New director of human resources hired.
Unofficial Minutes of the March 3, 2003, Regular Meeting
(Pending Board Approval)
1. Call to Order.
The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, state of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for their regular Board meeting at the Ray Stensvad Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa, on March 3, 2003. President Roski called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law.
Members present: Directors Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle.
Members absent: None.
Other officials present: John Perdue, Superintendent; Maxine McEnany, Director of Financial and Business Services; Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications; Susan Sharar, BEA Representative; Drew Colville, Student Representative; Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary.
2. Agenda Approval.
Motion by Director Crockett, seconded by Director Weigle, to approve the agenda as presented.
Ayes: 7 Directors Anderson, Castro, Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle.
Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.
3. Comments and Suggestions from Audience.
3.01 President's Statement. On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite any member of the audience to step to the microphone with comments about items of interest or concern that do not appear on the agenda this evening. Please begin by stating your name and address. It would be most appreciated if you would limit your comments to three minutes so that we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to speak. We ask that you remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. If you have thoughts to share about items that are included as topics for tonight's meeting, we would invite those comments when we reach that point in the meeting. Thank you for your support of our school district.
There were no comments from the audience.
4. Commendations.
4.01 Rick Herrig, Middle School Principal, co-authored an article entitled, "Helping Kids Make Good Choices," published in the February issue of Middle Ground magazine, a publication of the National Middle School Association. Co-authored by Robert Murray, MD, Director of the Borden Center for Nutrition and Wellness at Columbus Children's Hospital, Ohio State University, the article focuses on the recent U.S. Surgeon General's report, Overweight and Obesity Fact Sheet: Overweight in Children and Adolescents, and collaborative efforts by health organizations and schools to improve the health and welfare of young adolescents. Middle School's Principal's Pledge and Fitness Uniting with Nutrition (FUN Week) activities, organized by Jo Mecham, school nurse, Cindy Jacobsen, Director of Food Service, and Middle School teachers Deb Patterson, Marilyn Phelan, and Judy Wade, were featured as examples of health and nutrition programs that the nation's schools can emulate. Mr. Herrig, along with Steve Kwikkel, Principal at Waverly-Shellrock Junior High, also presented the topic, "Middle School Implementation: An Answer for No Child Left Behind," at the Keystone AEA Staff Development Day, held on February 17, at the Postville Community School District. Staff from four northeastern Iowa school districts attended breakout sessions throughout the day.
4.02 Alex Buzzell was accepted to attend the Iowa State University Honor Choir in February. The following students attended the University of Iowa Honor Choir, also in February: Ashley Brummitt, Kelly Grimes, Amy Johannsen, Christie White, Eric Lindstrom, Joe Kopacz and James Ehrmann.
4.03 Congratulations to Brandon Holstrom, John Moeller, Jeff Reed, Erica Smith, Matt Smith, Lisa Takemoto, David Tompos, and Dani Torres for competing in the Special Olympic Winter Games. They competed in the following events: Brandon Holmstrom, Participation Ribbon - 100m snowshoeing race; John Moeller, Silver Medals ñ 500M and 1K Nordic races; Jeff Reed, Bronze Medal ñ 500M Nordic race, Gold Medal ñ 1K Nordic race; Erica Smith, Gold Medal ñ 100M snowshoeing race, Silver Medal ñ 200M snowshoeing race; Matt Smith, Gold Medal ñ 1K Nordic race, Bronze Medal ñ 500M Nordic race; Lisa Takemoto, Gold Medal ñ 100 M snowshoeing race, Silver Medal ñ 200M snowshoeing race; David Tompos, Gold Medal ñ 200M snowshoeing race, Bronze medal ñ 400M snowshoeing race; Danielle Torres , 2 Bronze Medals ñ 100M and 200M Nordic races.
