Pleasant Valley School Board meeting 4.7.03

Tom Bradley named new Cody Elementary School principal.

PV Board Minutes 4.7.03

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Deborah Dayman. Members present: Barsness, Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann, Romans, Thornton. Absent: O'Hara. Also present: Dale Barber, Jim Spelhaug, Mike Clingingsmith, Chris Harvey, Ray LaFrentz, Tammy Rogers, Steve Sorensen, Tom Schuetz, Tim Bradley, Dick Davidson, Jerry Neff, Tiffany Pedersen, Ashlee Boynton, Stephanie Chess, Frank Spies and others.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Barsness, second by Coon that the Board hold a closed session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meetings law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose performance is being considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation, as that individual has requested a closed session. Roll call vote. Ayes - Barsness, Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann, Romans, Thornton. Nays - none. Motion carried.

EXEMPT SESSION: Motion by Thornton, second by Romans that the Board hold an exempt session for the purpose of negotiations as provided in section 20.17(3) of the Code of Iowa. Roll Call Vote. Ayes - Thornton, Barsness, Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann, Romans. Nays - none. Motion carried.

AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by Thornton, second by Hoffmann that the Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: President Dayman welcomed visitors and high school American Government students.

Jerry Neff, district resident and Sierra Club representative, shared information regarding the Bus Emissions Education Program (BEEP). BEEP is a not-for-profit partnership of: Iowa Department of Education, the Department of Natural Resources, the School Administrators of Iowa, the Iowa Pupil Transportation Association and Mirenco, Inc. It provides Iowa's school districts with an emissions evaluation program for diesel fueled school buses. The district currently participates in this program and emission testing results have been very good thanks to the quality maintenance work provided by the district's transportation mechanics and the ongoing replacement schedule for buses.

Director Barsness provided an update on legislative issues.

President Dayman recognized five LeClaire Boy Scouts from Troop 46 who received their Eagle Scout rank on March 2 and the memory of Tom Katcher who was their Scoutmaster until his death December 7. The Eagle Scouts are: Matt Carroll, Chris Dayton, Jacob Littrell, Derrick Sweeney, and John Heeney.

Dr. Barber reported that there has been considerable progress made on interior painting at the Pleasant View classroom addition project. Primer coat work has been completed and the painter is installing the finish coats. The ceiling and electrical contractors will begin to install ceiling grids and light fixtures next week. The terrazzo contractor will begin installation of the terrazzo floor in hallways and restrooms in the near future.

Dr. Barber expressed the district's condolences to the family of Carole Anderson. Ms. Anderson, who died recently, was an attorney with the Lane and Waterman law firm and provided the district with legal counsel over the past several years.

The March 17 Board Minutes have been corrected to include the roll call vote following the motion by O'Hara and second by Thornton that the Chief Financial Officer be directed to publish a proposed budget summary reflecting a tax levy rate not to exceed $13.46 per thousand and to establish a date and time of April 7, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. to hold the public hearing and adopt the certified budget for 2003-04. Roll call vote. Ayes - O'Hara, Thornton, Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann. Nays - none. Motion carried.

2003-2004 ADOPTION OF BUDGET & TAXES: Mike Clingingsmith, Chief Financial Officer, reviewed the proposed 2003-04 Budget and Taxes. President Dayman declared the meeting open for a public hearing of the proposed 2003-04 budget and taxes at 7:25 p.m. As no one provided input, President Dayman declared the hearing on the 2003-04 budget closed at 7:26 p.m.

Motion by Romans, second by Thornton to approve the regular Physical Plant and Equipment Levy in the amount of $ .33 per $1,000 of taxable valuation for the fiscal year July 1, 2003, to June 30, 2004, to be expended for the purposes outlined in Chapter 298.3 of the Code of Iowa. Roll call vote. Ayes - Romans, Thornton, Barsness, Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann. Nays - none. Motion carried.

