Presentations scheduled in April on year-round/balanced school calendar.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by
President Deborah Dayman. Members present: Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann,
O'Hara, Thornton. Absent: Coon and Romans. Also present: Dale Barber,
Jim Spelhaug, Mike Clingingsmith, Chris Harvey, Ray LaFrentz, Mary
Louise Speer and others.
AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by Barsness, second by Thornton that the Agenda
be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
COMMUNICATIONS: President Dayman welcomed a high school American
Government student. She also reported that she had recently attended
the Scott County Assessors Official Conference Board Meeting.
Director Barsness reminded board members that the Legislature's funnel
week was next week. She encouraged Board members and others to contact
their legislators regarding pending education issues.
Dr. Spelhaug congratulated the Riverdale Heights Elementary Math Bee
Team for receiving first place and the Pleasant View Elementary Math Bee
Team for receiving third place in the AEA Math Bee. Both teams will
participate in the state contest. Riverdale Heights Math Bee Team
members are: Daniel Morse, Leah Christensen, Bryce Johnson, and Thomas
Graham. Daniel Morse placed first individually and Bryce Johnson placed
second individually. Their coach is David Barber. Pleasant View Math
Bee Team members are: Kim Booe, Kelsey Kraft, Keaton Sandeman, Grace
Vezeau, and the alternate is Sarah Arter. Their coach is Zach Day.
Dr. Barber reported that there has not been a great deal of change at
the Pleasant View Elementary classroom addition project site since the
last board meeting. The building is being heated and rough cleaned in
preparation for painting and terrazzo contractors who may start within
the next two weeks.
CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by O'Hara, second by Barsness that the Consent
Agenda be approved as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. The Consent
Agenda consists of the following: approval of the minutes of the March 3
regular board meeting; the resignations of Jodi Zimmerman as a 4th grade
teacher at Pleasant View effective the end of the 2002-03 school year,
Christina Boyer as a 3rd grade teacher at Pleasant View effective the
end of the 2002-03 school year, Marisa McClain as a Spanish teacher at
PVCHS effective the end of the 2002-03 school year, and Alice Griffith
as an educational aide at the high school; the regular employment of
Brown as a bus driver, Jacquelyn Dwyer as a regular and
special education aide at Riverdale Heights, Tami Stelk as a regular and
special education aide at Riverdale Heights and Robin Wheatley as a
special education aide at the high school; two open enrollment
applications-in from Bettendorf Schools for the 2002-03 school year.
EXPENSES APPROVED: Motion by O'Hara, second by Thornton that General
Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $117,553.79 in payment of
invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Thornton, second by O'Hara that Nutrition Fund warrants be
issued in the total amount of $12,082.67 in payment of invoices
presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Barsness, second by Hoffmann, that Elementary/Junior High
Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $1,756.15 in
payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by O'Hara, second by Thornton that High School Activity Fund
warrants be issued in the total amount of $13,848.90 in payment of
invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Thornton, second by Barsness that Schoolhouse Fund warrants be
issued in the total amount of $77,827.90 in payment of invoices
presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Balanced Calendar presentation that is being presented to faculty,
staff, PTA's, and other community groups to provide information
regarding this issue and afford an opportunity for public input.
Future public presentations are as follows: Wednesday, April
16-Bridgeview cafeteria, 6:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, April 22-Riverdale Heights library, 9:00 a.m., Thursday, April
24 Pleasant Valley Junior High library, 7:00 p.m., Friday, April 25,
Cody conference room, 7:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 29 Pleasant View
library, 7:00 p.m., and Wednesday, April 30 Pleasant Valley High School
library, 5:00 p.m. Other scheduled presentations: April 1: Cody PTA
(6:30 p.m.), April 2: PVJH PTA (1:00 p.m.); PV School Improvement Team
(4:30 p.m.), April 8: Music Boosters (7:00 p.m. at the high school),
April 9: Athletic Boosters (7:15 p.m. at the high school), April 14:
Pleasant View PTA (9:00 a.m.), April 16: Bridgeview PTA (6:30 p.m.);
and Bettendorf Chamber of Commerce (4:00 p.m.) If additional
organizations would like to receive this information, please contact
Chris Smith at 332-5550. If additional organizations would like to
receive this information, please contact Chris Smith at 332-5550. The
public is invited to any of the scheduled presentations.
Operations Ray LaFrentz presented a facility lease agreement with Iowa
Telecom which would provide fiber optic connectivity to Bridgeview,
Cody, and the Junior High. He explained that tying these three
facilities together with fiber will improve the bandwidth and network
speed at the north end of the district. Related to this project will be
the installation of a new antenna system from the Scott Community
College tower to the Junior High which will also improve the bandwidth
and network speed. As part of the agreement, Iowa Telecom requires that
the district purchase long distance telephone service from them. The
district's long distance charges are projected to decrease by
approximately $1,100 - $1,200 annually by entering into this agreement.
Motion by Thornton, second by O'Hara that the Board approve the lease
agreement with Iowa Telecom for fiber connectivity at Bridgeview, Cody,
and the Junior High. Roll call vote. Ayes - Thornton, Barsness,
Dayman, Hoffmann, O'Hara. Nays - none. Motion carried.
MAY 1, 1994: Chief Financial Officer Mike Clingingsmith presented a
resolution to call the outstanding school bonds for Riverdale Heights
Elementary. The resolution is required to enable the school district to
retire its debt on Riverdale Heights six years early as has been planned
since passage of the Local Option Sales Tax in Scott County. The
district has escrowed receipts from the Local Option Sales Tax in order
to pay off the debt on June 1, 2003. Paying the debt off six years
early will save $1,009,270.00 for interest and $5,500,000 in principal
payments which would have been raised from property taxes.