4.04 Diane Brugge, science teacher at Bettendorf High School, assisted the Partners of Scott County Watersheds (PSCW) at Bald Eagle Days. She informed attendees about benthic macroinverte-brate life in area streams and what this indicates about the quality of stream waters and habitat. PCSWís goals to educate the community and improve area watersheds have been greatly assisted by Ms. Brugge and her students, who have aided in area water sampling efforts over the last three years.
4.05 The following Bettendorf High School students have advanced as finalists in the 2003 competition for National Merit Scholarship awards: Kaysha Ballentine, Kathleen Johnson, Anna Prescott, Aaron Sartor, Lucy Sun. To be considered as a finalist for the National Merit Scholarship Program, students must achieve high scores on a Preliminary SAT (PSAT) test and meet other academic requirements. A Certificate of Merit was awarded to each of the finalists.
5. Consent Agenda.
Motion by Director Anderson, seconded by Director Castro, to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Ayes: 7 Directors Castro, Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle, Anderson.
Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.
5.01 Approval of February 18, 2003, Public Hearing Meeting Minutes.
5.02 Approval of February 18, 2003, Regular Board Meeting Minutes.
5.03 Approval of Monthly Financial Reports.
5.04 Approval of March 3, 2003, Bills Recommended for Payment.
5.05 Approval of Administrative Recommendations--Personnel.
Administrative Approval to Hire
Kent Hammer/RSAC/Director of Human Resources/ $44,514/Effective 7/1/03
Classified ñ Resignation
Julie Culliton/NA/Para Educator B/Effective 2/26/03
Trent Hartwig/BHS/Para Educator B/Effective 2/6/03
Classified ñ Early Retirement
Nancy Moler/BMS/Para Educator A/Effective 6/30/03
Classified - Recommendation for Employment
Kathie Blaser/BHS/Food Service-Part-time/$7.65 per hour/5.5 hours per day/Replacing Kathy Nash/Effective 2/18/03
Lisa Porter/RSAC/Guest Staff Caller/$11.25 per hour/4 hours per day/Replacing Lisa Challis/Effective 3/17/03
Diane Rosenberg/PN/Para Educator B/2.5 hours per day/$9.55 per hour/Per student IEP/Effective 2/24/03
Classified - Letter of Assignment Modification
Carol Keller/NA/From Para B-3.5 hours per day to Para A-5 hours per day/$10.95 per hour/Change in studentsí needs and IPEís/Effective 2/21/03
Kelly Rashid/TJ/Para Educator A/$10.95 per hour/Increase LOA one hour per day to include assistance to Resource Teacher/Need due to increased caseload/Effective 2/3/03
Approval of Tuition Application
David Jayne, grade 9 (as of 2003/04), from Davenport
Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment.
Into Bettendorf, 2002/03
Alexander Hanson, grade 2, from Davenport, continuation due to change of residence
Jordan Hanson, grade 5, from Davenport, continuation due to change of residence
Into Bettendorf, 2003/04
Brandon Karr, kindergarten (as of 2003/04), from North Scott
FOR INFORMATION ONLY. The following students have open enrolled out of the Bettendorf Community School District:
Out of Bettendorf, 2002/03
Manuel Carvojal, grade 8, to Davenport, good cause
Michael Griffith, grade 9, to Davenport, continuation due to change of residence
Dagmar Stevens, grade 12, to Davenport, good cause
Mariah Tyson, kindergarten, to Davenport, continuation due to change of residence
6. Discussion Items.
6.01 Shared Communications.
Director Crockett attended the community forum entitled ìShow Me The Moneyî and complimented Maxine McEnany on the content of the forum.
Director Weigle reported receiving a letter from Bettendorf Booster Club, thanking the Board of Education for donating a cake to their recent auction.
Director Weigle attended the play ìOliverî at BHS and stated it was very enjoyable and a good representation of students at all levels.
Director Weigle shared highlights of the BHS grammar class, stating next year it has the highest enrollment thus far. She expressed appreciation for the opportunity to monitor and participate in the class. She plans to take the final exam and write an article for a school board journal regarding her learning experience.
