Bettendorf Park Board Minutes 3/10/03

Park board discusses Palmer Hills club house renovation.




MARCH 10, 2003

The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on March 10, 2003 in the Canteen Room at the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center at 4:00 pm.

Present: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Absent: None

Rita VanWetzinga reviewed the recreation monthly report, which is annex #1 to these minutes.

Rita reported that the Spring/Summer brochure would be mailed to all Bettendorf residents the week of March 17, 2003.

Rita explained to the Board that she met with the Bettendorf Swim Club and received a letter of request from the Pleasant Valley Swim Club concerning pool time at Splash Landing this summer. She recommended going with the schedule that was in place in 2000. The Bettendorf team would have the morning and the Pleasant Valley team would have the evening time. Both teams still have use of the high school pools and Scott County Park’s pool. Rita recommended each club be charged a $15.00 fee per day for exclusive use of the pool for their practices. If a lifeguard is to be assigned during their use, an additional $10.00 per hour will be charged.

The Board reviewed the proposed Usage Agreement for Splash Landing for the swim clubs.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Worley, to approve staff’s recommendation for use of Splash Landing by the Swim Clubs, pending review of Usage Agreement by the City Attorney.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

Rita also recommended instead of charging the general admission rate of $4.00 for adult lap swim, to offer the program for a charge of $2.00. The program is offered Monday through Friday from 7:00-8:00 am and 5:00-6:00 pm and on weekends from 8:00-10:00 a.m.

The Board agreed with the fee for lap swimming.

Brad Peterson reviewed the monthly golf course report, which is annex #2 to these minutes.

Brad reviewed the proposals received for the landscaping of the new 11th tee. The low bid was from Lawn’s Unlimited in the amount of $3,120.00.

On motion by Worley, seconded by Makoben, to award the contract to Lawns Unlimited for the landscaping of the 11th tee in an amount not to exceed $4,000 to include additional landscaping along the 10th green.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

Steve Grimes explained that the funding would come out of the golf course enterprise fund balance.

Brad reviewed the landscape plans for the new forward tee on #18 and the existing #7 tee. The low bid was from Greenspace in the amount of $7,900. The Park Foundation will be paying out of the Jamie Hill Memorial Funds $4,500 of the project, leaving a balance of $3,466.00 to be funded out of the golf course maintenance budget.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Worley, to approve the expenditure of $3,466.00 for the landscaping of the new forward tee on #18 and the existing #7 tee at Palmer Hills Golf Course.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

Stu Smith reviewed the monthly park maintenance report, which is annex #3 to these minutes.

Stu reviewed the proposals received to re-side the gables and soffits and replace the gutters and downspouts on the bathhouse at Splash Landing. The low bid was from Suburban Construction in the amount of $6,997.00.

Steve Grimes stated that this would be part of the Splash Landing renovation project and would have to be approved by Resolution at the Wednesday Board Meeting.

The Board reviewed Jon Waddell’s golf administration monthly report, which is annex #4 to these minutes.

Commissioner Makoben requested a list of names and events that are scheduled at Palmer Hills Golf Course.

The Board reviewed the request from Marquette Academy to host their Father Conroy Spring Golf Classic at Palmer Hills on May 14, 2003. They will have approximately 100 golfers and are requesting Board consideration to waive the 144 golfer minimum for a shot gun start and charge the senior rates.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Glenn, to approve the Marquette Academy event at Palmer Hills on May 14, 2003 as recommended by staff.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

Jim Pea***** was present to review the bids received for the Cardio and Women’s Locker Room Addition for the Life Fitness Center. A copy of a memo dated March 4, 2003 and a copy of the bid tabulation is annex #5 to these minutes.

Mr. Pea***** informed the Board that six bids were received for the Life Fitness Center Project ranging from $195,673 to $138,250. The estimate for the project was $205,500. The low bidder, Todd Hackett Construction, was contacted to make sure they had not left anything out or if they would stand by their bid. They said that they forgot an item totaling $19,800. With conversations with staff and the City Attorney, they were allowed to withdraw their bid and their bid bond would be returned. The next low bid totaled $168,000, Hy-Brand Industrial Contractors. They were confident that their bid was correct. Hy-Brand is working on the Splash Landing Project and just moving their equipment across the street was reflected in their bid. Mr. Pea***** recommended to the Board to award the contract to Hy-Brand.

The Board will award the contract at the Wednesday Board Meeting by Resolution.

