PV Board Minutes of May 5

Minutes of May 5 PV School Board meeting, including farewell to retiring staff.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by
President Deborah Dayman. Members present: Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann,
O'Hara, Romans, Thornton. Absent: Coon. Also present: Dale Barber,
Jim Spelhaug, Mike Clingingsmith, Chris Harvey, Cyndy Behrer, Jean
Rittmer, Representative Joe Hutter, Michele Barnes, Ginny Treasure, Ken
Brockhouse, Sue Rastrelli Johnson, Mary Ritter, Barb Skjei, Teri Adams,
Kathy Kinzenbaw, Jodi Buzzell, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Francis, and others.

AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by Barsness, second by Thornton that the Agenda
be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: President Dayman welcomed visitors and American
Government students to the meeting.

Former board member and board president Ken Brockhouse thanked Dr.
Barber for the leadership and direction he has provided for the school
district through the years in his roles as Assistant High School
Principal, High School Principal, and Superintendent. Dr. Barber is
retiring at the end of the 2002-03 school year. He will be honored at a
public reception on Sunday, May 18, 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the High School
Theater/Cafeteria. Dr. Barber thanked Mr. Brockhouse for his continuing
support and involvement in the community through his service to the
Pleasant Valley Schools Educational Foundation and the American Legion.

State Representative Joe Hutter was introduced. Board members thanked
him for his service to our community.

Mrs. Laurie Skjerseth and Mrs. Jan Congreve representing the Orchestra
Boosters shared information on the "Playathon" and two fund raising
projects for the orchestral strings program. One of the fund raising
projects is a "coverlet" showing a collage of the district's schools.
The Orchestra Boosters will be taking orders for the coverlet which
sells for $45.

Dr. Spelhaug told the Board that there will be an orchestra update on
the May 19 Board Agenda. Prior to the meeting an orchestral strings
ensemble will perform.

Director Barsness congratulated the cast and crew of South Pacific. She
commended them for making a difference in the lives of senior citizens
by providing a special dress rehearsal performance for them.

Dr. Spelhaug and Dr. Barber congratulated the Riverdale Heights Math
Team for receiving second place and the Pleasant View Math Team for
placing third in the Iowa State Math Bee Competition.

Dr. Barber reported that work continues on the terrazzo flooring at the
Pleasant View Elementary School classroom addition and will hopefully be
completed within two weeks.

CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by O'Hara, second by Romans that the Consent
Agenda be approved as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. The Consent
Agenda consists of the following: approval of the minutes of the April
21 regular board meeting; the employment of Colleen Powers as a Media
Specialist/ELP teacher at Cody Elementary for the 2003-04 school year;
the resignations of Lisa Roberts as an Early Childhood Special Education
classroom teacher and Melissa Myers as a special education aide at
Pleasant Valley Junior High both effective the end of the 2002-03 school
year; the regular employment of Steven Noack as a part-time custodian at
the Maintenance Center and the Administration Center; the probationary
employment of Linda Stoehr as a food service worker at the High School;
and two open enrollment applications - one from Bettendorf Schools and
one from North Scott Schools for the 2003-04 school year.

EXPENSES APPROVED: Motion by Thornton, second by O'Hara that General
Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $93,527.11 in payment of
invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Barsness, second by Thornton that Nutrition Fund warrants be
issued in the total amount of $19,937.84 in payment of invoices
presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by O'Hara, second by Romans that Elementary/Junior High Activity
Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $3,330.57 in payment of
invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Romans, second by O'Hara that High School Activity Fund
warrants be issued in the total amount of $10,098.72 in payment of
invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Barsness, second by Thornton that Schoolhouse Fund warrants be
issued in the total amount of $16,675.81 in payment of invoices
presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

reading specialists presented the following recommendations: First,
eliminate reading recovery and phase in additional preschool
instruction. While reading recovery offered some benefits, a cost
benefit analysis did not justify reading recovery as the best use of
limited Title I resources. The preschool expansion will begin in the
2004-05 school year and become a district-wide intervention. The second
part of their presentation was a framework for the operation of reading
interventions in our district. This represents a common direction made
possible by the additional reading specialist time added by the
Instructional Support Levy.