Motion by Coon, second by Barsness that at this meeting of the Board of Directors of the Pleasant Valley Community School District, held as provided by law; and finding that the notice of the time and place of hearing has, according to law and as directed by the Board, been published on the 27th day of March, 2003, in the Bettendorf News, and that the affidavit of publication thereof was on file; and after hearing any resident or taxpayer presenting objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget; I move that we adopt the attached Budget Summary, together with the property tax levies totaling $13.46467 per $1,000 of taxable valuation for 2003-04. Roll call vote. Ayes - Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann, Romans, Thornton, Barsness. Nays - none. Motion carried.

It was noted that the tax levy rate for 2003-2004 has been held at the same level for the past four years and is $1.49 less per $1,000 taxable valuation than the levy was ten years ago. The Board credited the administration and previous Board members for keeping Pleasant Valley Community School District in sound financial condition.

CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Barsness, second by Thornton that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda consists of the following: approval of the minutes of the March 17 regular board meeting; the resignations of Jennifer Meyer as a special education aide at Bridgeview Elementary, Susan Wardlow as a special education aide at Riverdale Heights at the end of the 2002-03 school year, and Roy Weis as a custodian at PVCHS; and the probationary employment of Jane Crawford as an educational aide at PVCHS and Joan Puck as a special education aide at Bridgeview Elementary; three open enrollment applications from Bettendorf Schools for the 2002-03 school year.

EXPENSES APPROVED: Motion by Barsness, second by Thornton that General Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $122,150.76 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Thornton, second by Romans that Nutrition Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $41,541.73 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Romans, second by Thornton that Elementary/Junior High Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $4,502.83 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Coon, second by Hoffmann that High School Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $36,921.19 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

BRIDGEVIEW/CODY/HIGH SCHOOL FLOOR COVERING REPLACEMENT PROJECT: Dr. Barber reported that six floor covering contractors received bidding documents and three submitted bids for the carpet and tile replacement at Bridgeview and Cody and carpet replacement at the High School. The bids ranged from $49,631 to $69,447. The low bidder for the project is Hollingsworth's Wall & Floor Coverings, Inc. He recommended that the Board accept the low bid of $49,631 submitted by Hollingsworth's Wall & Floor Coverings, Inc., for carpet and tile replacement at Bridgeview and Cody and carpet replacement at the High School.

PUBLIC HEARING BRIDGEVIEW/CODY/HS FLOOR COVERING REPLACEMENT PROJECT: President Dayman opened the public hearing at 7:33 p.m. for input from patrons regarding the Bridgeview/Cody/High School Carpet and Tile Replacement Project. There being no comment from the public, the hearing was closed at 7:34 p.m.

Motion by Romans, second by Thornton that the Board accept the low bid of $49,631 submitted by Hollingsworth's Wall & Floor Coverings, Inc., for carpet and tile replacement at Bridgeview and Cody and carpet replacement at the High School. Roll call vote. Ayes - Romans, Thornton, Barsness, Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann. Nays - none. Motion carried.

PLEASANT VIEW FIRE HYDRANT & WATER MAIN PROJECT BIDS: Nine contractors received bidding information and six of the nine submitted bids for the fire hydrant addition at Pleasant View Elementary that is being required by the Bettendorf Fire Department. The bids ranged from $25,454 to $34,625. The district has also budgeted for the second phase of this project which will be to contract with Iowa American Water Company to extend approximately 400 feet of water line from where it terminates on the north side of Valley Drive west of Pleasant View to the southwest corner of the Pleasant View property at Valley Drive. Dr. Barber recommended that the Board accept the low bid of $25,454 submitted by Phoenix Corporation of the Quad Cities, Port Byron, Illinois, for the addition of a fire hydrant at Pleasant View Elementary as required by the Bettendorf Fire Department.

PUBLIC HEARING FOR PLEASANT VIEW FIRE HYDRANT & WATER MAIN PROJECT: President Dayman opened the public hearing at 7:39 p.m. for input from patrons regarding the Pleasant View Fire Hydrant and Water Main Project. There being no comment from the public, the hearing was closed at 7:40 p.m.

