindsey Kistenmacher, Laura Kleinschmidt, Natalie Knoblauch, Kristen Koerner, Joseph Kopacz, Nicole Langendonk, Eric Lindstrom, Richard MacKenzie, Charles Mayberry, Rebecca McKanna, Matthew Millage, Melissa Mowder, Tara Norden, Rebecca Lynn Payne, Jacob Peterson, Samantha Pospisil, Rachel Potthoff, Jennifer Schuch, Kim Shanley, Danielle Sparks, Emily Timper, and Luther Wirtz. Deb Ragan, choral director for Bettendorf High School, is their instructor. She and her students were highly commended by the festival director, Dr. James W. Herbert, for excellence in musical performance and for outstanding deportment while in the festival city.
4.04 The following boys were named to the All-MAC Boys Soccer Teams: 1st team Tim Jackson, Jeff Wakeland, Dolph Westlund; 2nd team John Pritz; Honorable Mention, Will Hegwein.

5. Consent Agenda.

Rich Reysack, Story Construction, reviewed revisions to the construction projects, outlining a contingency fund of $146,000 and change orders totaling approximately $13,000 to date. He discussed proposed expenses for hallway exhaust fans based on new code requirements and is estimating this to be approximately $7,000-$10,000. He will continue to pursue options to meet requirements, and Superintendent Perdue will contact the Board if these estimates exceed $5,000.

Motion by Director Luton, seconded by Director Crockett, to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Ayes: 5 Directors Crockett, Luton, Roski, Weigle.
Nays: 0
Absent: 2 Directors Castro, Anderson. Motion carried 5-0-2.