The Board reviewed the Director’s monthly report, which is annex #6 to these minutes.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that the item regarding the proposal for development of Phase I at Field Sike Park would be deferred until the Wednesday meeting. Also, a request was received from the 7th grade class at Lourdes School to plant trees and install a memorial plaque in Meier Park. This will be added to the consent agenda for approval at the Wednesday meeting.

Carol Barnes, Finance Director, was present to review funding options for the Palmer Hills Golf Course Clubhouse. The information reviewed is annex #7 to these minutes.

Carol explained to the Board that there are several different types of funding alternatives to look at for a new clubhouse. The handouts contain two alternatives: (1) Revenue Bonds and (2) G.O.Bonds. With a revenue bond it is necessary to have a higher coverage of revenue coming in to minimize the risk. The interest rate is approximately 5 ?%. With a G.O. Bond you have to have an essential corporate purpose and a Clubhouse is not considered essential. To be able to have a G.O. Bond, a referendum would be required and 60% of voters would be required to pass it. The interest rate is lower at approximately 4.40%. There is another possibility for a reverse referendum. A Public Hearing would be required and if no one objects, $700,000 can be obtained and the Board would have to find another $600,000 from other sources. The Board can also negotiate the sale with a private underwriter or bank. There would be coverage ratio, but usually you can get a favorable rate. The terms would be shorter. The Board would not be able to get a 20 year loan.

Carol further explained that she had concerns about the golf course revenues and the ability of the golf course to make the yearly payment. These numbers are listed on the spreadsheet. The Board would have to increase fees to fund this.

Steve Grimes explained that there are a variety of options. We can apply for a Scott County Regional Authority grant, for a potential $300,000. We have a fund balance of $300,000 and could possibly draw it down to $150,000. The parking lot can be deferred or reduce the size of the facility. The 1.3 million-dollar figure is an estimate, perhaps the bids would come in lower. Interest rates might be better.

Rita stated her concerns with the possible deficit from the Splash Landing enterprise. The golf course would have to share in this deficit. The Life Fitness Center would not be able to cover the deficit alone.

Steve Grimes explained that the City Council informed the Board that the enterprise funds would have to cover $20,000 of the deficit and go back to the Council if it exceeds that amount.

Steve Grimes stated that he feels the next step is to talk to the private lenders to see if there is an interest and what interest rate it might be and pursue the Scott County Regional Authority Grant.

Steve Grimes also stated that the existing clubhouse has a lot of physical problems. We will have to put some money into the facility to keep it functional.

Commissioner Makoben stated that the City Council would probably want to see how the first year of the pool operation goes before approving a clubhouse.

The Board directed staff to explore options on funding of the Clubhouse with private placement and proceed with the writing of a grant to the Scott County Regional Authority. Also, talk to the City Administrator about meeting with the City Council. Look into what is affordable and perhaps downsize clubhouse and not complete the parking lot.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that the City Council is interested in having the Park Board move their meetings to the City Council Chambers. We would need to change the second Monday meeting to the second Tuesday and have the regular meeting on Wednesday of the same week. There would only be one conflict and instead of rescheduling the meeting, the small conference room would be available at City Hall. However, it would not be televised. Steve Grimes asked Board members if they would be available on Tuesdays at 4:00 pm. The only other issues are: two months of the year, more of the bills would have to go through the City Council, because of meeting being early in the month and not all the bills are received by that time and only one agenda would be posted because of the 24 hour stipulation. If the Board wanted to add an item on the agenda, it would have to be voted on. Also, there would probably be more dialog before the meetings and less conversation during the meetings.

The Board requested the Chairman poll the members of the City Council individually about their interest in having the Park Board move the meetings to City Hall. If the Council feels strongly about the Park Board moving, they will move. Further discussion was tabled until after the poll.

The Board discussed grant applications to the Scott Country Regional Authority and Riverboat Development Authority.

On motion by Beckman, seconded by Glenn, to direct the staff to apply for a Scott County Regional Authority grant for the clubhouse and a Riverboat Development Authority grant for a new sports surface at the McManus Park basketball courts.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

The Board reviewed the change orders for the Splash Landing Project. The change orders will be approved by Resolution on the consent agenda at the Wednesday Board Meeting.

The Board reviewed the request to use Leach Park for the Grand Excursion event on Friday, June 25 and Saturday, June 26, 2004.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Beckman, to close Leach Park’s boat docks on June 25-26, 2004 for the Grand Excursion event.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Kamp, Glenn, Beckman, Makoben, and Worley

Nays: None

Chairman Kamp adjourned the meeting at 5:40 pm.

Kamp (Chairman)

Glenn (Vice Chairman)

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