Motion by Barsness, second by Thornton that the board approve the
resolution authorizing the redemption of outstanding school bonds dated
May 1, 1994. Roll call vote. Ayes - Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann,
O'Hara, Thornton. Nays - none. Motion carried.
MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS: Mr. Clingingsmith presented the monthly
financial report for February. Through February, general fund receipts
totaled $12,028,352, (57.1%) and expenses totaled
$13,317,734,(60.9%). The February target for receipts
and expenditures was 66.7 %. The next large receipts of property taxes
will come in the months of April and May which will bring receipts back
up to the target percentage. He also presented reports on the
Management, PPEL, Capital Projects, Debt Service, Hot Lunch, Internal
Service, and Activity funds.
Motion by O'Hara, second by Barsness that the Board accept the monthly
financial reports for February as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes -
O'Hara, Thornton, Barsness, Dayman, Hoffmann. Nays - none. Motion
to establish a date and time to hold a public hearing and adopt the
certified budget for 2003-04. At the last board meeting, Mr.
Clingingsmith presented a preliminary review of 2003-04 property tax
levy rates based on a 2% allowable growth rate. Mr. Clingingsmith
proposed certifying a rate of $13.46 for 2003-04. The district had
promised voters during the Instructional Support Levy campaign a year
ago that the District's total tax levy would not exceed $13.46/$1,000
taxable valuation. Based on the final direction of the board, Mr.
Clingingsmith will prepare and publish a proposed budget summary with a
total tax levy not to exceed $13.46 per $1,000 taxable valuation.
Motion by O'Hara, second by Thornton that the Chief Financial Officer be
directed to publish a proposed budget summary reflecting a tax levy rate
not to exceed $13.46 per thousand and to establish a date and time of
April 7, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. to hold the public hearing and adopt the
certified budget for 2003-04.
The meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
Next Board Meeting
Monday, April 7, 2003
7:00 P.M.
Belmont Administration Center
The 2002 Iowa Legislature made changes to the section of the Iowa Code
related to Nonpublic Transportation Reimbursement. Per the changes made
to Iowa Code Section 285.3, in order to qualify for parental
reimbursement, a parent or guardian of a student attending an accredited
nonpublic school who furnishes transportation for the student in
accordance with this section, shall submit a notice of nonpublic school
attendance to the resident public school district, notifying the
district that the student is enrolled in and will attend an accredited
nonpublic school during the period for which parental reimbursement is
being requested. The notice shall be filed with the resident public
school district not later than December 1 for the first semester claim
and May 1 for the second semester claim each year. Forms which must be
filled out in order to qualify for this parental reimbursement are
available at the Belmont Administration Center, 525 Belmont Road,
Riverdale, Iowa 52722 and on the district website at Information needed to complete the form
includes the parent or guardian's name and address, the name, age, and
grade level of the student, the name of the nonpublic school and its
location and the number of miles one way to transport the child from
home to school. Iowa Code Section 285.1, subsection 3, limits the
number of students that may be eligible for parent reimbursement to a
maximum of three (3) elementary students and one (1) high school student
per family.
The Right After Prom (RAP) Committee is seeking your help. We are
accepting donations to provide a substance free night for our youth
following the prom on May 3, 2003. This event has been a PV tradition
for more than 10 years. The RAP organization is non-profit and depends
solely on donations from parents, civic organizations and local
businesses. Donations can be made payable to PVHS -RAP and sent to
Pleasant Valley High School - RAP, P.O. Box 332, Pleasant Valley, IA
52767 (ATTN: Cheryl Newport). Adult volunteers are also needed.
Contact Susan Derhaag 449-9321.
PV Baseball Preseason Informational Meeting
Wednesday, April 16 - 6:00 p.m.
H.S. Cafeteria - Freshman & Sophomores
H.S. Library - Varsity Players
All players interested in going out for H.S. baseball. Parents are
welcome to attend. Important dates, times of practices and games, team
policies, and guidelines will be communicated.
Bridgeview School is compiling a list of children to be considered for
the 2003-2004 Title 1 Preschool classes. The program is federally
funded and is offered to children in the Bridgeview-Cody attendance
area. To be considered, the student must be four years of age on or
before September 15, 2003. Please call the school at 289-4781 to be
placed on our contact list. Screenings will be held in late May or
early June.
SIGN UP! for Pleasant Valley Schools
Educational Foundation's ANNUAL GOLF BENEFIT . . . Presented by
Alcoa at Palmer Hills Golf Course Monday, April 28, 2003.
11:00 a.m. Shot Gun Start.
Funds raised provide PVCHS student
Cost - $125 (tax deductible) which
includes green fees, carts, snacks, beverages, & pork chop sandwiches at
the conclusion.
Hole & Tee Sponsorships available at
$100 each.
Plan to join us for an afternoon of
golf while benefiting PVCHS seniors!
Visit the district website for a
registration form.
Contact Chris Harvey at
(563)332-5550 or
Through the Foundation, PVCHS seniors have been presented 129
scholarships totaling $105,000 over the past twelve years. Join the fun
on April 28, and help support this worthy goal!
FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2003
BRAVO: PVJH Jazz Band plays at 6:45 p.m.
Variety show featuring our multi-talented junior high students begins at
7:00 p.m.
BISTRO: Gourmet cookies and beverage available during intermission.
ADMISSION: $5.00/person at the door includes cookie, beverage and
entertainment. No activity passes or Century Club passes for this
fundraiser please.
QUESTIONS: Dorothy Addabbo - 359-3648.