5.01 Approval of June 2, 2003, Regular Board Meeting Minutes.
5.02 Approval of June 16, 2003, Bills Recommended for Payment.
5.03 Approval of Administrative Recommendations--Personnel.
5.04 Approval of Administrative Recommendations—Personnel.
Certified Approval to Hire
Lisa Marxen/BMS/6, 7, 8 Math, Language Arts, Literature Teacher/1.0 FTE/BA, 6/$31,360/Replacing Kristine Wagner/Effective 2003-2004 school year
Jennifer Lindauer/HH/Core Reading Teacher/.50 FTE/BA, 0/$24,310/ Replacing Carol Moeller/Effective 2003-2004 school year
Tishy Clark/NA/4th Grade Teacher/1.0 FTE/BA, 0/$24,310/Replacing Kristen Stolte/Effective 2003-2004 school year
Lorry Wilson/MT/Early Childhood Special Education Teacher/1.0 FTE/BA, 3/$27,713/Replacing Keri Burkart/Effective 2003-2004 school year
Certified Recall
Haley Wikoff/MT/Counselor & Crisis Interventionist/FTE/ BA+30, 3/ Replacing Anne Kurth (.40 FTE) and Haley Wikoff (.60FTE)/Effective 2003-2004 school year
Certified Transfer
Kristine Wagner/BMS/Transfer from 1.0 FTE 6, 7, 8 Math, Language Arts, Literature to 1.0 FTE Language Arts 7 and Literature 7/Replacing Kevin Stender/Effective 2003-2004
Melissa Cotton/PN/Transfer from 1.0 FTE 1st Grade Teacher to 1.0 FTE Kindergarten Teacher/Replacing Jill Miller/Effective 2003-2004
Certified Transfer & Contract Modification
Kathleen Whitty/MT/Transfer from .50 FTE 2nd Grade Core Teacher to 1.0 FTE 2nd Grade Teacher/Replacing Sharon Getty/Effective 2003-2004 school year
Christine Walker/PN/Transfer from .725 FTE 1st Grade Core Teacher (TJ) to 1.0 FTE 1st Grade Teacher/Replacing Karen Wohlwend/Effective 2003-2004 school year
Katherine McAndrews/PN/Transfer from .50 FTE 1st Grade Core Teacher to 1.0 FTE 1st Grade Teacher/Replacing Melissa Cotton/Effective 2003-2004 school year
Kristine Bankson/PN/Transfer from .50 FTE 2nd Grade Core Teacher to 1.0 FTE Third Grade Teacher/Replacing Sandra Kitzman/Effective 2003-2004 school year
Schedule D Approval to Hire
Amy Clark/MT/Teacher Assistance Team/$604/Replacing Kathleen Whitty/ Effective 2003-2004 school year
John Walston/MT/Safety Patrol/$972/Replacing Carol Holmes/Effective 2003-2004 school year
Terry Stevens/BHS/Assistant Sophomore Basketball (Boys) Coach/$2431/ Replacing Mike Dergo/Effective 2003-2004 school year
Rod Moeller/BMS/8th Grade Football Coach/$2188/Replacing Kevin Stender/Effective 2003-2004 school year
Ben Driscoll/BMS/8th Grade Basketball (Boys) Coach/$2188/Replacing Kevin Stender/Effective 2003-2004 school year
Craig Lennon/BMS/Art Club Coordinator/$972/Replacing Ben Driscoll/ Effective 2003-2004 school year
Schedule D Resignation
Carol Holmes/MT/Safety Patrol/Effective end of 2002-2003 school year
Ben Driscoll/BMS/Technical Director and Art Club Coordinator/Effective end of 2002-2003
Carissa Ehrecke/BHS/Assistant Sophomore Basketball Coach/Effective end of 2002-2003 school year
Candy Egger/HH/Elementary Curriculum Chairperson, Art/Effective end of 2002-2003 school year
Craig Lennon/BMS/Allied Arts Team Leader/Effective end of 2002-2003 school year
Rod Moeller/BMS/7th Grade Football/Effective end of 2002-2003 school year
Christopher Like/BHS/Freshman Basketball (Girls) Coach/Effective 2002-2003 school year
Classified – Reduction in Force
Kedric Prince/NA/Para Educator B/Position eliminated per student IEP/ Effective 6/18/03
Classified – Resignation
Rebecca Gulling/PN/Para Educator A/Effective 6/3/03
Sharon Markovich/HH/Para Educator A/Effective 6/3/03
Jennifer Reed/BMS/Para Educator A/Effective 6/2/2003
Classified – Termination
Jacqueline Jones/BHS/Cook Assistant II/Effective 5/29/03
Classified - Recommendation for Employment
Jennifer Deters/BHS/Food Service Part-time/$8.08 per hour/5.5 hours per day/Resignation rescind/Effective August 2003
Classified - Letter of Assignment Modification
Francis Ault/BHS/From Secretary B (Attendance) to Secretary A (Guidance)/ $12.29 per hour/8 hours per day/Replacing Lois Fradel (retirement)/Effective 2003/2004 school year
Ronald Bruno/BHS/Food Service-Part-time/$8.08 per hour/From 2 to 3 hours per day/Replacing Julie Cole (transfer)/Effective 2003/2004 school year
Paulette Dow/PN & BHS/Food Service-Satellite & Part-time/$7.43 per hour/From 5 to 4.5 hours per day/Giving up BHS part-time position/Effective 2003/2004 school year
Joyce McCutcheon/MT/Para Educator B/$9.65 per hour/From 12 hours per week to 6.5 hours per day/Changing students-per new student’s IEP/ Effective 2003/2004 school year
Amy Osborne-Schebler/HH/Para Educator B/$9.65 per hour/From 3 to 5.75 hours per day/Per student IEP/Effective 2003/2004 school year
Danell Randall/RSAC/Administrative Assistant-Human Resources/From $12.92 to $13.53(Step 4) per hour/Same hours/Alignment of duties and pay within department/Effective 6/30/03
Sarah Smithey/From MT to HH/Para Educator B/$9.65 per hour/From 24 hours per week to 6.5 hours per day/Per student IEP/Effective 2003/2004 school year
5.04 Student Teaching Cooperative Agreement with University of Northern Iowa.
5.05 Student Teaching Cooperative Agreement with University of Iowa.
5.06 Student Transportation Fee Change. Directors considered approval of a change in transportation fees for one semester, a.m. or p.m., to $38.00 from $37.50.
5.07 Construction Proposals. Rich Reysack from Story Construction reviewed proposed revisions to construction projects for summer 2003.
5.08 Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment.
Into Bettendorf, 2003/04
Jeremy Brown, grade 8, from North Scott, good cause due to change of residence
Zachary Brown, grade 9, from North Scott, good cause due to change of residence
Marcus Gillmor, grade 9, from Pleasant Valley, continuation due to change of residence
FOR INFORMATION ONLY. The following students have open enrolled out of the Bettendorf Community School District:
Out of Bettendorf, 2002/03
Lucas Taylor, grade 9, to Pleasant Valley, continuation due to change of residence