Motion by Coon, second by Barsness that the Board accept the low bid of $25,454 submitted by Phoenix Corporation of the Quad Cities, Port Byron, Illinois, for the addition of a fire hydrant at Pleasant View Elementary as required by the Bettendorf Fire Department. Roll call vote. Ayes - Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann, Romans, Thornton, Barsness. Nays - none. Motion carried.

ACCEPTANCE OF JUNIOR HIGH INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC ADDITION: Chief Financial Officer Mike Clingingsmith reported that the district is ready to close out the Pleasant Valley Junior High School Instrumental Music Addition Project. All of the work on the project has been completed and the final request for payment from the contractor, BMW Builders, has been received. Board approval will begin the thirty day time line required for subcontractors to make claims against BMW Builders. We know of no claims pending. At the end of the thirty day period, the district will make final payment of money retained for completion of the project.

Motion by Barsness, second by Coon that the Board approve final acceptance of the Pleasant Valley Junior High School Instrumental Music Addition project. Roll call vote. Ayes - Barsness, Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann, Romans, Thornton. Nays - none. Motion carried.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board met in executive session for personnel from 7:41 p.m. to 8:04 p.m.

APPOINTMENT OF CODY ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL: In open session, motion by Coon, second by Barsness that the Board appoint Tim Bradley as Cody Elementary Principal for the 2003-2004 school year. Mr. Bradley currently serves the district as Junior High Dean of Students. Roll call vote. Ayes - Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann, Romans, Thornton, Barsness. Nays - none. Motion carried.

SCHOOL-TO-WORK REPORT: Tammy Rogers, Steve Sorensen, and Tom Schuetz along with Frank Spies, Ashlee Boynton and Stephanie Chess presented an update report on the School to Work program which is jointly sponsored by the Bettendorf and LeClaire Chambers of Commerce, Pleasant Valley School District and Bettendorf School District. Scott Community College also provides support by offering high school students opportunities to take college courses concurrently with their high school curriculum.

Dr. Spelhaug thanked Mr. Schuetz and Mr. Sorensen for providing community leadership for this innovative program. Mr. Spies described Scott Community College's role and students Ashlee Boynton from PVCHS and Stephanie Chess from BHS described the on-the-job opportunities they have had through the School to Work program which is coordinated by Tammy Rogers.

EXEMPT SESSION: The Board met in exempt session for negotiations from 8:25 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. for the purpose of negotiations.

APPROVE MASTER CONTRACT WITH PVEA FOR 2003-2004 SCHOOL YEAR: In open session, motion by Barsness, second by Coon that the Board approve changes to the Master Contract with the Pleasant Valley Education Association for the 2003-04 school year as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - Barsness, Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann, Romans, Thornton. Nays - none. Motion carried.

The agreement with PVEA calls for an employee contribution to the family health and dental insurance plans beginning at 7% of the cost of family health and dental insurance with an increase of 1% each year until the plan reaches a 10% level of contribution. Also included is the 4.77% increase in health insurance, 8.25% increase in dental insurance, moving teachers one step on the salary schedule, 30 lane changes for increased level of education, 0.5% additional longevity increase, $410 increase on the generator base salary, an addition of 50 percentage points to the extra duty salary schedule, and projected early retiree savings.

APPROVE MASTER CONTRACT WITH SEIU FOR 2003-2004 SCHOOL YEAR: Motion by Thornton, second by Romans that the Board approve changes to the Master Contract with the Service Employees International Union for 2003-04 through 2005-06 as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - Thornton, Barsness, Coon, Dayman, Hoffmann, Romans. Nays - none. Motion carried.

The agreement with SEIU calls for a three year contract for language with a 2.31% (district level of new money) total package increase for 2003-04. Wages only will be negotiated for the following two years of the agreement. The 2.31% total package includes a 4.77% health insurance increase, 8.25% dental insurance increase, a $0.24 across the board wage increase, and, the understanding that the custodians with family health and dental insurance will begin contributing 7% of the cost of family health and dental next year with the employee contribution increasing 1%/year until the level of contribution reaches 10% of the cost of family health and dental insurance. This is the same insurance agreement that was negotiated with the PVEA.