Principal Jerry Fagle provided a recent tour to Director Luton on the improvements completed at Grant Wood Elementary to handle flooding.
Director Luton and Superintendent Perdue attended a recent legislative forum, with discussions focused on funding issues.
Director Luton and Maxine McEnany attended an insurance meeting, reporting on a proposed health reimbursement account which may be of benefit to the district.
Director Castro attended the recent State wrestling tournament in Des Moines, with Andrew Bribriesco and Brian Stelley both placing third.
Director Castro shared proposed bills being considered by the legislature, including a potential cost savings of not having to publish the Board minutes in the newspaper and a proposed construction bill which would raise the public bid limit threshold from $25,000 to $100,000.
Director Castro discussed the mobilization of National Guard units and suggested to Student Representative Drew Colville that the Student Council may want to consider a food drive for families affected.
Director Castro reported on the February 20 Parent Executive Meeting, where Tammy Rogers, School-To-Work Coordinator, discussed mock interviewers conducted by local business leaders, noting the following top three attributes desired: appearance, communication, grammar.
President Roski announced an IASB conference April 5 in Cedar Rapids entitled ìOpen Meeting Laws.î If interested, contact Superintendent Perdue.
President Roski acknowledged the efforts of Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications, related to the new promotional brochure developed for BCSD.
Mrs. Sharar reported on student reading activities held at Neil Armstrong in honor of Dr. Suessí birthday. Director Weigle also participated in related activities at Jefferson elementary.
6.02 Budget Update.
Maxine McEnany updated Directors on the short- and long-range budget plans, certification timelines for publishing and adopting the 2003/04 budget, and comparative property tax rates for Scott County schools. Superintendent Perdue stated the district recommends continued participation in the Budget guarantee for 2003/04, and he will continue to update the Board as numbers become more definitive for the budget year.
6.03 BOE Retreat Planning.
Superintendent Perdue presented a draft schedule of retreat topics for Saturday, April 5. These topics include the districtís strategic plan, year-round education strategic plan, review of Board goals, and bargaining.
7. Action Items.
7.01 Budget Guarantee.
Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the resolution directing district participation in the Budget Guarantee program for the 2003/04 school year.
Ayes: 7 Directors Crockett, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle, Anderson, Castro.
Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.
8. Superintendentís Report.
8.01 Student Travel. Superintendent Perdue reviewed the upcoming student travel plans. He asked for Board input on student travel should the level of alert reach its highest level or a condition of war with Iraq exists.
8.02 Follow-Up Reports. Directors reviewed the follow-up reports for 2002/03 requested by the Board of Education.
8.03 Next Agenda Planning. Superintendent Perdue reviewed agenda items for the regular Board meeting scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 17.
9. Future Events and Informational Items.
9.01 Tuesday, March 11, Interest-Based Bargaining, 4:15 p.m., RSAC
9.02 Thursday, March 13, Facilities Advisory Council, 5:00 p.m., RSAC
9.03 Friday, March 14, Kindergarten Round-Up
9.04 Monday, March 17, Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 p.m., RSAC
Directors recessed at 8:07 p.m. and reconvened at 8:12 p.m.
10. Closed Session.
Motion by Director Luton, seconded by Director Anderson, to go into closed session to discuss the Superintendentís professional competencies and evaluation in accordance with Section 21.5(1)(i), Code of Iowa.
Director Mayer expressed his objection to the closed session because he did not feel it met the criteria, primarily as it related to preventing needless and irreparable injury to the Superintendentís reputation. President Roski stated Superintendent Perdue has requested this be discussed in closed session and she would like to honor his request.
Ayes: 6 Directors Crockett, Luton, Roski, Weigle, Anderson, Castro.
Nays: 1 Director Mayer. Motion carried 6-1.
Directors went into closed session at 8:13 p.m.
Directors returned to open session at 9:14 p.m.
11. Adjournment.
Motion by Director Mayer to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m.
Debbie Roski, President
Lynne Lindstrom, Secretary