6. Discussion Items.

6.01 Shared Communications.

President Roski shared a card of thanks and appreciation from Kristin Stolte, Neil Armstrong teacher, who is leaving the area.

6.02 Balanced Calendar.

Dr. Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent, provided an update on study plans for this summer’s work on the balanced calendar proposal. By July 15, an informational brochure will be available to the public. The PRIDE will also be distributed and feature a question and answer series relative to the balanced calendar. Director Mayer suggested the brochure include both positives and negatives on the topic. Other recommendations to include in the brochure included high school improvement results, intersession topics and sites, financial implications, and scheduling of conferences and inservice dates.

Staff survey results were shared. Approximately 66 percent of the staff responded, with overall results indicating 41 percent favored the balanced calendar, 26 percent favored the traditional calendar, 29 percent would accept either calendar, and 3 percent were undecided. Superintendent Perdue discussed the parental survey, which will be distributed at fall registration and will provide an opportunity for all parents/guardians to provide input.

Joy Bakeris, 2004 Fairmeadows Drive, Bettendorf, Iowa, suggested the staff and parental survey include a polling to find out if teachers and/or parents would be interested in teaching at intersessions due to the parents’ expectation for these educational opportunities.

Tamara Graves, 5397 Heather Glen Circle, Bettendorf, Iowa, voiced concern for the cost of intersessions and the financial impact on families. She also expressed concern relative to the discrepancy that a shorter break from school provides better retention, which she felt is in direct conflict with the concept of block scheduling, pointing out that students may take one semester of a course and then not be able to enroll in the subsequent class until the following year. Additionally, she stated opposition to the proposed calendar due to summer camps which cannot be held during the winter months due to weather conditions. She recommended the district look closer at improving the current system, particularly as it relates to block scheduling and preparing students for college.

Superintendent Perdue indicated updates on the balanced calendar will be shared again at the
Board of Education meeting on July 14.

6.03 Program-Based Budget.

Superintendent Perdue presented a slide show on the program-based budgeting model, including the role of the Board in this process, budget assumptions, components of program-based budgets, development, and benefits. The district is currently transitioning to a new software accounting system, which may provide opportunities to begin integration of this budget model. Superintendent Perdue and Maxine McEnany indicated an interest in learning more about this model and will plan to update the Board as more information is attained.

7. Action Items.

7.01 Approval of Student/Parent Handbooks 2003/04.

Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Crockett, to approve all existing parent/student handbooks as well as changes submitted for the 2003/04 school year.

Ayes: 5 Directors Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle.
Nays: 0
Absent: 2 Directors Anderson, Castro. Motion carried 5-0-2.

7.02 Approval of Instructional Materials for 2003/04.

Motion by Director Crockett, seconded by Director Weigle, to approve the high school textbook adoptions for 2003/04.

Ayes: 5 Directors Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle, Crockett.
Nays: 0
Absent: 2 Directors Anderson, Castro. Motion carried 5-0-2.

8. Superintendent’s Report.
8.01 Next Agenda Planning. Superintendent Perdue reviewed agenda items for the regular Board meeting scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 14.
8.02 Student Disciplinary Hearing. Superintendent Perdue discussed possible dates for two BHS student discipline hearings.
8.03 Board Secretary Self-Evaluation. Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, reviewed her self-evaluation documents. President Roski requested Directors complete and return the evaluation forms to her by July 1, with the Board Secretary’s formal evaluation scheduled for July 14.

9. Future Events and Informational Items.
9.01 Saturday, June 21, Board Retreat, 8:00 a.m., RSAC
9.02 Monday, July 14, Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 p.m., RSAC

10. Adjournment.

Motion by Director Mayer to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 p.m.

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