The meeting adjourned at 9:47 p.m.

Next Board Meeting Monday, April 21, 2003 7:00 P.M. Belmont Administration Center


The 2002 Iowa Legislature made changes to the section of the Iowa Code related to Nonpublic Transportation Reimbursement. Per the changes made to Iowa Code Section 285.3, in order to qualify for parental reimbursement, a parent or guardian of a student attending an accredited nonpublic school who furnishes transportation for the student in accordance with this section, shall submit a notice of nonpublic school attendance to the resident public school district, notifying the district that the student is enrolled in and will attend an accredited nonpublic school during the period for which parental reimbursement is being requested. The notice shall be filed with the resident public school district not later than December 1 for the first semester claim and May 1 for the second semester claim each year. Forms which must be filled out in order to qualify for this parental reimbursement are available at the Belmont Administration Center, 525 Belmont Road, Riverdale, Iowa 52722 and on the district website at Information needed to complete the form includes the parent or guardian's name and address, the name, age, and grade level of the student, the name of the nonpublic school and its location and the number of miles one way to transport the child from home to school. Iowa Code Section 285.1, subsection 3, limits the number of students that may be eligible for parent reimbursement to a maximum of three (3) elementary students and one (1) high school student per family.

PLEASANT VALLEY RAP NEEDS YOUR HELP The Right After Prom (RAP) Committee is seeking your help. We are accepting donations to provide a substance free night for our youth following the prom on May 3, 2003. This event has been a PV tradition for more than 10 years. The RAP organization is non-profit and depends solely on donations from parents, civic organizations and local businesses. Donations can be made payable to PVHS -RAP and sent to Pleasant Valley High School - RAP, P.O. Box 332, Pleasant Valley, IA 52767 (ATTN: Cheryl Newport). Adult volunteers are also needed. Contact Susan Derhaag 449-9321.

PV Baseball Preseason Informational Meeting Wednesday, April 16 - 6:00 p.m. H.S. Cafeteria - Freshman & Sophomores H.S. Library - Varsity Players All players interested in going out for H.S. baseball. Parents are welcome to attend. Important dates, times of practices and games, team policies, and guidelines will be communicated.

Bridgeview School is compiling a list of children to be considered for the 2003-2004 Title 1 Preschool classes. The program is federally funded and is offered to children in the Bridgeview-Cody attendance area. To be considered, the student must be four years of age on or before September 15, 2003. Please call the school at 289-4781 to be placed on our contact list. Screenings will be held in late May or early June.

SIGN UP! for Pleasant Valley Schools Educational Foundation's ANNUAL GOLF BENEFIT . . . Presented by Alcoa at Palmer Hills Golf Course

Monday, April 28, 2003.

11:00 a.m. Shot Gun Start.

Funds raised provide PVCHS student scholarships.

Cost - $125 (tax deductible) which includes green fees, carts, snacks, beverages, & pork chop sandwiches at the conclusion.

Hole & Tee Sponsorships available at $100 each.

Plan to join us for an afternoon of golf while benefiting PVCHS seniors!

Visit the district website for a

registration form.

Contact Chris Harvey at

(563)332-5550 or Through the Foundation, PVCHS seniors have been presented 129 scholarships totaling $105,000 over the past twelve years. Join the fun on April 28, and help support this worthy goal!

Congratulations! To Erin Smith, Class of '99, who has been named a Truman Foundation Scholar and is one of only seventy-five persons nationwide to receive a $30,000 scholarship for graduate study.

To Jenna Lensmeyer, Riverdale Heights 5th grade student, who is the 1st place winner in the American Legion's 2nd District Flag Essay Contest.

To Dr. Heidi Tinsman, Class of '82, who has been named the recipient of the 2003 Distinguished Alumni Award for the Pleasant Valley Community School District. The Awards ceremony will be April 23, 2003, 7:00 p.m. in the High School Gymnasium.

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