Motion by Thornton, second by Barsness that the Board accept the reading
specialist recommendations as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes -
Thornton, Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann, O'Hara, Romans. Nays - none.
Motion carried.

BALANCED CALENDAR UPDATE: Dr. Spelhaug updated the Board on issues
related to the balanced calendar presentations since the last meeting.
He and the Board discussed the format of a survey questionnaire and the
timing for sending it to district parents. The survey will be further
discussed at the May 19 Board meeting. Citizen Dennis Francis spoke in
opposition to the balanced calendar proposal.

following Teacher Appreciation Week Proclamation:

Whereas, a strong, effective system of free public school
education for all children and youth is essential to our democratic
system of government; and

Whereas, The United States has made considerable progress in the
social, technological, and scientific fields due to our system of free
and universal public education; and

Whereas, much of this progress can be attributed to the qualified
and dedicated teachers entrusted with the educational development of our
children to their full potential; and

Whereas, teachers should be accorded high public esteem,
reflecting the value the community places on public education; and

Whereas, PTAs on every level nationwide are keenly aware of the
importance and impact of teachers on children; and

Whereas, it is appropriate that teachers be recognized for this
dedication and commitment to educating their students;

Therefore; I Deborah Dayman, President of the Board of Education of
Pleasant Valley Community School District, hereby proclaim May 4 - 10,
Teacher Appreciation Week and urge all citizens to pay tribute to our
public school teachers.

SCHOOL BOARD RECOGNITION WEEK: In honor of School Board Recognition
Week May 11 - 17, Dr. Barber presented Board members with Certificates
of Appreciation "for dedicated excellence and leadership in public
education and continuing service to the children of this community".

YOUTH": Dr. Barber shared new board policy 501.8, "Homeless Children
and Youth", for its initial presentation. This is a policy that is now
required by the federal No Child Left Behind legislation and Iowa Code.
The policy will be on the next two board agendas for its first and
second readings and final approval.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.


* Jason Mueller, son of Ron and Denise Mueller and Jill Seeba,
daughter of Alan and Connie Seeba, who are the only two students
receiving National Merit Scholarships from the QC Metro Area.

* Josh Doyle, who was named 1st Team All-State by the Iowa
Newspaper Association and Quad City Times Metro "Player of the Year".
He was also selected to play in the Goalsetter All-Star game to be
played in Pella, IA on June 7th. Josh will continue his education and
basketball career at the University of North Dakota.

Summer Tennis at PVCHS

PV Summer Tennis Clinic - for '03-'04 PV students in Grades 3-9. Two
different sessions - June 23rd - 27th or July 7th - 11th, M-F, from
6:30-8:30. Limited to 1st 35 per session. *Information on website & at

PV's Tuesday Night Tennis, under the lights! - Free to all '03-'04 7th -
12th grade boys & girls from PV. Every Tuesday night from 8-9:30,
throughout the summer.

PV Open Youth Tennis Tournament - July 18th & 19th Male & Female singles
& doubles, age groups - 12, 14, 16, 18 & under. Cost is only $15 to
play in both singles and doubles. *Information on website & at PVCHS.


PV Girls Basketball Camps for Summer 2003

The registration will run until June 1st, not May 1st as printed on the
registration form. Continue to send your registrations in. Questions?
Contact Gary Altman @289-4507 or 359-3115.

Junior High Volleyball Summer Camp

Camp Time for 6th-8th graders will be 9:30-11:00 a.m. August 5, 6, and 7
instead of 9:30-12:00.

Best Wishes and Thank You. The following PV employees are retiring at
the conclusion of the 2002-03 school year. We thank them for their
years of service to our students. Best wishes for a great retirement!

Dale Barber 1978 - 2003

Nancy Bettis 1970 - 2003

Leland Hurley 1988 - 2003

Nancy Kelly 1997 - 2003

Joe Kint 1967 - 2003

Sandy Klosterman 1970 - 2003

Ron Phillips 1968 - 2003

Mary Pulido 1970 - 2003

Connie Shafar 1980 - 2003

Doris Spaude 1973 - 2003

Christine Taylor 1971 - 2003

Bev Warner 1982 - 2003

Sherry Whitmer 1985 - 2003

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